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Everything posted by rune

  1. Breakthrough, Reminds me when the original problem with nvidia drivers came about, and everyone said to patch CMBO. Oh look, it wasn't. Problems? Lets see, Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP home and XP Pro. Let's add in Directx 7, and 8.1, and say 25 different video cards with 15 different drivers. So far over 95% have been fixed with drivers, or other updates. Suggesting CMBB needs a patch to fix that is off the mark. Oh yeah, I run CMBB with no problem, as do the majority of users. I run it on Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows XP Home. Some people will have problems, it can't be helped with all the variables...but don't blame CMBB for it. Rune
  2. akdavis, Because if the vehicles are not added into the executable, then you don't see them no matter what .bmp you have. The models of the tanks are within the execuatble, therefore the only way you see new models is with a new executable. The reason the vehicles are not in, is as you guessed, mainly not enough room, but yes, ran out of time anyway. Dan has been working on the new vehicles, and the models and bitmaps are up to his usual standard of excellence. [KD, I still call you a god] Bottom line, vehicles can and will only be added with a patch. Rune [ October 07, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  3. Thank you. Wait til you see some new evil that will be released soon. Rune
  4. MikeT, You do realize there are 3 battles at the tractor works, all of which are accurate with the map. We got maps and photos of the tractor works before we created it. Mine and wwb's are a small section of the factory complex, while Berli's is the entire complex but can bring a computer to its knees. Rune
  5. Some background information: http://www.achtungpanzer.com/stug.htm Enjoy....especially the aces section. Rune
  6. We can always cook the Gnome, You know.... Gnome, Gnome on the Range? No singing Mace. You will scare Harv's sheep again. Off to referee soccer in the remains of Hurricane Lili. It is raining sideways here... Rune
  7. No insult taken, just wanted you to know that veterans appreciate what we do, and I have changed scenarios with their feedback. I know Wild Bill also has. The point is, do not feel guilty about a historical battle, honor both sides that fought. I don't want to get on a soapbox, so will shut up. Also, the majority of scenarios on the CD are not marked, meanign they are semi-historical. I say better then 90% will be this way, reconds from the Eastern Front are not easy to get. Rune
  8. He is correct, you can only edit the scenario, not a pbem file. Oh, and call Elvis a wanker for me.... Rune
  9. Historical, if you base the map accurately, if the units are correct, and you have done the best you can, then it is historical. No, you can't get the exact mines down, or exact starting position, but you do the best you can. I don't see it as dishonoring the people that fought there, I look at it as honoring the people that fought there. Their bravery in unknown conditions. Since I have had people who ACTUALLY fought at some of these battles contact me, and thank me for doing it, I do not find it offensive at all. I did a Warsaw ghetto battle also, that HONORS the bravery of those that rose up and fought [The first time]. A hopeless cause, but they fought anyway. Honor their sacrifice, do not turn a blind eye to it. Semi-historical: The majority of battles, maps are not detailed enough, unit histories do not have good enough records etc. Fictional: A What/If scenario, or like I like to do, alternate History. I did Clash of the Titans for CMBO, and yes, there is a Clash of the Titans II for CMBB. [Reminds me, i sure ask Winecape and Co. for a cut of the action on their tourney. ] Last historical battles help to understand what happened and why. There is nothing wrong with marking a scenario historical, if you do so for the right reasons. Rune
  10. Look in the manual, Chris "Jr. Evil" Orosz. Yep, he made it. Will pass the comments on to him. Rune
  11. Impossible for the author and for the computer to do. Why? Free to place units. Doesn't make sense to put in the briefing a squad was spotted in the factory when the opponent then moves it someplace else. Besides that, a lot of the battles I did were breakouts, or counter attacks, where recon was NOT conducted. Kind of a let's keep going and see what we run into type of thing. Also, anyone want to guess how often recon intel was out of date, or things changed on a fluid battlefield? Rune
  12. So how did you guys like it? My son, who is 13, made it, and I want to pass along the comments to him. Rune
  13. Depends on how you use your troops. It can also be cakewalk for the Russians. If you play with the defaults, see how you do. Rune
  14. Emren, Two times threads are needed. Soccer, and to replace the button on my pants. dd, And your wife let you live? heheheheh Rune
  15. The problem with tcp/ip and screen corruption is caused by directx wanting to be the only thing running with direct connect [if i remember correctly]. do N OT minimize under the connection is made. However, if this is NOT the case, did you uninstall the older drivers and installing the 30.82s, or did you try to reload directx 8.1? Rune
  16. I agree feedback in important, but you think three separate threads are really necessary? The point being BFC acknowledged problems and said for next time it will be fixed, do honestly think harping on it more is going to change their minds even more? Have I waited 6 months for a game? There are a lot here that waited 2 years for CMBO when all the "experts" said it couldn't be done. Can you mention Harpoon 4? Oh look, still isn't out. How about the next version of Half-Life? It was a business decision, BFC learned from it. I trust the gang not to repeat the mistakes. Three threads are NOT needed especially when all this has been answered. Rune
  17. It has been said countless times by BFC and ignored here again: 1. The majority in Europe do not buy over the internet. They know from CMBO. 2. CDV approached them, and made a deal they can live with, they didn't sell out, they are making money and get to set terms that other distributers would NOT do. 3. The more sales in Europe, the bigger the community, the more sales, the better chance the company survives. At the end of the day, they still have to feed Madmatt. 4. Lessons were learned, and next go round things will change. Pissing and moaning about it here isn't going to change anything. Rune
  18. No insult taken, I like to get feedback, good and bad, it is how one improves themself. However, in the code there IS a way to change difficulty, add to the ai force. What I am saying is play around in a scenario, and see how much force you can handle. Maybe +50% to the AI, while someone else may think the scenario is too hard as it is. [Andreas' Cemetary Hill is an excellent scenario, I won it tactical first time thru, but others here say they had to play 9-10 times before they defeated it]. So, now you played something, go back and add percentages, see where you think it is fair and try the next one with that percentage. * * * * * * SPOILER * * * * * Also, some scenarios are meant to teach a lesson. von Lauchert, for example, will spank you bad two player if the Russian Player does not use the historical advantage of speed. Also you have to examine the map closely. Rune
  19. Il2s do not have sirens in the game, so I wonder if the Stuka mis-id's you vehicles and made a pass, hence the no aa fire. Rune
  20. Use the mouse and click on the arrows at the top of the screen. Rune
  21. Try The Seam, huge, but features 2 minors countries plus the Germans vs the Russian attack. Rune
  22. There are at least 4 ladies that play and post here. Rune
  23. Umm...if you think it should be a hunt command, then plot a hunt command and a reverse. This is NOT what a shoot and scoot is. Think Tank destroyer, rushes forward, takes a quick shot, then gets out of the way before counter-fire. A hit and run type deal. Rune
  24. Impossible to do. While the authors were godo at saying best played as, marking skill levels with percentages would be impossible, due to the many MANY different styles of play, and skill levels. Imagine yourself as expert, play at 200% and get killed, then you would say the author sucked for recommending it. No happy medium when the players vary so much. So, the player needs to see how he/she individually does, then adjust accordingly. Rune
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