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Everything posted by rune

  1. Doug, Any one in your unit, feel free to bring. They can always meet us at the room Blackhorse listed. Am walking out the door now, see you guys within 48 hours. Rune
  2. Walking out the door literally. WIld Bill, I wont be at the hotel til tuesday, I am driving straight to the museum on Tuesday. So you won't be able to reach me Monday. All, we are getting a tour of the back lot. And more. Just talked with Blackhorse, and we confirmed the schedule. This is a traip NOT to be missed. Rune
  3. Berli/Andreas It is Large, but I think it rather good. For your enjoyment, I send you "Pride of the Luftwaffe" For the rest of you gits, Luftwaffe was the term for the German Air Force, but Goering [think Joebob, but smaller in size] also created infantry and tank units once he broke all his airplanes. Pride.....well...that you be hard to explain to the lot of you. Buzzsaw, while I am away taking picture of tanks, I expect you to hold high the standard of House Rune. I want AARs, I want you to slap Mike around silly [Yes, yes, i know it looks like someone did, but still], and last, I want a 5 page thesis on what Swedes should be seen and not heard. Also, if the Lady doesn't have a picture of you by the time i get back, you will be draining the Cesspool using nothing more then a straw. Well, off to soccer referee camp, then meeting the crew at the Patton Museum. Rune
  4. Michael, Actually it WAS quite common. The Germans did not trust their Allies at the end of the war, and constantly had units mixed in with romanians and hungarians. I have seen quite a few AARs on this. Rune
  5. Wild Bill, Am staying at the Comfort Inn Atrium Gardens 1043 Executive Dr in Elizabethtown Ky 270/769-3030 or 800-228-5150 there were rooms still available when I made my reservations. We are all meeting at the Museum itself on 6 Aug at 0900. I will be out of town starting in the morning. SO I wont get the chance to call Bill. Toss me an email as soon as you read this. Rune
  6. Last Call before I leave tomorrow. Anyone else going? I have laptop and cd packed. Digital camera packed, will be heading South Sunday right after I get home for Referee Camp. Rune
  7. It is based on ammo, armor, carrying capability, and lots of other things. Rarity does NOT come into play. The armor on the front of the pershing easily bounced off a lot of the shells. Rune
  8. You are all wrong. I predict your first game will be not a qb, not a scenario, not a tutorial, but maybe the demo? Rune
  9. Steve, Steve, Steve, You got it wrong. I was going for the Panther II. Matt was going for the hetzer. Rune Oh, you fellas are in for a real treat!! Steve</font>
  10. I will have a laptop with me, and will have 2 Critters of my own. Also, I will either be wearing my carrier cap [i was Navy], or a FIFA yellow hat. {If you don't know what FIFA is, then don't ask. heheheh) How did I forget you Harv? [The several bottles of wine almost allowed me to]. hehehehe Look forward to meeting everyone there. Oh yeah, we do get to look at the tanks before you all start clammering for CMBB. Rune
  11. OK, I leave for a soccer referee camp on Friday, then come home Sunday and immediately leave for my Mom's in Southern Il. I will be at the museum at close to 9:00 AM on Tuesday 6 Aug, as I can be. Roll call time, who is definitely going to be there? I know we have: Me Matt Blackhorse US Tanker. Who else will definitely be there? Last...Blackhorse, Matt keeps asking me about dirving the hetzer, be warned... hehehehe Rune
  12. Mike, Wrong. Buildings including small show levels of damage. Rune [ July 29, 2002, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  13. And you are doing that why? Since maps from one battle can be imported into another, including damage. Is that not what you are tryig to do? Rune
  14. Sheesh, I cannot get a room. Blackhorse, have any pull at teh Gold Vault? Rune
  15. It is still on. Aug 6th, 0900 at the museum. Matt and I will both be there. Rune
  16. Along with the Uranium being shipped to Japan on U-234, was a ME-262, a V-2, and a dozen scientists. They were trying to share, but the distance involved was too much. Rune
  17. The engine pulls up the correct units, be it SS or Uberhamsters. There is no issue playing pbem or tcp/ip across the versions. Achim Heidelauf speaks for CDV, so you have your official answer. Rune
  18. Change the first post...the outer board has no place in this....this....cesspool. We must maintain some resemblence of ....errr....hmmmm... something or other. Buzzy, oh Buzzy...I have left you alone too long. * Boot * I have not seen a posting from you * Boot * in quite some time. Whom are you * Boot * playing at the moment? Damn Serfs....never can find a good one. * Boot * Rune
  19. A Reminder to all... The sneak preview was exactly that. Features can change and things may be included or not included. We want you to discuss the game in general terms, but since changes are possible, or impressions are incorrect, please do not post more detailed stuff. The beta testers are extremely busy at the moment, and are not available to test things for the general masses. We don't want more questions comming at the BFC crew, as they are working exceedingly hard on CMBB, and each time they have to answer stuff here, takes away time from the game literally. Hang in there, once CMBB goes gold, the BFC crew will have a little more time to answer things. As one of the beta testers just said, they have been testing for almost a year, and are still discovering new things. Rune
  20. This is a sneak peek not a review. Some items are not complete, and all are subject to change. The guys do NOT have the time to answer questions that details would raise, so no, do not post in detail. Also, no to digital pictures, I know it was asked on a few threads. General comments, positive or negative are appreciated. The same rules apply to all the sneak peeks. To those who saw CMBB, we appreciate your feedback! To those who haven't, only current beta testers will show, and then, only the ones who volunteered. A few decided not to after the grief from some. SO, apologies, but Sept. 20th will come fast. Rune
  21. Chris, my son, who is a beta tester is now 13. He tested and is in the manual for CMBO when he was 11, and ask Charles, he really found bugs during the beta. Rune
  22. Sarge, You are welcome to join us, as is anyone who can make it on the 6th. Once again, 6 August at 0900. Rune
  23. Actor, Let me know if you want someone to play over the net, arrangements can be made. Rune
  24. Sarge, Am at work, but what I have is listed to the jeep and HT from the book I put in the briefing. He went into great detail on the equipment and where it was destroyed. The problem with it is I marked all the vehicles as the exit. It was the first time I used that setting, and have learned better. Using the desc in the briefing will give you a chance. The German OOB I got from units in the area. Wasn't the most accurate things, but better then a pure guess. Yes, it is difficult to get that far. The Germans knew where the convoy had to go, and were waiting for them. Look forward to meeting you on 6 August. Have been in touch with Blackhorse, and if everything goes as we plan, it wiil be a trip NOT to miss. The back lot, CMBB, and more... Anyone free on the 6th and can make it to the Patton Museum is welcome to join us. Rune
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