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Everything posted by rune

  1. Found this one, you can see how fast they could put down the feet for the gun. Photo 11 here: http://www.comandosupremo.com/Photo11.html Rune
  2. Go here and look at r040 and the one under it. http://www.rjproducts.com/Catalogs/CriEl_Models/CriEl_Models.html Looks like the drop to stabilize the gun would nto take very long to deploy. Note: this is ths AA version, there was also a portee version I am trying to find, designated the Lancia 3RO portee. Rune [ June 18, 2004, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  3. Nidan1 To help you with your problem with your wife, I uploaded 4 scenarios to the scenario depot. Feel free to download them and turn your speakers up REALLY REALLY Loud. Glad to be of help... Rune
  4. I found the book, and it has photos of vehicles causing dust moving at slow speeds. Kubelwagons, trucks, motorcycles in three columns moving across the open desert at slow speed [all having a dust trail. No mention of where the photo is taken, but the ground is sand. Another is a picture of a vehicles going through soft sand and kicking up a cloud. I am not sure how the scans will turn out if on a web site, but if someone wants to see them, will email them to you. However, as someone pointed out, it is going to depend on wind, terrain, and other things. To say that vehicles would never cause dust at move speed is wrong too. *shrugs* I can see both sides of this. Since it can be controlled by terrain type [dirt/rock/sand] I guess leave it as is, as the scenario designer in me says let me setup if I want dust or not. Rune
  5. See, told you Gods amd Generals was shorter and more to the point. Rune [ June 17, 2004, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  6. Thanks, but just posted the scenario at the depot like twod ays ago. Thanks very much! Rune
  7. Reminds me to have a LONG fatherly talk with Lady Moraine , note I did NOT say Great-great-great-great-great-great-reat-great-great fatherly talk like Joebob would have to do. Alos, my long talks are still rather shorter [pun intended] then any of the Gnome Seanachai's postings. Heck, Seanachai is the only person I know who could make Gods and Generals appear short and to the point. Oh, and whoever put up the hit on Boo at the mall in Ohio, your plan went bust. Please try again... [my money is Emry's was getting even with Boo Now carry on the lot of you, before I hit you with the famed Scroll of NDA. Rune
  8. Tools, if you are going to make a case, make it accurate. 1000 meter hill? Extreme setting allows 8 meter height difference. The settings on the map range from 0 to 19. So 20 changes in elevation times 8 meters means the highest possible hill is 160 meters. Could sand from a moving vehicle be seen over a 160 meter obstruction? The newly arrived M3 Grants had been divided fairly evenly among the 8th Army units, with the hope that their presence would boost morale. In the early morning of May 27th the 4th Armoured Brigade was warned of a strong enemy force approaching from the southwest. With a light squadron of M3 Stuarts about 2,000 yards in front, the Grants of "B" and "C" squadrons of 3 RTR moved out in line formation. Within 10 minutes they received reports of large dust clouds about 3 miles ahead. By the time the Grants had closed ranks with their Stuarts, large formations of PzKpfw.IIIs and IVs had been identified. In this case over 3 miles away the dust was seen. I defer to those tankers here that served in the Gulf, how high did your dust trails get? Rune
  9. First, was dust a problem? The big snag is that all the roads, except for the main ones which one doesn’t see a lot of, are dust roads, large clouds of thin powdery white dust goes up whenever a vehicle moves. It makes it very hard to move up any tanks without giving ones position away, so we’ve fitted dust shields at the back, blocked on each side and curved up towards heaven. It is fitted immediately below the two exhaust pipes (we have all diesel Shermans). So we agree on dust is a problem, the next arguement is behind the hill. What does the dust cloud in CMAK represent? The columns of dust couls rise several hundread feet in height. I have several books where photos show the dust clouds way in the ditance before anything else could be seen. The dust cloud in CMAK while showing the worse, also represent the height of the dust cloud. Yes, dust could be seen over the hill, as they were at the escarpments near Sidi Rezegh. Quite accurate. Will dig out some photos and scan them if I have time. Rune
  10. On the way to the slave pit this morning, on the news station I was listening to, was the announcement that a man was arrested after being 5 years on the lamb. Mace , are you OK? Did they finally catch ya? Alas, I could be ignored the way YK2 ignored me when an email was sent to see how she was doing, but her posts here let me know she is alive and addicted once again. The only good thing is I sent Boggs the Jr. Evil scenario. By now his processor should be wailing for help, like his pixeltruppen do under his command. Hopefully he is defeating Boo who actually had to thank me once. Carry on, Carry on Rune
  11. Boggs, You ignorant slut. I am one of the Senior Knights [not quite as old as Joebob] , but even I know to BOLD the names of the knights. For you disrespect, I am forced to send a scenario made by Jr. Evil your way. Expect it tonight, may it melt your processor in a mad fit of panic. Rune
  12. What Andreas, Berli, and jwxspoon said
  13. rleete , May I suggest Sir Charles Barkley's idea for his girls? Kill the first one that dates his daughter, then he figured the word would get out. Luckily, I was sane and only had boys. Last, and most importantly, Chris 'Jr. Evil' had a scenario that passed the tests, so anyone want a scvenario involving: Crunchie things November 1941 Things that go boom. More things that go boom Throw in some more crunchies British German Some scouting things that go boom An Oasis A Sandstorm Let me know. I will laugh at you then send it to you. Rune
  14. Wikingkpof, Toss me an email and I will send to you. Rune
  15. Leave the mime's alone, after all, a mime is a terrible thing to waste. Rune
  16. You do not want to go backwards in directx, and the one built into XP would work. You can also upgrade to 9.0 if you wanted to,and CMBO will work with it. Rune
  17. Thank you, but unfortunately adding a vehicle takes a lot of time to get it in the code. It is one of the reasons the push for CMX2, an easier way to add vehicles for the internal people. Rune
  18. Will not be done as 1. never served in Italy 2. Would take time away from working on the CMX2 Engine. Rune
  19. You went to see local intelligentsia from Southern Indiana? Are these people who can actually speak without a y'all at the end of it? How was the taco bell and McDonalds? I want FEEDBAACK dang it. Blame Axe, his failure to communicate is only exceeded by his tactical prowness, which is none. Which of you maggots has meeting in the wind? Jr. Evil wants some feedback. Rune
  20. Mine was on the April 1943 uprising. It can be gotten here: http://3dwargamer.net/bootsandtracks/ScenarioDetail.php?ScenarioID=11 Rune
  21. Actually I made a warsaw uprising scenario, was one of the hardest scenarios to make. Wanted to honor the fighters, and hopefully I accomplished that. Rune
  22. Since I have not gotten feedback on the Jr. Evil Scenario [Meeting in the Wind], I have nop choice but to once again taunt Axe. Axe, you'll never guess what aircraft my pilots have earned in DIF. Perhaps I will allow Harv to come in and taunt you too...he is also a Canuck, but HE gets to test the game. Now, feedback before I must taunt you again... Rune
  23. Joebob, Admonish him for being Boo anyway, isn't that what Andy did to Barney Fife? Do you give Boo one bullet...err... admonishment in his pocket to use in emergency? [/serious on] Make sure you have the NEW 1.3 version of spybot, the older one is not being updated. Also the Spy sweeper will remove the registry settings. It may help, unless you just feel the need to reformat [/serious off] Rune
  24. Actually if it is today here, then it is tomorrow there Noba, so if you would fo the honors.. Joebob, like any child is going to admit you are her dad. Fey and double bah! [/serious on] spyware blaster and spybot search and destroy [/serious off] Rune
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