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Everything posted by rune

  1. if WWB won't bump this, then I certainly won't bump this. Rune
  2. Sorry, but we already hit the PRO in depth. Good try however!!! Rune
  3. Minor Spoilers Below * * * * * * I disagree, I consider him a crack unit. Elites gain too much of an advantage. A veteran unit does not mean everyone is a veteran. If you look, very few green units and no conscript. LSSAH had received reinforcements that were mixed into their units before the assault. I think the mix is correct. The guns I won't comment on, since I don't want to spoil anything, your tactics are EXACTLY what LSSAH used that day. Excellent job! Rune [ July 18, 2003, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  4. Mace, My point exactly, Joebob would have been killed twice by now, fastly approaching a third time. Rune Rune, you nong, the use by date in that movie was 30!!!! Mace </font>
  5. Tis time for the first of three quests. No Good Cavscout, you are to write a paper on the reasons Joebob should not post in the General Fourm, sub-title it "The Reason the Movie Logan's Run was correct". Using quotes from any thread in the GF, prove to Joebob that he is a pillock, and that nothing good comes from arguing with those unarmed in the battle of wits. You may also submit a paragraph on why his posting in the General Forum is part of a conspiracy, using the guidelines of Oliver Stone. Secondly, You much find Lady Moraine, and after a decent taunt [but be careful, Ladies of the Pool are to be respected, even those that FAIL to post AARs of their battles. Play her in....hmmmm....Cossack Carnage. Third of your three quests, is a formal apology to FIBs, since some of the greatest evilness has come from both Berli and I. Here in the forum will suffice. Get to work young serf. Rune
  6. Kip, Adding one more bit of information. If you go with a LCD screen, get one that supports DVI-D, which is the digital interface. All the new nvidia cards support DVI-D, and the picture is much sharper then my monitors. It is a standard here in the states, I will assume it is the same overseas, but I could be wrong. Rune
  7. Rex, I will neither confirm nor deny anything about troops at this juncture. Hmm, always wanted to sound like a politician. Rune
  8. Nope...it is why I am trying to find out. Rune
  9. Guys, I have the accurate OOBs, I have accurate maps, but I have no layout of the airfield itself. Anyone have a photo of the airfield South of Sidi Rezegh in Nov 1941? Single runway or the traditional triangle base? Rune
  10. Ligur, Expect some scenarios heading your way. You may like "Panzers in Finland" which is historical, and I got some help by a few Finns. Will email them when I get home tonight. Rune
  11. Easy....some players don't want to always fight a set piece battle, where fighting occurs on turn 2. Big map enables manuver and scouting becomes important. As for the terrain, silly me using the actual terrain. Also setup zones are set so that after you play it as computer defaults, you can change your attack and/or defense and see if you could have done better. Rune
  12. Joebob you obtuse excuse of an elder... The spelling actually comes from the museum at the battefield. I quote: The name Rorke or Rourke is Irish in origin, the latter being the one in more common use, hence the confusion. Some elements of the British press opted for the spelling they knew - the misspelling rendered as 'Rourke's Drift'. So, i went ahead with the traditional spelling [or mis-spelling] from the Pommies. You remember Pommies, the Australians who actually haven't made the trip yet. NG, you have the scenarios, play Sir Real in Rourke's Drift. Rune
  13. No Good Cavscout, *Boot* Of course it is your purpose *Boot* to act as MY pitbull *Boot* , for what other reason would i take *Boot* a ground pounder to serf and mayhaps *Boot* to squire. As Berli once told me, spare the *Boot* and spoil the serf. So, Joebob , if Sir Loin, or Sir Pain, or whatever his name is, is not available, whom from House Shaw can my *Boot* disrespectful serf taunt? What serf or squire can you spare? No Good *Boot* , you must show the proper respect to your Kniggett, however feel free *Boot* to laugh at the likes of Boo or Lars , or of course, *Boot* , any of the Aussies. Rune [ July 14, 2003, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  14. Someone has to ask this... In the picture of you holding up the band of brothers tee shirt...why are you wearing no pants? Harv brought out his sheep....didn't he? Rune
  15. Good, an AAR from No Good Cavscout...you have shown more intelligence then any of those from House Shaw . Now it is time for step two...challenge Sir Real, a taunt worthy of a Cheesehead. Remember, Joebob actually preferred him over you... Rune
  16. i REFUSE to use that term, as it sounds too much like a barber gone bad....of course, you know little of barbers...but still, try and keep up. Excellent, since you wouldn't even pass it off on Mace , then it is perfect for two serfs. As for seeing his worth, I did tell him to taunt, and an AAR. An actual test...try it on some of your house sometime, assuming, of course, they can actually read. Last, at no time did you deny Texas is Australia North. Further proof...both founded by people rejected from other parts. Both have dangerous snakes, granted the ones in Texas are known as politicians, and the Texas Rangers have about the same firepower as the Australian Army. Now once again back to working on that which may not be named. [Hint: Cesspoolers, look up the 18 pdr gun] Rune
  17. Joebob , I just wanted to spare him the ignomy of being recruited by House Shaw . Which is like being called an Aussie who thinks Mormon women look good, such as yourself. Yes, Yes, Yes, you will deny it, saying you are from Texas...but is there a difference? Look at Mr. Spkr , if you can stomach it, does he not have that gleam in his eye when passing sheep? Isn't Texas about as exciting as Australia? There is nothing in the midlands of each... the general IQ is about the same, about 2.3. Heck, you even both follow terrible football teams. If you demand satisfaction...well, other then it being a first, set Sir Real upon No Good Cavscout, and I will forward Rourke's Drift to them both. NG Cav....arrange a beating of Joebob's serf, and a full AAR young man, to prove your worth. Now go forth and taunt Sir Real, let us see how you do. Rune
  18. Welp....thinking about this, I went through the Thread at least 3 times, and JoeBob never actually claimed Scout as a serf. So, what better way to get under Joebob's skin, kinda like the small lice he has trained under the logo of House Shaw . Besides, what better way to make a serf suffer then knowning that he must report...to an Ex-Navy man. So, as one of the Senior Knights, I use my right and claim first claim on NG cavscout, placing him under House Rune, . To further inflict pain, No Good cav scout, pick a member of House Shaw and I will be sending you Rourke's Drift to play two player. I now go back to working on that which cannot be named... Rune
  19. it is already built into cmbb, variable endings. Rune
  20. One of mine was just a map to add your own units...someone asked for one. The other one might have assault boats and the ai cannot handle boats. Rune
  21. Joebob, Joebob, Joebob , Please, i know it is hard for you...but try and concentrate and get that lone brain cell working. What part of TWO PLAYER confused you? Think of it as the amount of beer a typical Aussie can drink in 60 seconds. Remember, it is the song you use when buckling your shoe. More then 1 but less then 3, and 4 is just right out. [Homage to the Holy Hand Grenade]. Besides, inflicting pain on SSNs, why do we care? Get two SSNs to try it and suffer. What better way to tell a newbie to sod off then either picking 139 defenders or 2000 attackers with no ammo? Better yet, since I have seemed to stress Joebob's lone brain cell, who has a couple of serfs you wish to torture? Let me know and I will send it to them, AND they must suplly an AAR with screen shots. And you thought just Berli was evil... Rune
  22. Joebob , you senile mormon wife lover. No wonder Berli breaks out in laughter whenever your name is mentioned...being evil as he is...mayhaps you are a cruel joke thrust upon the MBT? What brought this up? What a better way to punish a SSN by using Rourke's Drift. Play it two player and see what I mean. Make the SSN be the Zulus. How can you forget it when i JUST sent it to you the other day? Rune
  23. For CMAK the definition I gave above will still be the way the scenarios are marked. Which reminds me, I have a great map of the area around the Sidi Rezegh airfield, but does anyone have an actual photo of the airfield? I want to make this one historical. Rune
  24. The amazing thing is I created the scenario in a most un-grog state of mind. I had just completed the scenario "A Matter of Honor", which had taken me months to re-create the battle and do the best I could with the fort. I was so burned out on getting everything right so it could be historical, that I wanted to make a scenario to let off steam and to just have fun. So....I made the scenario on the Movie and not history. Battle of the Bulge was created...and was I shocked that people enjoyed it as a scenario to just let off steam. I used the tanks and terrain [it was filmed in Spain] from the movie. I have just done the same with CMBB. I have a couple people playing it, but I re-created Rourke's Drift from the movie Zulu using CMBB. Drop me an email if you want to test it out, but it has to be two player. Rune
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