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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Drop me an email and I'll send you a dropbox link for mods that make the in-game look more Syrian. It's georgemc at coldclimbs dot com. Cheery!
  2. I thought this was excellent. Great to see how someone goes about playing this. Must admit is approach was similar to my own when I played H2H. It's worth running through the opening moves recreating Wittmann's attack (or let the AI do it - there are instructions in the designer notes about which AI Plan best recreates the actual German attack) and see just how much of an ambush he ran into. Oh it can also give you an insight into who killed Wittmann (I went to great lengths to ensure as much topographical accuracy as I could given the scenario editor limitations so it's as close as close can be to a 70 year old battlefield). Given the set-ups of both the Brits (Ekins) and the Canadians (Radley Walters) either or both could have fired the killing shot. Still check it out for yourself. This film is well worth checking out even if just for the innovative techniques used. Does anyone know if the chap involved is on this forum at all?
  3. Well put together film about Kursk involving German propaganda news reel plus additional footage. Worth watching certainly for the opening five minutes for the footage of German infantry, armour and SPW in combat supported by nebelwerfers.
  4. Your Game folder will be in your users/documents (assuming Windows?) address- see the address link above - if you use that as a guide you should track it down. It's not in the programme files. I think IIRC it's also described in the game manual where you can find stuff. I'm sure you'll get it
  5. Hi @Daly When you unzip the file you should get a folder with three files (one is a PDF with the historical background; the other a tac map) the third file should be a .btt file named CMRT Carius at Malinava_v1.btt You need to move/copy this file into your CMRT scenario directory. The path (assuming you used the default installation) might look like the folloiwng: C:\Users\George Mc\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder\Game Files\Scenarios. You need to place the btt file into the foler marked 'scenarios' in your game file directory. Start the game up and you should see it now. Hope this helps.
  6. Kieme's mods: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120292-kiemes-mods-all-in-one-place-pin-please/
  7. Hi @TAKODA Really pleased you enjoyed this. I think it's the Ost Front equivalent of Wittmann's Villers Bocage action with regard to historical debate and discussion. Si being able to 'game' the action I find helps me understand the various accounts of these actions and how accurate the accounts may be. Thanks again for the playthrough and feedback. Much appreciated ta
  8. Hi @BarbaricCo Thanks for the excellent screenshots and feedback. Glad you enjoyed the whole package. I enjoyed the research as much as I did creating the scenario. It's long fascinated me that action and interesting to check out the historical realities behind the accepted account. All the more gob smacking when you realise that Carius and Kerscher did indeed, drive into a village full of T34s! Just shows how much bravery and skill with a heavy dose of luck can pull of the seemingly impossible. TBH I'd always been a wee bit skeptical about the detail of the action but the research from the Russian side (which set out to establish the facts) did indeed support the main details of Carius' own account. Anyway cheers for taking the time to play this and for posting your feedback
  9. Hi @A co There were some coding issues with the turret traversing as I hinted at in my original post, hence it's restricted arc. It's been re-highlighted by the beta testers with BFC but, like all these things, no promises as to when/if it'll be fixed. Personally I'd like to see it fixed as I use em a lot! Meantime I've learned to work with the restriction 'in-game' by keeping em back and ensuring they are less likely to be engaged from their side arcs.
  10. Not sure I'd trust the source that described Grossdeutschland as an SS unit... It appears there is some confusion with the half track armoured variants with a mounted 2xm flak gun e.g. some with partly armoured bodies but built on a sdkfz11 chassis. The version in-game i.e. the 251/17 is built on the sdkfz chassis and is fully armoured. Also according to Jentz the turret could traverse 360 degrees. I can't mind why in game it's got limited travel. Could be a coding issue.
  11. I'm liking that colour palette - subtly dramatic
  12. It's good to see I've got options. Creating a 'paper' scenario creation business or kipping on BLTSK's couch.
  13. I like the newer look which is a bit more toned down. You planning on making this one public so we can give the tyres a kick?
  14. All pics taken in-game on a Windows 7 based system with a Nividia GTX970 graphics card; all settings best. Taken at around 0600Hrs - overcast and misty. Current in-game view (note game heavily modded) Same view, same time, with shaders installed and in 'war movie' mode Taken around 1400Hrs, clear weather. Current in-game view (again heavily modded). Same view, time etc. In 'war movie' mode using new shaders.
  15. I've gone for it. Just pre-ordered. I think the missus will understand...
  16. No worries . To clarify I do think it's interesting but I know sweet feck all about shaders! I've tried it in game on windows, variety of times of day. Results are not to my taste but it sounds like this can be tweaked. So that has my interest. I'll post some screenshots from in-game so you can gauge what it looks like. I'm finding overall on my PC the shadows are very dark, overly so. Could be mods I use or the way my PC is calibrated via my graphics card. Still give me an hour and I'll post some screens.
  17. Like art - every one has their own view on what is and what is not, 'good' art. Whilst I admire the effort to produce these shaders that colour pallet is not for me. It's very garish and 'loud'. TBH I rather like the default settings (although I don't use a MAC and I'm not a fan of the war movie colour palette either) and I heavily mod the game (mostly using Kieme's terrain mods with Aris vehicles, plus Tanks a Lot's buildings and Vein's infantry) to produce an in-game 'look' that fits with my personal sense of aesthetics. However I'm sure there will be many who like the look shown in your screenshots. That's a beauty of this game is you can nod the look to suit personal preferences.
  18. Yup. I'm working on a wee campaign centered around a SPW company during operations involving 3rd Panzer Division in Poland early August 1944. It'll be a while though I think.
  19. Thanks for this - be interested to see how it plays out against H2H. The bridges are key in some respects. Light bridges have a weight limit - heavy bridges no weight limit. So most tanks can cross the light bridges but some heavy tanks can only cross using the heavy bridges. Light bridges are easier to destroy for sure. Glad you liked the map. It was labour of love! Oh it's also a fairly good representation of the terrain the fight took place on - used period maps to get the general layout etc. Be keen to hear how it goes. Make the Germans fight for every inch!
  20. Hi Lee Thanks for giving this a shot and for posting your comments. There are three Soviet AI Plans and various triggers so the AI attacks using three very different plans. So it's a bit of luck of the draw. Although using triggers make the AI a bit more reactive there are no conditional triggers so once the AI starts to react, well it carrys on with the plan. Even if that means moving into a very obvious kill zone. I am playing about with another version that has slightly beefed up Soviet forces but it's a lot harder I've found and I rather like the slightly easier version as the German player stands more chance of attaining their objectives. I can tweak it a bit more though tor educe the chance of the AI surrendering so I'll look at that. Thanks again for the comments and feedback and pleased you enjoyed it
  21. Hi Guys @Paul - I've rock climbed at neist Point (It's a great spot for climbing, with good rock). Munros are mountains in Scotland over 914m (a few other criteria to qualify a s Munro rather than a Top). @BLSTK - I've been on the Cuillin Ridge loads over the past 30 years. I've guided (and continue to guide) people along the ridge, plus done a lot of rock climbing in the Cuillin. One of the most unique mountain experiences in the UK. More alpine than anything. If you want to see something truly wild check out Danny McAskill riding the ridge on his bike. he's a local loon (although originally from Dunvegan on Skye). @Greg - cheers mate. i survived!
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