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Everything posted by Huntarr

  1. Rune, mine was either "you know who's fix" or the beta or a combination of the two. I've got you a more detailed explaination in Skunkworks.
  2. Allah's Fist Default screen 163.67 beta Nvidia GeForce 6600 256mb Balanced/Balanced FPS ~30 (Vsync off ~54) Alt-Tab ~30 Better/Better FPS ~20 (Vsync off ~24) Alt-Tab ~20 Best/Best FPS ~14 (Vsync off ~14) Alt-Tab ~14
  3. I have noticed they do keep a target fixation effect on whatever you manually target. They don't seem to break it for a larger threat.
  4. It would be much appreciated if you had the direct link to that patch. It does not seem to be found thru the normal channels. Yes, I did look under beta drivers, as I pointed out previously that is the newest one coming up. 163.44
  5. that version can not be found on nvidia's site. ForceWare Release 163 BETA 163.44 August 20, 2007 is the most recent driver I can find. Your link is busted BTW, I think it is the comma in there.
  6. If it's a selectable option for play on, then sure I don't mind that suggestion.
  7. Who are these users that expect an AI to find the "best" path for their troops?? Based on the pathing complaints I have seen, you would have to be mad to rely on the AI, and I don't think many CM players are looking for that to happen. As Steiner states in his previous post you plot out where you want your dudes to go and they should go there, plain and simple. Only if they come under fire should TacAi pathing kick in. </font>
  8. I think it makes for a fairly strong case that there is TacAI happening. Correcting for a very general tactical decision. The Senior NCO staff helping out the "Butter Bar w/ a mouse" and trying to keep everyone in cover. If he wanted a specific route then all he had to do was place 1 or 2 more waypoints. It's not hard to do.
  9. Hell I know that if I was told to cross that field and saw that nice safe ditch then that is sure as Hell where I am gonna move thru. If you didn't want them to bunch up, then you should have given more than just some crazy ass 1 waypoint destination.
  10. Should only be TF Thunder Campaign and the training.
  11. I'm not freakin' I just forgot to use smiley faces I just won't get into exactly the steps you wisely pointed out. Don't get me wrong, your contribution has been much appreciated. I just won't get baited by some who are simply going to go negative or beyond what was already shown. Better to just let them stir in their juices. I have already gone way past my bounds by showing anything, it was just too good not to know about. [ September 09, 2007, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  12. I can see where we are getting off topic so I will be as PC as a Salty Ole Gunny can be and state the following: I will not further jeopardize my NDA by getting into some circular debate over bugs, features, he said she said, small furry badgers with big pointy teeth, nor any of the above. I was attempting to provide a glimmer of hope to the loyal and dedicated patrons of this game. To show that even as you bitch and moan about what is or is not working to your satisfaction, BFC is working at a near non stop pace to provide you with the quality product that you expect from them. My attempt to not have you feeling like “Shrooms” (kept in the dark and fed ****e) has bit me in the arse. So I will... ...,go back to what I was doing, playing CMSF and enjoying the crap out of WeGo, finding and reporting in a civilized manner the bugs and suggestions that will make this game the most kick butt Tac Sim on the market. My mistake.
  13. Cid in your opinion, which is currently limited to what you are aware of. I was a big fan of your amusing edit of the CMx1 panel, but your comments on how long it will take to get TacAI in line are about as useless as tits on a boar. Spare us please. [ September 09, 2007, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  14. Unfortunately, if you have never seen the original Tour of Duty then you will be sadly disappointed by the DVD. The F$%^@# :mad: couldn't get the music from the original show so they used musaic. (elevator synthesized crap) When you hear “Paint it Black” on retarded Casio 14” keyboard you may just puke. That was a crying shame with that DVD release. It had by far probably the best music of a TV show ever next to Miami Vice of course.
  15. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/accp/is3009/appb.html
  16. Instant Commands have been reported as a bug a while back. That is something on the list to be rectified.
  17. Great question. I just assumed it effected your ability to spot IED's, VED's, and Spy's
  18. There is a solution to the Dust being seen problem. Stop using "God's Eye". Play only from the "1" camera setting and you will only see dust when it is appropriate. For those that use the "God's Eye" then I don't have a problem with the dust as is.
  19. sshhh, I just started a new batch of popcorn. I love my bed time stories with Capt, that last one was excellent by the way. I miss the "Mog"
  20. they are actually short walls, look at the shadow and you can see that the tall wall has a bigger shadow. It is located at the bottom of the image.
  21. um like 9 times there slowmo. I didn't call it "DEATHBLOSSOM" for nothing. WeGO is alive and kickin baby.
  22. Don't push the button that says "DEATHBLOSSOM" Aahhh, What 1 PO'd Bradley can do to your neighborhood soon. Oh and I think you know what those little red lines mean. [ September 08, 2007, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  23. Well Stryker smoke is really intended as a defensive measure so that is why anti thermal smoke is used. When the US uses smoke as an "offensive" it's usely deployed by Arty. Sadly CMSF has not yet given us that feature, YET.
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