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Everything posted by Huntarr

  1. My only point is that there is a place for discussion of non CMSF. They have kindly provided a place for it on their site, it's just not in here. Here is probably where it should go: General Discussion Forum General Forum for issues not directly related to Battlefront.com products.
  2. Yes stackable commands, not necessarily 3 per but things like arcs, facing, pause.
  3. I have reported that as not working already. It is on the list
  4. I like the individual AT4 and Jav's. Marines me like pictures
  5. LOL, Redwolf. At least your able to acknowledge when you have a faux pax. Some of the "peanut gallery" won't even do that much. :cool:
  6. Well it's not really poor form to trash it here in the COMBAT MISSION FORUMS. What is poor form is bringing it here in the first place. Praise and bash CM all you want here. But why not keep WIC in it's home.
  7. I personally think that the reason we are gamey with javelins is that we are not getting enough of the actual fire support we should be getting (ala. mortars and arty) Save the serious CAS for the Marines. That is were the real firepower is. Side note yes IMHO they are also a little to powerful on the explosive side.
  8. My opinion is you dodged a bullet with the c.... It's like calling your GF a c... Dead man walkin
  9. Rollstory, I think you almost got it. One more time for the back of the peanut gallery? Yeah the hotkey's were fixed already; I'm not sure why anyone is complaining about them anymore. How is BFC supposed to actually read the minds of every single player of this game and then configure the hotkey layout it fit his/her "perfect" set?......Oh I know let them lay it out for themselves. Brilliant!
  10. I would assume pop smoke reverse and hide would all fall into that evade type category. I'd love for those buttons to be implemented into WEGO, it would certainly help out some of the TacAI weaknesses.
  11. Yeah I've pointed out the Strkyer's are less responsive in 1.02 than 1.01
  12. I totally blame CMSF's pathfinding for this! :mad: (oh and RT, never would happen in WEGO) Charles no more nutrients for your jar!
  13. Nice job Sgt. Abominable Snowman reward
  14. Thats why I name all my troops George "I can hug him and squeeze him and call him George George is my friend" Name that quote!
  15. Thats classic CM, it makes the gamey reload that much harder, so your more inclined to deal with consequences.
  16. OUTSTANDING! (putting away Ghillie suit and M-40A1) No more stalking you tonight.
  17. OI! I resemble that fact!..............resent
  18. Sorry Red I refuse to believe my own eyes (sticks fingers in ears) LA AL ALALA. Good job man, thanks for taking the extra time to check both.
  19. Shameless Bump while Steve is running thru the forums
  20. um all I pointed out was that you might have used FAST not MOVE. kidding my feeling aren't hurt
  21. Uh? Never heard of this and it is not how the game works. Sorry man but this is nonsense. Sure, if I draw a bazillion slow-mode waypoints around the corner it probably gets the corner better. But then you'd also have to guess how fast the vehicle is to slow down early enough in the path. That's like trying to fly a jet plane without sitting inside and way outside of what a CM player should be loaded with. </font>
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