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Everything posted by rune

  1. And thinking about it, is the husband/wife team that did the CMBB preview for CNN still around? You are also most welcome to attend. Rune
  2. Have been doing this since CMBO, now will continue the tradition. A sneak peek at CMAK for those in the Chicago area. Others may be having one in your area, up to them if they want to. So, if you are in my area, which is Chicago, and would like a sneak peek on what has been eating all my time for quite a while, I ask you to post here. Details, do you prefer Friday evening, the 10th of Oct, or Saturday late afternoon, early evening on the 11th? Depending on how many are interested, we can have it at my house, with four PCs running it, or I can bring a laptop to a bar. We can always have it at the Grizzleys in Chicago again. Again, I ask not to give away too many surprises, and none about the scenarios. [Most people don't like spoilers, and want to play the scenarios for themselves] If you have the urge to bitch that I am having it in Chicago, get over it, it is where I live. Not going to go through the whining like the CMBB preview. I won't commit any of the other beta testers, as they know their scedhules. Rune
  3. Have been doing this since CMBO, now will continue the tradition. A sneak peek at CMAK for those in the Chicago area. Others may be having one in your area, up to them if they want to. So, if you are in my area, which is Chicago, and would like a sneak peek on what has been eating all my time for quite a while, I ask you to post here. Details, do you prefer Friday evening, the 10th of Oct, or Saturday late afternoon, early evening on the 11th? Depending on how many are interested, we can have it at my house, with four PCs running it, or I can bring a laptop to a bar. We can always have it at the Grizzleys in Chicago again. Again, I ask not to give away too many surprises, and none about the scenarios. [Most people don't like spoilers, and want to play the scenarios for themselves] If you have the urge to bitch that I am having it in Chicago, get over it, it is where I live. Not going to go through the whining like the CMBB preview. I won't commit any of the other beta testers, as they know their scedhules. Rune
  4. Turn off FSAA, or alt tab out of the game and go back into it. Rune
  5. Taking a slight break from working on that which cannot be named, to bring you the following: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s950651.htm Sometimes real life just makes it too easy, eh Mace/Harv? Rune
  6. Simon, Thanks, will keep you in mind for next time, as I am already working Mr Spkr and Axe2121 to death. hehehehe Mace, well, there is a first time for everything! Rune
  7. Hey Berli , How about when it comes time for the preview of CMAK, we invite Seanacai to come down to Illinois to see the game. If you notify the National Guard, I'll notify the FBI and State Police, I imagine we can trump up....errr.. find some law he has broken. Transporting an idiot over state lines maybe. Heck, maybe we can even have NG Cavscout [Look, yet another Knight of the House of Rune] take shots at him as he passes by. Absolute worse case, we force him to go to a Bulls game...that should cause him to lose the little mind he has left. While all this road trip is going on, at least he won't be slumming in other threads. Since I put him in the desert with his Boys in hand, how about you putting him in one of those lame l3/33 tankette things. They explode really really nicely. If he insists on commonwealth, may I suggest a Crusader... Rune
  8. Depends on your style and the scenario itself. I just did one that I gave a little more tactical information to the player, due to the cicumstance, however as a rule, the player can see the map, see the flags, has unlimited time to move about the map in the setup phase. I allow the player to make his own tactical plans. However, as I said, sometimes circumstances state the player needs to know a little more, then you give it to them. Rune
  9. Hey Mace , Now here is a picture that should cause you to scream.... Originally posted by rune: MrSpkr, Done, he now wanders at Beda Fomm with his Boys in hand. I made him Aussie to boot. Rune I shall, then, Boys in hand, not go gently into that good night, mate! Bugger, playing at being a wandering Aussie in the desert in a Rune scenario. This is going to be so much worse than a simple hangover. ---------------- See, we always knew Seanachai was an Aussie at heart. Rune
  10. MrSpkr, Done, he now wanders at Beda Fomm with his Boys in hand. I made his Aussie to boot. Rune
  11. First off, thank you to everyone who volunteered to help. I never expected so many people to volunteer to work hard...I expected one or maybe 2 to be interested. Just shows you how good this community really is. Second, my decision: I went with the first two editors I came across that were definitely committed to this. Axe1212 and Mr Spkr, send me an email at rune@ameritech.net and let me knwo if you are still interested. I do have some other names I would consider if you two don't want to do this if you had a change of heart. Last; this doesn't reflect badly on anyone, I changed my mind to add one more, and with Axe I get a two for 1 deal anyway. Thank you all for the offers, and if I come up with something new in the future, I will let you know. Rune
  12. First Post to Seanachai.. OK, I will grant you that...but since you tried to hijack my working thread, I must still punish you somehow...I got it... Look for Seanachai in the Australian Infantry. It just seems after all he has done to the aussies, give the aussies a chance to blame him. Rune
  13. 1. The game does NOT use a lookup table for the effect for penetration. It uses a modified mathimatical formula that Charles coded. 2. Rexford is on the beta team, and for a large part, agree with the numbers listed, but he can answer that on his own. 3. The game generated enough interest do get people to dig deeper into the research. Rune
  14. Whispers to the Bald One: "If the Pengers and TNT threads don't let me finish this, how about a 48 hour lock on their threads?" Muah ha ha ha haaaaaaa Anyway, I never expected this much interest, I will post when I get home on how I choose. Thanks to all those willing to help out. However, expect Seanachai in a useless Italian tank in a scenario called Beda Fomm. It seems so...appropriate. Last, once the game is near completion, and with the tradition I started with CMBO, I will have an open house with the latest build of CMAK. With my work schedule and time constraints, and refereeing soccer, it may have to be short notice, but since I got so much grief last time for no valid reason, warning all now. If you come, as before you are sworn to secrecy...and after mine, if there is time, other testers may have an open house. We will worry about that when the time nears. Rune
  15. Guys, Lets keep focus here. So far I got: Michael Emrys as a maybe Axe2121 showing definite interest DaveH as a maybe Grog Dorosh as a definite interest. Remember this is about editing...and the scenarios ont eh cd will be ruined for surprises for you. Rune
  16. No, I cannot say how many, then everyone will think we are committed to that many scenarios, and you may do some that are weeded out and are not placed on the CD. That being said, per scenario I expect 1 full briefing plus 1 briefing for each side, a total of three per scenario, and I expect 1-2 scenarios at a time, and this will NOT be everyday, just when someone completes a briefing. Rune PS Mayhaps it was a slap to Seanachai? hehehehehe
  17. Seanachai, Go back to the Cheery Waffle thread where you belong. This is serious work. Think I'll name a Panzer IIF commander after you. So many people will have satisfaction taking out that tank. hehehehehe Better yet, an Italian M13/40. Rune
  18. Only need one, and good that I am intimidating, because it is fast and furious work, followed by moments of boredom. I will not sugar coat it, I want everyone to understand it is work. Good thing is, it is only spelling and grammar checking. The format of the briefings will remain as they were for the CMBB release. Obvioudly the designers have final say, but there isn't mis-spelling on purpose too often. Also the historical context doesn't have to be checked, that is up to the designer. Rune
  19. Wanted for CMAK: A English Teacher or Editor to correct spelling and grammar mistakes in the briefings. You will need to turn the briefings around fast, so do NOT apply if you don't have the time. This is a time intensive job, turn around times for briefings in under 24 hours. Second disadvantage of the job: You will see the briefings from both sides, so the element of surprise will be gone in the scenarios. You also must sign an NDA, and promise NOT to reveal anything you read or hear or see. Payment: You get your name in the manual with our thanks, along with a free copy of CMAK once released. YOU DO NOT GET A BETA COPY OF CMAK. Let me stress this again, you do NOT become a beta team member. However, you will get an idea of what will be in CMAK from the briefings. If interested post here, with what experience you have. I will pick one by the end of the day and send you the information in email. Questions? Ask here. Rune
  20. I agree with Wyatt and Andreas, I put all the work into a map, then someone says it looks auto-generated, or not enough cover. What annoys me the worse about this, is I based the maps on 1:25000 and photos of the area. Complain to mother nature and not to me. For this reason, I quit making maps, and just work on scenarios. Rune
  21. To answer this question: Is that not what we all want? No it isn't. For each person here that wants unrestricted time or 120 turns, there are 3 that want short sharp fights they can play in one sitting. Yes, the number is correct based on feedback I get in emails as the lead designer. For each person that wants huge maps to maneuver in, another likes the small battles that people like Hans, Berli and Andreas make. Again people, there is not one answer. As many different styles of play, there has to be scenarios to cover it. I make fictional what/if scenarios, I make scenarios where time is critical [paratroops landing on your head], and I make massive LONG battles. I make historical battles to put you in the situation and see if you can do better. What you guys are suggesting an open ended game where I can maneuver around has been made, Korsun Pocket for example. This is done at the operational level. CMAK, CMBB and CMBO are tactical games. Here is the situation, what can you do with it? None of you have seen CMAK yet. It is still a tactical war game. The times John posted are a nice guide, but when did the clock start and when did it end? Did it count the artillery bombardment, the time to get in position for the assault and countless other factors? Again, the bottom line is the CD will have a mix of battles. There is no one right answer. No, not everyone wants it historical. Some people want even matched scenarios, and how often did that happen? Some people want ahistorical maps, read the reviews of von Lauchert complaining of the map. Umm, it is based on a 1:25000 map, complain to Mother Nature, not to me. Some people want to learn why things happened and why tactics changed...others just want to play ladder games. So no, it is NOT what everyone wants. First and foremost, CM series are GAMES. I will continue to try to get a mix of everything on the CD, and as I said before, some you will like and some you won't, depending on your style of play. Just realize, as many players that are out there, there are play styles that are out there, there is no one right answer. Rune
  22. Going to argue that one with you Michael. I have all sorts of OOBs from Sidi Rezegh, where the Crusader and Crusiers, along with Stuarts, were all being used at the same time. Sources include Nafziger [sidi Rezegh OOB and Volumes on the Armoured Divisions], and The Battle of Sidi Rezeg 1941 by Agar-Hamilton, and more. Now, can you guess why I have all this research, including maps done? Rune [ September 02, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  23. nope...don't have to, but wouldn't hurt either. Rune
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