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Everything posted by rune

  1. Olde Ones, Per the rules and regulations of the MBT , I submit the following: Lady Sedai has taunted, has completed three battles with aars, annoys Joe, and gives grief to Hiram. More then enough reason to be awarded her knighthood for the House of Rune. No Good Cavscout, altho missing in this thread, has met the required three AARs and battles, annoys Joe to no end, taunts with the best of them, and has been ignored by me long enough. Advance him to Knight of the House of Rune also. Now I must go back to creating evil.. It just seems right to create scenarios allowing the Aussies to team up with the Pommies. Losers leading the losers... Rune
  2. Ammo.. Look at the penetration data. The Russian ammo is not as good as the German ammo. The germans up-gunned the captured tanks they got, and used german ammo, so the vehicle is usually more expensive then its russian counterpart. Rune [ August 29, 2003, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  3. The scenarios and mods are all available online, and you do not need to purchase a new copy if you don't want to. Rune
  4. Sergei, Not a bad idea, but see a problem. If the zone is available, why can't i setup there? Imagine having forces start in your lines. I guarantee it would happy by someone. Warwick, Grid system would have the same problem with free to setup units. Yes, scenarios SHOULD be played with the default starting positions, but not everyone plays that way. Rune
  5. Michael, On the other hand, I have some accounts, one in particular comes to mind because I just re-created it, where the Colonel's orders was, and i quote: "Get over to Kasserine right away and pull a Stonewall jackson. You are to take charge." That was his entire briefing. A few words, no tactical or operation dissertation, but he understood what was being asked of him, and how critical it was. Granted these were exceptions, and that is what everyone needs to keep in mind, there were times you got briefed, and times you didn't. As for caring about the men, in An Army at Dawn, a good example of a General being relieved of duty because, and another quote: "He was not callous enough". That is my point, anything could and did happen in war, and the scenario should reflect that. Cover the broad spectrum of the war, and situations. Cabron66, thanks for the kind words. I learned under Wild Bill, and still continue to learn. I get to work with a good bunch of scenario designers, many whose names you may recognize. Most are back for CMAK. Look forward to a large variety of battles. Rune
  6. Andrew, Good thing you don't have your email listed, as I would have sent you a Kasserine Pass Scneario for CMAK to you just to taunt you. hehehehehe Rune Fog grog! </font>
  7. Andrew, Most fo the Battle at Kasserine took place in rain and fog. The gine has not changed, and it would require too much to change for CMAK. You will have to wait for CMX2. Rune
  8. Landmarks for recon? Works for static positions, I usually give a trp if the position has been reconed. However, if you do it for infantry, or an at gun or mg gun post, and change it to computer is free to move units, then it is the scenario designer who is wrong, and we hear about it. As a commander, how often were they told why they had to take something? Not often, the grand scale of things were out of their control, and frankly, they didn't care, they worried how to get the job done with the least amount of casualties., and some officers didn't even worry about that. The briefing formats will be the same as they were in CMBB. As for that scenario, I do not know which one it is, or if it is even mine. However, are you sure you didn't miss something, like smoke? Should I have to tell you you can rush in, or use smoke, or whatever tactic? Or should I leave it up to you on how to cross an open terrain? Isn't that the idea of playing the game, finding out which tactic works in what situation, rather then being told what to do? Why would the surrender threashold be lower? Did the Italians in Africa fight longer then the Germans in Europe during the course of a battle? You change the setting, it effects all units in three different theatres. Now for CMX2, i would like the designer to select the surrender threshold, but will not happen for CMAK. For each person who wants to be told how to do a scenario, another wants the freedom to do what they want. For each person that wants recon done for him, there is another that wants to do the recon himself. For each person who thinks they have to slaughter their troops to cross a field, another will use smoke and combined arms to cross and NOT get slaughtered. That is what is about...choice. So here it is, the briefings stay the same for the scenarios on the CD. The designers are the ones that worked on CMBB, and I added two. The authors are free to make the scenarios they want and how they want. A mix of forces, battles, and times will be included. There will be small to huge battles. Variety is where it ia at. There will be battles you love, and battles you hate, but someone else will love. There will be historical and fictional. Just remember, all sorts fo people play the game in all sorts of ways, and we will have a mix of scenarios to try to get one that everyone will enjoy. Rune
  9. Dr. Rosenrosen, It is OK, I understand, going back and re-reading my post it seemed like i was challenging your opinion by looking at a scenario. We both did a oops! I mean it, as a few people here know, I am willing to check out scenarios and offer advice. Now, I don't want everyone reading this to start sending me scenarios, as my time is quite valuable right now, working on CMAK. Mis-communication on both parts, and you indeed got the point of the scenario. Stalling for time in a restricted access [a mountain pass] was done, waiting for reinofrcements to set up another defenisve line. Rearguard action was another scenario where you had your work cut out for you by trading space for time. Greatly out-numbered, you had to infliect max casualties, and hit and run the entire battle while withdrawing. The scenario wound up 60-40 on who won [won't spoil it here] and people either loved it greatly or hated it greatly. However, it WAS something done during the retreat from Russia. If you are interested, I will send it to you. Rune
  10. MrSpkr, Could not Seanachai work off a loan by, say, standing in the front yard as a lawn ornament? I would gladly loan the money for a new card if he was willing to work it off by standing on Berli's front lawn for a few days. Rune [ August 25, 2003, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  11. We are in agreement, I wanted my work used by more, and it was/is. I just think the example you gave was unintentionally misleading, and we can agree to disagree. You did modify your statement, and I thank you for that. Madmatt and Fernado both became members of BFC for the work they did with mods. You memory isn't failing. I think most mod authors/scenario designers got their works distributed more, and it certainly didn't hurt BFC. It was an agreeable situation for both. Rune
  12. Also, I have an Army at Dawn, an excellent book, but I was surprised to see how much of it came out of the US ARmy in WWII, Med, European, and Africa Theatre of OPeration, which is available from the gpo. A 4 CD set with tons of reference materials, an excellent buy if you are interested. Rune
  13. Dandelion, Fine, I will challenge you on the issue of making people pay for mods from volunteer modders. The people pay for the game, and it was agreed by all those involved to include the mods, and scenarios, etc. for FREE. The mods and scenarios were then made available to all on the internet, basically because no one expected the amount of interest it generated. It was also stated in several threads here, from BFC that if you owned CMBO, you did not need to purchase the new available CMBO, as the mods were all available online. Can post the links if you like. Bottom line: You are wrong for saying that. Rune
  14. I have the book that Jason mentions, and it is indeed excellent. However, it is extremely hard to find, so good luck in tracking it down. I would up getting mine from a store in South Africa. Rune
  15. There is NO one correct way to do a battle. The majority of mine I add in plenty of time to recon or to flank. However, I did make scenarios to feel the pressure of time. If someone tells me there was never a battle where the objective was to stall for time, I'll gladly point them to several books. A Battle of Minors was made with unbalanced forces and 24 turns to balance it? Bull****. One, it is 25 turns, and 2, with so many units on such a small map, more turns were not needed. Rosenrosen, will be glad to review any scenario you made. Just as there are people who want to see if they could do better then a historical setup, there are people who only want a balanced scenario. Just as there are people who want 60 turn large battles, there are people who want 30 and small. The bottom line for the scenarios on the CDs is to give as many people as we can a chance to play a game design they like. The people making scenarios for CMAK will be familiar. There will be a mix of scenarios as before. I look forward to the first "map looks autogenerated" when it is based on a 1:25000 map. Rune
  16. While I got the scenario, I cannot forward it due to the east coast power outage affecting my cable modem access. So, play it as is...anything that cuases pain to Joebob or his ilk is fine with me. Yes, yes, I am in Chicago and have power, but comcast dhcp servers aren't, and I can't get an IP...so my cable modem is a large doorstop at the moment. So, I will go back to playing in the desert with explody things. NG Cavscout, your next task is to write a report: "Why The House of Shaw make the Italians look good in 1940". subtitle it "See Joebob run, run Joebob run! Mace...and what would occur if Bauhaus dressed as a sheep? That thought should even make Berli sick. Rune
  17. Bah! Being bothered by the lot of you while the Madone is using his whip for a test scenario. It features explody things, more explody things, sand, Italian explody things, night, more explody things, and I add some explody things in Joebob's honor. However, I can look at it, or I can send one of mine that used yet. Have you two played Rearguard Action? [No, not about you Mace ] I will ask the madone if I can post a piccy here for the MBT of the test scenario. Rune
  18. Not a bug, read Moon's response. Fire does not suddenly burst out a 20 m by 20 m patch. See that thread for his response. Here, i copied the response. Don't forget that the flames show that the terrain is slowly but surely becoming an unpleasant place to stay, not necessarily that out of a sudden 20 meters of brush are engulfed in a wall of fire. If the unit stayed in the fire for longer, it would have been a bug probably. The fact that they moved out shows that all works as it should. Does the battle you play allow for fanatic troops? That could explain why their morale remains ok. Martin Hope this helps... Rune [ July 31, 2003, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  19. Also the transport capability is much smaller if I recall correctly. Rune
  20. Joebob , Your milktoast of a Squire dare address me? Has the House of Shaw no shame? Oh nevermind, of course it doesn't....it accepts Norwegians like SirReal. Should I take a break from that which may not be named to play a mere Squire? What the heck....as long as the Madone does not use his whip. Email on the way.... Rune
  21. Being that this is his third AAR, and he has followed the rules of the MBT , and that is will annoy Joebob to no end, and lastly, he has completed most of the quests I set forth for him *boot* . Do NOT forget to ticket 3 Minnsodaians and let go *boot* three FIBs with a smile *boot*. So, I now officially submit to the Olde Ones, No Good Cavscout to Squirehood in the House of Rune. Rune
  22. Seanachai , I also have best wishes for you mum..unlike the Aussies here, you actually have one. May all the news continue to be good news. No Good Cavscout, if you are EVER going to make it to Squire, try, TRY to keep your liege happy. Boot If i see one more comment Boot about Illinois Drivers, Boot I will point out the obnoxious habit Boot that Cheeseheads have of Boot visiting Chicago and driving at 3 mph when they see tall buildings, which to them, is anything with a second story or more. Boot Your next quest is to ticket 3 Minny Sodians, and to let 3 FIBs go with a smile. Boot Hey! I never said becomming a Squire was easy. Boot Rune
  23. And you would be wrong. That was the initial assault, if you keep reading, once the acting commander got them together, the few panthers left operated well together. The battle you see is after the poor showing of the Panthers initially. The crews themselves had experience after the poor showing they had. Rune
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