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Everything posted by rune

  1. You won't need to if all you are using is zone alarm. Are you sure the dsl modem is connected straight into the computer? Or does it plug into another box first? Rune
  2. Bob, You should be able to run with no problem. You will need to let Cm access the internet with zone alarm. The wahtismyip address is the one for someone else to use. If you have a hardware firewall, you need to port forward port 7023 to the 192.168.XXX>XXX address your computer has. have fun playing 2 player, it is a blast! Rune
  3. What was written in the article is correct, however the pacific part is the author's dream. Rune
  4. OK, next announcement for CMX2 will be announced in the peng thread then. Rune
  5. I also submit that we make Boo 'Conjunction junction' Radley, Sir Nidan1's faithful sidekick, as Boo is already a faithful sidekick to Joebob Shaw, and the only thing worse I can think of worse then that is to be the faithful sidekick of someone from New York. Almost as bad as living in Ohio, Rune
  6. ladies and gentlemen of the pool, and you too Boo, I hearby submit Nidan1 for a formal title. hencewith, let Sir Nidan1 be know as: Sir Nidan1 Grand Inquistor, Spell Checker, and Grammar Grog of the Mutha Beautiful Thread What say ye? Rune
  7. Hmm, since he is being nice... Boggsy, Look for a Rune scenario to head your way soon. There, that should do it... Rune
  8. Snarker said to Axe2121: Or, how about we go into business together and split the profits evenly - 45% for you, 55% for me. Rune reply: the world is not ready for more hairdressers Rune Note, this was edited for Boo, who was confused reading from one post to the next, as his attention span wasn't long enough. [ August 13, 2004, 08:22 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  9. As of now, there is no plans to release the code. It would take Charles wayyyy too long to write up a document on how to just add a vehicle. That time is better spent on the new engine. Also, support for an enhancement is PAID for for Windows 98 and Windows ME. So, if a millionaire out there would like a patch to CMBO or CMBB, just drop Moon a line, something can be worked out. Last, I simplied the MS model, as I have been a MS Beta tester since Windows 3.1. I know more of the internal workings of MS then I care to admit. Rune
  10. More likely you are running the game from the CD. make sure you run the game from the hard drive, and your save should work. Rune
  11. Sergi is correct, Windows 98 support is gone, but the upgrade of windows 98 other then bug fixes does not exist unless you buy Windows XP. Hence, their support was for bugs, and NOT changed to the operating system. Same thing here. We continue to support the products, but no enhancements will go into the game. There is a single programmer, and he is working on the next version of the engine. Remember the entire company consists of 6 people. Rune
  12. Dave, It was in Tunisia, what shrubs? Have aerial photos showing how bare it really was. Excellent, this one is in France, so a bit different setting. it features Merkins, explody things, Germans, Explody things, two bridges, explody things, crunchies, explody things, and artillery, with some more explody things. As I stated, will email when I get home from work. Rune
  13. dave, dave, dave, dave, dave, You dare to insult a rune scenario, I have no choice but to send you one, the bridges of Le Muy, to play none other then.... Axe2121... because I haven't tortured him in a while. Expect the scenario in your email this evening. Oh and snarker....you better hide too... Rune
  14. Amen Brother Boggs, The nearest I ever got to considering hiring a hitman, with a target of my wife was re-finishing a wooden floor. If man was made to sand a floor while his wife was about, she would have been born round and fitting the bottom of the sander. Not only must you go over the floor apparently 25000 times with different grades of sandpaper, but every single speck of dust must be removed before applying the varnish and sealer...whoich stinks so bad you have to go live in a hotel for a week. This is. of course, opposed to the several times a day where my wife has found a justifible reason to hire a hit on me. Today in my house, the downstairs bathroom is being completely ripped apart for a remodelling, the front roof ie being re-done [clay tile roof] and a closet added to one of my son's room. All this is occuring exactly at the saem time. I figured I had to piss off Berli by holding the scotch for ransom to deserve this treatment. So, you Floridiot, you force me to agree with you. Do NOT do this again, or I will send you a scenario. Rune
  15. Redwolf, Again, cite me a written example instead of inventing things. Did you NOT read the examples I posted, including recon units moving from the beaches being hit by p-47s? Distinctive vehicles, going in a direction friendly forces would go STILL got shot up. Have you EVER flown low level fast? You have ANY idea how hard it is to ID a target? this at a time when air-ground co-ordination was not at its best? Before you ask, YES, i have experince with it. Rune
  16. Here from an artillery unit: Occasionally enemy aircraft were active, usually about dusk or slightly thereafter, but they did practically no damage. Twice bombs from friendly planes were dropped in the Battalion area with no damage reported. The first fires conducted by the Battalion from 8 October 31 October were defensive fires, harassing fires, and counter-battery missions fired with air OP observation. This is BEHIND the front and in friendly lines. Rune
  17. So where are you getting your stats for that? out of thin air? What study said moving targets were hit more often then a stationary target? I have shown written histories where defensive positions at bastogne were hit instead of the attacking germans. Daily. I listed true stories where units not even moving, taking r&r in a town were strafed. Show me anything in writing that backs what you stated. Rune
  18. Will see what I can dig up. However, that doesn't change the amount of casualties inflicted by friendly fire. Also, have to eliminate heavy bombers and light bombers, raids behind enemy lines, airfield strafing, etc. I doubt just a breakdown exists. I just went through some veteran accounts, and there are a lot of mentions of friendly fire by american aircraft. Company I, 413th Infantry, 104th Infantry Division 1 Dec 1944: Germany. A U.S. Air Corps P-51 bombed the position occupied by my infantry platoon, killed three of my men and wounded me. According to one web site, 21% of casualties were caused by friendly fire in WWII. So say 8-10 percent were caused by aircraft. This is for US forces only. The problems with Air-Ground support got so bad in North africa, that on 21 July 1943, a new manual had to be put out. FM 100-20 stated: Finally, FM 100-20 argued that close air support must be used prudently because "in the zone of contact, missions against hostile units are most difficult to control, are most expensive, and are, in general, least effective. Targets are small, well-dispersed, and difficult to locate. In addition, there is always a considerable chance of striking friendly forces. To see how bad things really got in Africa, read: http://www.usaaf.net/has/jops/cas.htm general bradley had to say this about air-ground co-ordination in Europe. "we went into France almost totally untrained in air-ground cooperation". Eisenhower himself had to comment on friendly fire incidents: "Unfortunately, perfection in the employment of comparatively new tactics, such as this close-support carpet bombing, is attainable only through the process of trial and error, and these regrettable losses were part of the inevitable price of experience" So there you have it, veteran account, commanders, field manuals, all saying friendly fire by aircraft was a problem. Rune [ August 06, 2004, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  19. Peng , It was sent, I just sent it a second time. Try your wonderful netscape account* to see if you got it. Berli, i have as much to do with teh Justicar as you do with angels singing in heaven. yes..yes..yes..I got the shot, but what do I expect from pure evil? Remember, I still hold a bottle of scotch here hostage. It is worth more then what dalem collects from unemployment for 2 years. Is this Vadr creature an offspring of Boo? Seems clueless enough to be one of his... Rune
  20. Which means full circle we are back at: Those that can design scenario do, those that can't play, and those that can do neither become the justicar. Rune [ August 05, 2004, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  21. An interesting army report stated that a lot of friendly fire incidents were caused by rear echelon troops. They would plant the ID markers "just in case", and the pilots were told anything to the east [whatever direction was appropriate] of the markers was fair game. Hence the frontline troops were then hit, another report said a lot of casualties was caused by the falling brass. Read yet another that stated Monty called off all airstrikes in the gap at Falaise EXCEPT unarmed recon flights due to the amount of friendly fire incidents on his own troops. However, would like a secondary source on this one. Bottom line, friendly fire was quite common, didn't matter if on the attack, on the defense, travelling a known road, or just sitting around. Rune
  22. redwolf, Wrong. let's look at the book 7 Roads to Hell, written by one of the people who was there. When the 101st was defending bastogne, a regiment defending Bastogne was bombed EVERYDAY by friendly aircraft when it was flying weather. EVERYDAY. His own unit hid in the woods because they were afraid of getting hit by their own aircraft. So, do I believe a combat veteran from the times? Yep. Do I believe it was super rare? Nope. In band of Brothers, another unit of the 101st in defensive positions was also attacked by friendly aircraft. On D-Day the Inns of Court Regiment - a Recce Regiment equipped with armoured cars and infantry in half tracks - were given the task of bypassing the fight for the beaches and heading inland to sieze and/or observe certain strategic road junctions and bridges. This would provide vital information on enemy troop strengths and ability to deploy counter attacks. A major part of the operation was wrecked, vehicles destroyed and lives lost due to persistant attacks by Thunderbolts who ignored agreed ID procedures - recognition panels and coloured smoke. In "A Drop Too Far", Colonel Frost's autobiography, he recalls the time in Tunisia when under attack by the 10th Panzer Division. Things looked bleak for the unfortunate and lightly-armed paras - until the Luftwaffe showed up and bombed the attacking Germans to bits. From a forum: I taught AFV recognition courses in my regiment. I do NOT have a source for this, but the course material specifically said that tank casualties (I presume Canadian, but possibly all Allies) in NWE were 40% due to friendly fire incidents. An Amry Report Title: Friendly Fire on Today's Battlefield Author: Major A.C. Koehler, United States Army Friendly Fire Incidents by Type Conflict Air Artillery Ground Antiaircraft WWII, Korea & Vietnam (3:104) 37% 36% 22% 5% 37% of friendly fire casualties came from friendly fire, in case that can't be read well. Here is another veteran's account: http://www.tankbooks.com/tanksfor/chap15.htm Another case: Unfortunately the commander of the regiment who was to lead the advance to Chambois did not communicate his intentions clearly to the guide supplied by the French resistance. The Koszutski battle group moved due east to a village called Les Champeaux astride the main Trun-Vimoutiers highway, the German escape route to the River Seine. This small force, one armoured regiment and an infantry battalion, had penetrated deep into the German rear areas where it was repeatedly attacked by Royal Air Force Spitfires and Typhoons whose pilots had been briefed to bomb and strafe all movement in an area known to be occupied by the enemy. Despite casualties from friendly fire, the battle group disrupted the German retreat and helped to stem the counterattack by 9th SS Panzer Div. There are hundred of hits on the internet for WWII Friendly fire, just pick the ones with aircraft. Rune
  23. Berli, You ACTUALLY think Joebob is capable of improving? true, once at the bottom you can only go up.... but doesn't that go against everything you stand for? Rune [ August 04, 2004, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  24. Boo , No, the longer I make scenarios, the longer it will be until the patch is released. Have to raise the whining level on the forum just for you. Rune
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