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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Well, I'll be blowed, look's like you're the host this time! Regardless, the Peng Challenge is back on Aussie soil and that's going to annoy the rest of the poolers no end! Well done, Stuka, you've done us proud, mate! btw Pawbroon, neener neener neener! Mace
  2. Just posting here to cover my bases! IS Phan having another midlife crisis? Cheer up mate! You know your amongst... fr..fr...*strains*...friends here! Mace
  3. Hmmmppphhh Someone seems to forget the sacrifices we Aussies made on French soil in WW1...that's gratitude for you!
  4. That's a bloody lame Title, Stuka...where's the Aussie reference? anyhow, let the adjudicator's decide Mace
  5. Since I was fortunate to witness the closure of our previous thread, I claim the right to commence the new one. The usual legal stuff: 1. Bugger Off. 2. If in doubt as to the meaning of Rule #1, then ... Bugger Off. 3. IF you're as thick as two planks of wood and like to throw ya' weight around, adhere to the following procedures: 4. Sound off like ya got a pair! No Wusses here. This is a place for insults, bile, threats, taunts and general mayhem. 5. Keep the language down a bit, we don't want to hear about your wedding tackle or favorite bedtime positions (leave it to the veterans, Bauhaus or myself): "More Class, Less Crass." 6. Pick someone specific and challenge them to a game. And read 4 above!!! And struth, mate, expect to have your lack of life, intelligence and ability torn asunder. 7. We don't give a rats at how good ya are at CM. just play by the rules, our rules, which are made up as we see fit. 8. Ahh, bugger, you should know the rest by now. Me beer's getting warm. 9. Roll out a keg, and fire up the barby, cause you're back in Oz now! Mace [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: However I will continue to graciously accept your little gifts and nod courtiously to you as we pass in the corridor, but I must gently direct your affections in the direction of one Mr Bauhaus and one Mr Mace, where I'm sure they will be warmly received.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm boiling the oil and preparing the battlements to give him the reception he rightly deserves! btw, It's liberation day tomorrow, the day I loose this infernal Peng signature...why....why, I'm so happy I could burst!!!! Mace btw I happen to like Speedy's proposal for peng challenge title!
  7. I'll go with Goanna here, even if he's a cold-blooded scaly life-form with large gnashing teeth. It's time this thread was highjacked back to Australia, so how about: Throw another PENG CHALLENGE on the barby. I also expect the other aussies here to submit a title choice, so Speedy, Stuka, Goanna, OGBF, put your thinking caps on and come up with something will ya? Mace [ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by REVS: The 'Tigers' looked small, and there seemed to be quite a few open-topped assault guns completely out of their depth in the street fighting. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can't comment about the jagdpanzers, but the Tigers were converted T34s, the track and bogies being the giveaway. Mace
  9. Start one! Some of the older wargame magazines had articles on how to merge tactical wargame systems with a strategic campaign one, using maps and simple rules. You will however need a Game master to overview the moves and assess when any action will take place. Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Mace!, you BeeGee's wannabee<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There is no nead for namecalling! I have you know I like my music loud and heavy, not soft and limp-wristed!!!!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> During a lull in my busy day I have checked my home e-mail and find that, at 1.20 pm on a tuesday afternoon, you are e-mailing turns from home. What is the name of your supervisor young man? I have a report to make. (Edited to spell "stupid, useless, good for nothing, hopeless, lazy bastige" correctly) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Err, does recreational leave mean anything to you? However, Steve (State's premier) did ring me up saying "Mace, mate! We need you back. Victoria is just not performing at it's best without you!" so I report back to duty tomorrow! I love a short working week!!! Mace
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido: What say you, old man? Let us invoke Berli for a playing field, just to maximize the unpleasantness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There's nothing as enjoyable as watching the relationship between a Knight and his squire develop over time. *sniff* After all the time and effort that the Knight puts into his squire, developing a lean - mean taunting machine, it brings a tear to my eye to know that the squire pays back all that nurturing and support with a well placed brick right between the eyes. You have done your Knight proud (and in), Aqua pudding. Oh, the emotion of it all! *sob* Mace
  12. err...I'm about 2 months older than last time this question was asked... btw, Fieldmarshall, since I'm old enough to be your dad, do your homework and get to bed, NOW!!!! Mace
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: ...piece of...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...of...of...err? What was the subject again? Anyone?...
  14. Lorak, a briefing from das Vestern Front. Our Secund Speedy/Mace has resulted in a ...vait vor it ... DRAW! It vas mit der tank battle, Panthers undt Pumas versus Shermans undt Wolverines undt the odd Churchill. It vas twilight, it vas foggy, das ground vas damp undt so vas our trousers from all the frights. Both of us were left with one Panzer each, undt lots of crew vithout mit tank. I am pleased to announce that I, at 50 points, had 2 points more than herr Speedy. Again, let us zing das Macey Macey uber alles Lorak, please note Speedy, A draw Mace, Draw, but mit das 2 more points! Mace
  15. *a bandaged hand slowly lifts the hatch of the jagdpanther* Is it safe, is she gone? *peers carefully around, keeping an eye out for a katschen frauline mit panzerschreck* Zum tuffel, It vas dis hard fight, but the superior Mace kitties undt the uberhamsters fought the mighty fight, and defeated the evil Speedyundt his nasty Canucks! It took the loss of a jagdpanther, undt Hetzer undt 2 Jagdpanzers mit the 75mm L70, but he had the audacity to make undt battle with that nasty Fireflies! But our jagdpanther showed them..especially undt that vun that took two hits on the mantlet vithout undt penetration...Gott im himmel...vats der justice vor you..but not vor der Speedy! I now haf to go undt fight him undt our other battle, undt it is with pleasure that I announce that ve haf taken the big VL mit our sole panther, undt his sole wolverine vill not get there in time..neener achtung neener! Now, who's vor a stirring rendition of Macey Macey uber alles (except das Kitty, nein, she vell undt truely booten my arsch)! Lorak Iv you will, nein? Mace: victory Speedy: indignation Mace
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: I think you may still have some wool in your eyes from that last sheep; i said "I wear the Mask of Shame! Not you!! For the love of Peng, read more carefully.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No wool in my eyes, but I do smell of lamb. But...but....I'm a Public Servant, we have to read and then misinterpret the government rules and regulations as well as enacted laws. It's a fine skill honed after many years of service that's used in home life as well. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>*slapping your hand away* And I am? According to you, I'm "faithless and fickle." So be it. And I'll add that I am pissed off at you to no end!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OUCH!!! *with good hand, pulls out instructions* to be opened in times of crisis only, please follow instructions carefully 23.4) Assume crash position XXI) Put head between legs 7.6.2) Kiss backside goodbye *smooch* <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Ask about purchasing my underwear. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can I purchase your underwear? Mace (btw, good to have you back)
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: As if the gallant lads of the CessPool would allow themselves to be commanded by ANYONE<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gallant and cesspooler? That's an oxymoron isn't it? Mace (who is quite opened about being commanded, as long as it involves females dressed in leather, stockings and suspenders, and equipped with various torture implements) [ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Pennigan's Wake...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean he's dead?!! That would explain the sickly sweet smell wafting from his body. Mace
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Mace is lame. the sheep shinned him skinned him made love to him then hung him up to dry WHY? because it could. rolling in clover it rolled him over and had its dirty flirty way with him BAAAAA! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Umm, is this bad? Sounds like fun to me! Mace (smiley for Peng's benefit)
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: ...assinine...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...pert little...
  21. Look, I've found several other books for you to read, Joseph's Todger: This? Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way ..or.. You're Different -- And That's Bad No? How about: The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator Read them, experience them! Don't thank me, it was the least I could do for a fellow antipodean! Mace
  22. Whoops....pushed the red button marked 'do not press'! Me bad!!! [ 07-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: I wear the <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh lucky me....I now have a matching set of two! Perhaps I can celebrate by finding another train I can throw myself under! btw, do I know you? I'm Mace *extends hand* ...and you are? [ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Now bash your stooopid skull down REALLY hard a dozen times! Better still, count it out on your fingers as you go. Better make it 9 times then. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bang! Thump! Wallop! Crack! Crunch! Thwack! Bang! Thump! ..... Tonk! Did that, now what? Btw, did I receive a thank from Sir WXYZ for the lesson I gave him in why driving two buttoned-down tanks over the crest of a hill without first checking what's on the other side is a bad idea? No!!! How Rude and inconsiderate! Mace [ 07-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
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