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Everything posted by rune

  1. Things I would do: 1. Reseat the memory...perhaps a loose connection. 2. See if the fan on the video card is spinning. 3. See if the internal temperature is getting too hot. Eliminate the easy thigns first, then move on to the harder to troubleshoot possibilities. Rune
  2. Guys, Try Fall Blau, max size map but mdeium amount of units. Historical battle and if all the feedback I am getting is correct, a lot of fun. Available at B&T [cue someone from there to post the web site, as I am at work] Rune
  3. Great AAR. However, gamey use of the Wife by the Hungarians to try to distract you from battle Rune
  4. At one point they did, Admiral Keth fixed it. Rune
  5. Guys, Uedel isn't wrong for him. That is the type of game he enjoys, which is totally fine. However, understand that others like to play against the odds or historical scenarios or a real situation and see if they could do better. We all have different styles of play. I give him credit for not posting a score, knowing that he likes only a certain style of play. Watson & Crick, That is why I don't sweat the numbers. I read what is posted in the review. However, what exactly does a 7.6 do less then a 9.2? The numbers mean nothing....replayability for a scenario I think is a mistake. Why should a FICTIONAL battle be marked down for non-historical forces? There is just too much open for interpretation. An overall rating of a scenario does away with this. Either overall you liked it or didn't like it. 1-5 tanks or whatevers. Don't worry...two more rune scenarios being worked on. Both small, so will be released soon...as soon as the testers are done with them. Rune
  6. With the above in mind, ;ets talk about the scenarios on the CD. There were to be 50 and 10 operations, but I convinced the gang to up it to 60. Remember, there are 5 years to cover. I wanted a mix of years, battles, operations, styles, and sizes. Saying the mjority aren't fun for two player is total crap to say. If you think all the scenarios aren't balanced...then look at yourself and your tactics. There are scenarios that are harder for one side then for another...but each game was won as either side during testing. An example is Andreas' Cemetary Hill, where people say you cannot win with the default setup. First time I played it, I got a Major victory as the Germans. I actually thought it was too easy as the Germans. So 1 out of 60 scenarios shows you what fighting in the mud was like. Another one shows you why the Russians developed the tactics they did. Not every scenario is made to be a 2 player ME, nor should they be. For each player that likes a certain type of battle, someone will like something else. There was a thread here recently about scenario sizes, some liked small, some medium, and some liked the HUGE battles I have made. If we have that much variance on JUST the size, imagine years, types of battles, etc. I tried to get something on the CD for everyone, but thinking all the scenarios should be one way is wrong thinking. Which is why I think the reviews need to be over-hauled. If the above poster had rated the scenario, it would have been done with a lot of BIAS. An opinion formed cause he didn't know how to handle tanks in the mud. It makes the ratings useless, and I see more and more scenario authors feeling the same way. So, I know Admiral Keth and Bigdog are open to suggestions. This isn't their fault, they are doing this community a service. However, I think we should get together, talk about what we think woukld be more helpful, and approach them on it. Hey, they will listen, even if the answer is no. Bottom Line people, the scenarios are varied on the CD, and this was done most decidedly on purpose. Have fun with the scenarios, LEARN from the scenarios, ask questions of the scenario authors. I already have had people who complained about a scenario do a 180 after finding out why something was done a certain way and LEARNED something about the Eastern Front from it...all while having FUN! Isn't this what this is supposed to be about? Rune
  7. Well gee, thanks for that helpful comment. War isn't fair...it ius about doing what you can with what you got. If you want balanced games, just play quick battle meeting engagements. If you want to see if you could do as good or better then what really happened, then the option should also be there. For each player that only wants equal battles, there is another that would like to see what happened in the real battle. If you don't know how to attack in mud with tanks, something that happened quite a bit, then use a scenario and LEARN. The game is just as much about using proper tactics in different situations as it is to just beat another player. Rune
  8. or you can go back to the 30.82 drivers and it works. Either way, it is a driver issue. Rune
  9. In the true tradition of Chicago Politics, my vote can be bought for a bottle of the wine... For a second bottle, we can even stuff the ballot boxes.... Rune [ December 09, 2002, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  10. Comments on my scenarios good and bad are always appreciated....and that is my point. Before you rate something bad, ASK why it was done that way! I always answer any decent email sent to me...and heck, if I can generate interest in a particular battle, then I have accomplished something. Actually I am surprised quite a bit when I think one of my scenarios which is so-so, turns out to be a crowd pleaser. I actually ignore the scores, as they mean nothing to me. I do read the feedback from people. It is why I think the rating system should change. Like a movie review, 1 to 5 stars, tanks, whatevers. Replayability on the two tutorials I made was low...but umm..it is a tutorial. Supposed to teach you, not be played 100 times. Heck, I got quite a few scenarios listed without any feedback. I still have a pile of CMBO ones also that never got rated. Speaking of which, if you play one of my scenarios, play with the default setup at first. Often I have the real force deployment IF i could find it. I seldom lock units into place, so people can see how well they could do if the attack had gone differently. However, I do recommend playing it with the default setups first. Jaegermeister for example, is much more difficult with the default setup [which should be used for a tutorial] then moving the units about. As for losing...any scenario I make can be won, however, you may have to use the proper tactics. von Lauchert will spank the Russian player hard if he sits back and tries to fight it out. Instead of saying the scenario is unbalanced, send an email and ask what tactic would work. The Russian players have won that battle about 40-45% of the time. Not easy...but possible. Yes, it is a game, but it is also a tool to teach people. How many of you knew, or cared, that the T34 turret only supported 2 people? Now after you have played the game, how many care? See? You learned something! The same can be said about scenarios! Rune
  11. I hace surrender to the code hacking scum sucking lawyer, formerly known as Marlow. However, I consider this a moral victory, since I had at one point 2 of 3 victory flags, against armor with no at assets and a wide open map. I fought on until my little troopers were aiming their weapons at me, threatening to frag their leader. A gamey bastidge is Marlow , even if he is an ex-Squire. However, for his reward, I will be sending him a scenario to use against one of you pillocks, to uphold the fine Tradition of House Rune . Rune Army of the Porcupine
  12. then just post the problem in the header instead of bs. I ignored the thread because it either had to do with a topic i didn't care about, or someone can take the time to post on topic. Rune
  13. DO NOT READ LOWER, SPOILERS... . . . . . . . . . . Reading a review of the scenario, the person bemoans the fact that the map turns into mud then a fight. [Trying not to give away too many spoilers here] The map should have been shorter so the tanks reach the flags. Guys, assume the scenario authora know what they are doing. This is based on a true to life scenario, which stalled out due to mud. The battle develops EXACTLY the way it occured in real life. Why does everyone assume battles have to be fair and balanced? Very FEW real life fights were. A scenario can also TEACH. Von Lauchert will slap you silly if you don't use the Russian tactics of the time. Korsun Relief teaches you how to attack in mud, Tiger Tiger shows you how powerful the Tiger was when released, but it BETTER be supported. Etc. I just shake my head over comments at the Scenario Depot. Admiral Keth and BigDog bust their butts to give us a place to put our scenarios...but if you aren't sure of something ask the author before posting a low score or comment you aren't sure of. I get more comments in email then anything else. Don't assume something, feel free to ask me about any of my scenarios. That being said, I am going to talk to the B&T guys on suggestions on how to revamp the rating system. Maybe just one rating, an overall, from 1 star to 5 stars. Rune
  14. A warm welcome to the forums. Once you are ready, playing against a human opponent makes the game even better. Welcome aboard. Rune
  15. Remember however, that this was done before the game was even released, so i was not influenced by the Voxman Factor. However, I did have a map, and did one of the small areas that was created by itself. Yes, there are sewers, and I used factories for some of the odd shaped buildings and to change some of the LOS. Rune
  16. Fopr those of you that don't like the big scenarios...one is in testing at a mere 660 points. So far so good....so look for it at B&t soon. Rune
  17. Can't wait to see that...especially if the horse are hit and flames are shooting out from them. heheheheh Rune
  18. Just played Punch-Counterpunch against a player...and walked away with a draw as the Russians. If you can handle a large battle, this one is good, but it does develop a little slowly [it was intended to]. Hope all are enjoying these battles... Rune
  19. Egbert, Will send to you to test once I get home from work. Thanks to all for your opinions. I am definitely leaning towards releasing it...as the amount of people it taught already has been impressive. I have gotten quite a few emails saying they never knew about this uprising, being over shadowed by the late 1944 one. All, I will change the main briefing a little more, and wait for replys from the testers if it honors the fight or not. Beating the AI doesn't make the balance off, as the AI does not perform a good attack. Against a live player, things will be different. If anyone know Polish, please contact me, as I would like to put a small paragraph that mentions the scenario was made to honor the fighters there. I thank everyone for their opinions. I did not include it on the CD because of this. However, available as a download, so that people can pass on it seems to be a better way to do this. Obviously, if you find it offensive, do not download, but if you have never heard about this fight, their bravery should shine through, and hopefully never forget what happened there, so that it may not ever happen again. The two web links listed in the briefing I had posted gives more information if you are interested in learning about this. I hope the few that don't want it released understand why I am releasing it...I think more good can come out of it by people learning what happened there then harm come from it. At least, that is my intent. Rune
  20. Bump for those who should play Fall Blau two player... Rune
  21. Maxx and Panzerleader, By now i assume you have looked at the scenario. Do you find anything insulting in it? Thanks for all the comments guys. I will admit I am leaning more to releasing it now...since it has already taught people who's opinions i respect that there was more then one uprising. I was surprised by the amount of people who never even heard or assumed it was all one uprising. Will decide after I hear from PL and Maxx. Rune
  22. I explain them the same way i explain cavalry or trucks...used to move the units. There are kitchen details in the to&e also, but I don't expect them to be on the front line. Easy enough... Rune
  23. In a Gamey Bastidge Update.... I must be playing the game wrong... all my infantry, without at assets, attacked an enemy dug in with machine gun and tanks, and they REFUSED to just crawl away and get exhausted! Not only that, they managed to so far take 2 of 3 objective flags....albeit at a high cost. That bastidge Marlow , [yes, i understand it is redundant], is still slaughtering my men with glee. My only hope is that he runs out of ammo. However, I consider it a moral victory that I got this far. This will be a major loss, but was worth it just to see how the infantry really behaves under combat conditions..instead of crawling away they way they were supposed to. Rune
  24. You ignore a simple point, Sturmtigers were at the front and were used...horses were NOT expected to be on the front line. CMBB is the actual attacks...was there a rare time or two where a column came under attack? Yep. However, this is NOT the norm, and there is no way to program for every situation. I did a battle at an airfield, should I be upset that there isn't aircraft wreckage I can place? Of course not... Horses are out of the scope of the game, too hard to model, and don't forget you have to animate them. All that time coding for a once in a blue moon circumstance just won't happen... at the cost that something else would not have been coded. You have people asking now why the road wheels on the StuG are the same as on teh StuH. Imagine the grog outcry if horses wre trucks... Rune
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