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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. My guys have to live long enough to a/ clear the mines to b/ get to the wire to c/ blow the bloody thing!
  2. Thank you That looks sweet as mate - well impressed
  3. Superb artistry buddy - very, very impressed. Is there anychance to fit a 251/10 SPW into your busy workshop schedule please? It will complete SPW platoon At the moment it looks like the platoon commander is a tad OCD with vehicle cleanliness compared to the rest of his unit!
  4. A wee bird told me the blue bar has been removed in the next module. Only joking
  5. Yup it's a training video for sure. At this stage in the war SPW attacking forward like that would more likely result in lot's of blazing SPW as they hit the Soviet PAK, More common method of exciting was before making contact with the enemy So guess it was less of an issue - I would imagine given the size of the crew compratment and the number of men inside that the rear door area would possibly be used more for storage.
  6. I was curious because this discussion has come up before (both in the beta forums and on the main forums). I think having fitters come on scene in a combat situation for an hour long repair/fix could be exciting for all concerned! From reading first hand accounts (just been reading Daglish's book on Goodwood) that crews were out of the tank as soon as it was hit cos the next one would surely brew/KO the tank. The recovery of damaged vehciles seemed to be more common when the fighting had moved on. It also throws up the issue of animations for this act being undertaken. FWIW I would like to see tanks being able to be hastily towed out of the line, rearm ect especially in scenarios that last several hours. This is on 'The List' but I suspect there may be other more pressing issues that knock this particular element down the list. Still good to discuss it I think
  7. How long would it take to a/ call up the fitters and have them on scene b/ repair the tank?
  8. Excellent AAR. That sounds and looks like some fight. It does seem to see saw back and forward. Possible Spoilers # # # # # # # I think the US player using the artillery to interdict the village appears to be a good move as it shuts down the movement options through the area. It's also easy to lose Panthers in this as you can easily set-up flank shots on them. So the German player has to be careful when moving em up. Great to see how other players tackle this one. many thanks to you and your PBEM buddy for playing this through. And a big up for taking the time to write up your AAR and post it here in the thread. Cheery! George
  9. Hi Fredrick Wow! Glad ya liked it. Fine praise indeed. Thanks for playing it through and for posting your comments. Great to see it's been giving players a tough but enjoyable(ish) time. Cheery! George
  10. Most of the lethal range engagement by anti-tank (or tank) in the sector of Normandy that CMBN simulates (the US sector and taken from US figures for July/August 1944) was less than 600m (source John Buckley: British Armour in the Normandy Campaign). So big maps in CMBN would not make too much difference due to the close range of engagements. Re the problem with PCs playing larger maps - I'm not sure that is the case. For sure some players have had issues with OOM but these causes are down to a variety of factors. For some playesr it's their machines are just not up to the task, for others is might be hardware configurations. I believe that optimising the game for playing larger scenarios is one of the things being looked into by BFC but it's not an issue that affects every and all players and large scenarios. Check out the Firebrigade thread for more info on this subject (FWIW though Firebrigade which is a very large and open map is set on the Eastern Front hence the long tank engagement ranges. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1319869#post1319869 For recce vehicles I made an attempt to have players use recce vehciles more in the way they are designed operationally for in Huzzar. So the game, fundamentally I think, can cope with the issues you raise. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99752 The Panther in Normandy was very vulnrable in close range engagements to flanking fire. So it was less the success in Normandy than it perhaps was (arguably) on the Ost Front. Another point (and mentioned in the above book) was any German armour commanders preferred the Panzer IV due to it's shorter gun and more compact shape as it was less prone to the gun hanging on obstacles. Cheery! George
  11. Wow Good move with the Panzer IVs. Possible Spoiler # # # # # # # # # # It's worth minding there are three US AI Plans. Depending on how you choose to fight that right hook could have gone horribly wrong Hhmm I think you are playing the latest version. The bonus was down to the fact I had included EXIT zones for both sides as 'escape' options and also to allow fleeing units to exit the map. I had thought that giving both sides the same bonus would sort of cancel each other out but it would seem not. I must admit when I've played it I've lost more armour - usually Panzer IVs and not a few SPW. Anychance you could send me a save file from any point in your gaem please? I'll check out the scoring with the bonus points. Might be I just remove that. Leastways you can see the game gave you a tactical victory but looks like you whopped their ass Anyways cheers for playing this right through and posting your comments on it. Very much appreciated ta Cheery! George
  12. Hi Freddie Cheers for the AAR man - much appreciated. By the sounds of it your fight was a tense affair right to the bitter end. I gave the US just enough arty as a/ the Germans had broken through and this was a plug the gap sort of mission - scrambled together at short notice so not as much arty on call. Still it sounds like you made very good use of what you had. Thanks for the kind comments about the map and briefing etc Cheery! George
  13. Hi Guys - nice to know someone can play it @sburke - this scenario does involve a lot of stuff going up in flames. You are right the inside of these half tracks would be pretty awaful after a hit... I've noticed that AFV crews and their small arms appear to be deadly at short range. It's like facing Wyatt Earp and his boys at gunfight at the OK corral! They are lethal!
  14. Mine is a Geforce GTX 260 - facotry settings, running on a Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, 4Gb RAM, 64 bit Windows 7. So yeah not a supercomputer I'm running a whole heap of mods (all of Vein's ones plus all my armour is modded) and I can play large scenarios e.g. Firebrigade, Huzzar etc with no issues - good FPS and good gameplay.
  15. The icon mods I used in the above image are Wolfe's Geometric Floating Icons - you can get them in the repository: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1371 Cheery! George
  16. FYI - Fire Brigade this is not a battalion sized fight. Two reduced companies of panzergrenadiers in SPW, approx 15+ German AFVs versus roughly the same number of US units (numbers are approx so as not to spilt FOW). It is a large map though - althouhg most of the terrain is rolling hills and fields. Map pretty much hsows the amount of German units on map. I've lost several tanks and SPW to enemy action at this point.
  17. A wee screenshot to show that it is playable - this is about 1.5 hours into the action. Germans about to swing back and attack Orlovka. I'm not sure why you guys are having issues with this - there is a thread over on the tech forum about OOM issues etc. I've not got a state of the art PC by any means. I think Mike has it nailed though and it's what I do. Start with a 'clean' load of CMBN - you can play your turns no problem. Latter in the game I start to save a lot more though as when the fighting hots up there is lot's going on and then my PC gasps. I will then get OOM issues. So at this stage I find I can run around three turns, then save, exit the game, reload the game, load the save file and kick off where I left off. My suspicion is this is just a very, very large scenario. Very large map with a reasonable number of units - long LOS and LOF. That's lot's of game computations going on under the hood. Hope this helps.
  18. Errmmm.... bit of a spoiler alert for other players might be in order for that info mate.... SPOILER # # # # # # # # I checked the scenario (version 2 and version 1). The US reinforcements will show up. Just that ETA's are just that - an estimated time of arrival. Also the arrival time is a wee bit variable. So keep playing and in the next ten minutes you will for sure get your cavalry coming over the hill. So not a bug but a design decision - think how often have you made arrangements with someone and they always turn up ten minutes late So bottom line you need to keep playing.
  19. I've not looked at the scenario but it is possible the designer has given the same objective differant 'win' characteristics i.e. one part is 'occupy' and the seocnd objective is 'preserve' say. That would have the text show up twice on the objective.
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