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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Damn... Image too small. OK my PC details: Windows 7 64 bit Intel Core 2Duo CPU E8400 @3.00GHz 4GB RAM NIVIDIA GeForce GTX260 466GB HD Oh top tip - shut down your CMBN, then start up again then try to load the scenario. The new patch as I said addresses this memory issue.
  2. When the new patch comes out for CMBN it will make a difference in loading and crashes during play. FWIW my PC specs are in the screenshot attached below.
  3. BFC guys are pretty busy working on patches for both CMSF and CMBN - hence the lack of response. I just picked this one up myself. I can't formally speak for BFC but usually with the scenario stuff that comes down to individual designers as to what they do after the game has been published. Usually after a few months or so some of the guys do release campaign scenarios as standalones. I think one of the main issues with Task Force Thunder is many of the scenarios were done a while back and many of the designers might not be that keen ongoing back and updating some older work. Many of us are pretty busy now making a start on doing maps etc for the new Commonwealth module for CMBN plus beta testing patches. For this main reason I'm not so sure whether any will be released. TBH I'm not sure what ones I made for it. I'd be happy to upload the ones I did. I think it might be: Into The Valley The Screen Ambush Alley If these are any use let me know and I'll upload em. A word of caution though is they were balanced for the campaign i.e. the units in the scenarios will be full strength whereas in the campaign they were balanced for losses. This could mean they are a bit easier as standalones? Anyways let me know
  4. Nae worries Yeah some odd characters on this forum. Harmless mostly. But odd
  5. Scenario Design Stuff One for the tread heads! This CMBN scenario, ‘Firebrigade’, recreates a fictional large scale armoured meeting engagement (about a reduced battalion on each side i,e, several companies) on the Eastern Front in late July 1944. In this scenario US forces represent a Soviet armoured forward detachment that has been pushed through a breach in the German front line (HKL). In reality Soviet infantry would ride the tanks rather than be carried forward in half tracks. At the moment in CMBN infantry are unable to mount up and ride on armour (as in reality in the early stages of Normandy, which the game truly represents this behaviour was not common when in contact or expected to be in contact with the enemy) hence the half tracks. In this action the ‘Soviets’ i.e. the US, are equipped with Shermans rather than T34s. In reality by this stage in the war several Soviet armoured units were actually equipped with Lend Lease Shermans, so in this respect it’s still within the bounds of possibility for a ‘Soviet armoured force equipped with Shermans to be fighting a German force. Map Size: 3232m x 3360m Unit Size: Approx several tank companies each side plus several companies of half track borne infantry (all reduced numbers due to combat losses etc). Scenario Loading time: As it’s a large map it’ll take around 5 to 10 minutes to load. Be patient! Play as: Best played as H2H; There are two AI Plans for either side so you can play Red Vs Blue AI or vice versa. About The Scenario 0500Hrs 31st July 1944 Yesterday morning a surprise Soviet attack broke through the German HKL. Through this breach the Soviets pushed a strong armoured spearhead east along the rollbahn (the main German supply route) towards the village of ORLOVKA, cutting the German supply route and threatening to encircle the remaining defenders on the HKL. Late yesterday afternoon a small German kampfgruppe of assault guns and some infantry, hastily moved into a blocking position west of ORLOVKA in the vicinity of BRIDGE 2. They engaged the advancing Soviet armour and knocked out the lead Soviet tank of this spearhead, but were then forced to pull back due to superior enemy forces. Since that engagement the Soviet advance guard took up defensive positions in and around some sections of the village of ORLOVKA. That night both sides plan and issue orders for the next day. Both sides are desperate to change the current situation: The Soviets to hold on and expand their gains for future operations; The Germans to destroy the enemy in this sector and seal the breach. It’s now 0500 Hrs on the 31st July. The day promises clear weather. Both sides start up the engines of their armour, last minute orders are issued, as the tanks and half tracks prepare to move out to their departure points. Disclaimer This is a very very large map. I think a lot of PCs might struggle. It'll take a while to load. So load it then walk away and come back ten minutes latter - should be fine (takes around 7 minutes to load on my PC). It plays better i.e. your PC will cope better if you play WEGO although I've been testing it a lot using RT. Still lot's of units in it so it can become a bit fraught playing RT. Be keen to hear how players get on. It's my largest designed in CMBN (or CMSF for that matter) and I had a real challenege to work out AI Plan timings. So any and all comments most welcome Just uploaded to the Repository so it'll take a day or so to clear there. In the meantime (the next seven days) you can grab it at the following link: http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id...fb5bf1ec5c2cc2 Note this link will expire after seven days - although it should then be available at The Repository. __________________
  6. Video Tutorial for the first mission. Also check out the thread for more details: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98844
  7. I'd shift the view size down. For some reason it's quicker when you do that. You also know if you hold the SHIFT key you delete 80m at a time rather than 16m? Yup it's a big map Oh meant to add if you hang on I've uploaded the map only i.e. no units, terrain objectives etc to the repository, plus it has details of the AI Groups in the AI Plan - should be up latter tomorrow.
  8. It's done! This is a very very large map. I think a lot of PCs might struggle. It'll take a while to load. So load it then walk away and come back ten minutes latter - should be fine (takes around 7 minutes to load on my PC). It plays better i.e. your PC will cope better if you play WEGO although I've been testing it a lot using RT. Still lot's of units in it so it can become a bit fraught playing RT. Be keen to hear how players get on. It's my largest designed in CMBN (or CMSF for that matter) and I had a real challenege to work out AI Plan timings. So any and all comments most welcome Just uploaded to the Repository so it'll take a day or so to clear there. In the meantime (the next seven days) you can grab it at the following link: http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g1460b3a34dde25775098410fb5bf1ec5c2cc2 Note this link will expire after seven days - although it should then be available at The Repository.
  9. I designed one for the UK module - Friendly Fires: British armoured group meets rogue Syrian armoured unit (equipped with US kit).
  10. It seems that applying this legislation is patchy in the UK. I had my steel box edition delivered no problems - no charges nothing. Could be that up here in the People's Free State of Scotland that the postal service is more enlightened?
  11. Cheers! It's well on the way. I've two AI Plans for each side (just fine tuning em which is what is taking the time). I've got the briefings fleshed out just need to run through em once more, do the maps (tac and op) then it's good to go. So depending on how much RL get's in the way it's around a week I reckon. Will post here when it's good to go. If ya fancy a wee sneak preview in return for doing a wee bit of playtesting be happy to send a beta version over to you (probably without maps)? Just heading off to work away for a few days so be out of comms till I get back late Wednesday. Cheers fur noo George
  12. OK possible correction to my earlier post about the orange ! symbol. I've been racking my brains to recal other instances and I suspect as I've been playing several PBEMs in both CMBN and CMSF that I've morphed the to together. Too much time playing this game methinks! So to be more accurate I can't directly recall seeing the orange ! symbol in CMBN. Units are described as routing but don't beam away with the orange ! symbol a la CMSF. The green arrows posted earlier by another poster indicate a unit that has wnadered onto an exit zone and is leaving the map. My more common experience with troops in CMBN is them running away, surrendering or dying in place.
  13. Seen it happen with a bailed out tank crew - not as common as in CMSF - guys tend to surrender or die more often than rout. Least that's my perception
  14. It's been done Originally for CMSF - some stuff has chnaged slightly but it is still relevant. Took a lot of work to get this done. I might consider redoing it for CMBN... http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1194
  15. Had mine delivered the other day. All intact - no charges. Who said the Scots were mean?
  16. Yeah I don't want to add anymore units (danger of mission creep!). The Panthers are tough to take out but it is easy to get flank shots, still in the hands of a good human player they can make life uncomfortable for the US player. Still be keen to hear how players get on though. Like you, I reckon the balance is pretty close though
  17. It's a biggie for sure Just working on a 3.5km x 3.2km map. Less bocage more rolling open fields - and still plays on my PC.
  18. You'll find it here bud: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4359/details
  19. Pretty raw and powerful stuff. I was pretty moved by it.
  20. Yup smoke comes from WP - burny. Also the round the WP is in would hurt if it hits. If I recall there has been some discussion about smoke rounds and their effect on dismounts. Could have been it was over in CMSF where popping and firing smoke is de-rigour to avoid being totalled! Oh I'm devastated for your guys loss A few less Amis to mow down as you human wave my positions
  21. Ahhh - good point Yup it's bog standard US and Germans - just playing it out on a very large map. When I do the briefings etc I'll keep it pretty non-specific i.e. 'the enemy' rather than Russians/Soviet units. So no mod. Ost Front in CMX2 is still a wee bit away.
  22. Hi Afreu Great AAR mate It's a bit of a see saw action that's for sure. I hesitated to give the Germans more armour - especially Panthers - due to how good they can be. There are several German AI Plans and some are more aggressive than others. In one plan the Germans do push forward rather agressively, especially the Panthers. I also hung off giving more heavy armour as I think a human as OC for the Germans could play way cannier making this very tough for the US. Still it's getting a few plays H2H so if anyone who plays it H2H would be so kind as to post some comments I can see if it needs 'tweaked' and upload a tweaked version to the repository? Thanks again for all the comments. Cheers!
  23. Just create a Z folder in your Data folder in your game. Drop your mods into that Z folder you just created. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97238&highlight=mods+folder If you search for mods and installing mods you'll find a few more threads.
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