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Everything posted by rune

  1. While fun, ignore the results and go with what is in the briefing. The report I had also stated they were priests, and I think I had that in the scenario, but I don't remember if I changed it to Sherman 105s. The amount of vehicles is accurate, and the German OOB is subject to debate also. If someone has a better OOB then the references I had, let me know and we can re-visit the scenario. Needless to say it is almost impossible to get the vehicles off the map safely. Rune
  2. What would happen if Joebob threw a tourney and nobody came? Would he attack the windmill? Would Lars put him out of his misery and take over the House? I will NOT participate in SAID tourney. The last time I did anything with Combat Mission and my house, I am still being attacked for. Alas, my time is not free, as I must help on that which cannot be named. Besides, I brought lawyers into the pool. Who wants to admit that? Buzzsaw, you twit. Did * Boot * I not ask * Boot * for an AAR of your * Boot * latest draw? Must I drop * Boot * an IS2 [grog term] on your * Boot * head to make you pay attention? * Boot * * Boot * * Boot * I am doing this for * Boot * your own good. * Boot * You want to rise to a serf someday, [What the heck, enjoy yourself Bauhaus ] and maybe into a Knighthood. * Boot * Get * Boot * posting * Boot * young * Boot * one. Rune
  3. Party has broken up, start posting your thoughts here. All togehter, thanks for coming over, hope you enjoyed the showing and beer and food, and thanks to everyone for coming and for bringing stuff. Rune
  4. t minus 8 hours and counting... Rune
  5. All, USTanker, you were an officer, and I know Blackhawk is. Any one else military or ex-military that will be going? Rune
  6. CMBB is not even out yet. So there are no patches for it. CMBO came out with version 1.12, so do NOT use the patch from here, as the CD has the latest build. Rune
  7. Buzzsaw, My serf, you are doing well... a gallant taunt, Joebob insulted [not that it is difficult], posted an AAR. Wait, what is this? Boot where is the Boot picture you were to send Boot to the Lady? Please Boot correct Boot immediately. Boot Who has a squire that needs a draw to Buzzsaw? I swear, this youngster is showing promise. Rune
  8. I will be staying around Ft. Knox since I will have my kids with me, and showing them Matt's hometown could cause them harm. Who know, maybe Blackhorse will smuggle us into the Officers club to demo the game. hehehehehe Rune
  9. Dave, You feel a cold coming on. You are really feeling ill when Aug 6th comes. You will be suffering from an acute case of CMBBitis. Rune I am not comming I65, but thanks for the heads up. I am doing the I-24, Kentucky Parkway route. Any heads up for that?
  10. This explains his lack of response to my Blood Hamster Feud . Anyone who says Buzzsaw is MY serf, has my vote to the position. [slightly bend with Bauhaus behind you]. BUZZSAW, you twit. You have not responded to boot the tasks I have boot assgined to you. You must boot post your latest AAR boot and send a picture boot to the Lady. Now, boot I hope I am making boot myself perfectly clear on this. boot boot boot Rune
  11. Blackhorse, A definite go...will be there about 0900 on 6 Aug. I may be the late one, coming from Southern Illinois with no direct easy route. I have to leave at like 4 in the AM. Look forward to meeting all there, and yes, bringing a laptop with the CD< and I imagine Matt will too. Rune
  12. So far from people I have heard, about a dozen. Rolling Rock will be appreciated. Rune
  13. If you want to withdraw, fight your way to a map edge. You can always cease fire if the other side agrees. Rune
  14. Going to try this one last time, then ask them to lock this. 1. BFC would like to be historical. They would like nothing better then to have the SS runes and names not changed. However, 2. They made a deal to get CMBB into stores in Europe, since the majority do not order via the INternet there. This Company is called CDV. CDV is located in: 3. Germany, which has strict laws about displaying the runes and symbols. Selling to or buying a game with the symbols can get you arrested and/or the game banned. Some people say the name is not an issue with the German law, just the symbols, however: 4. The lawyers at CDV disagree. Since it is in the contract, BFC's hands are tied. Some people would liek to order directly from BFC< however: 5. The same agreement states that CDV sells in West Europe and BFC cannot sell there, and CDV cannot sell where BFC sells. This is a standard practice in software. So, quit blaming BFC, and bringing this up over and over. It is the German laws, and the lawyers who say they cannot go in. So, to change this: Fork over the money to take on the German Government in court, and to pay the lawyers, or just fine someone in the US willing to purchase for you. Simple enought? Oh yeah, we don't have that law here in the United States, so we don't have to deal with it. Rune
  15. Seniletea , Are you as witless as the Justicar himself? Is this thread NOT about the game, nor about how the t34/76 has 82mm of armor ar 60 degrees...Nay [That's No for you Canadians], it is about THE TAUNT. I have sent Joebob a quick battle, and await his reply. What? He doesn't have the game? Now THAT is the pinnacle of taunting. In the words of Peng himself: "Blllllleeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh" So Bard , trumpet the ultimate taunt, celebrate Joebob's lack of wit, and as Elvis would put it mildly: "Wankers" Buzzsaw, Buzzsaw, me serf. The fair Lady still awaits your photo. Did I not say no excuses? Penance shall be.....hmmmm...... BERLI! , you got anything exceedingly evil that we can toss at the poor lad? Other then someone's bloated corpse? Got anyone who need a quick draw over me serf? Also young serf, I await you latest tale of a battle. Rune [ July 11, 2002, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  16. Emails resent. Send me a note if you still did not get an email. Rune
  17. Gentlemen, Who ever said I would send you the CMBB CD? I specifically stated it is my weapon of choice, and if you don't accept, you forfeit. Now you may think this isn't fair...and that IS the point. Joebob has declined my compromise, so the Blood Hamster Feud remains. I will send you a setup this evening. You have three days to respond, or you lose. Berli , will be so kind as to create a QB for me, so that I may forward it to Joebob ? Rune
  18. Joe, Joe, Joe, So like you to forget that the Blood Hamster Feud was never revoked. We haven't had a world war either, doesn't mean it can't happen. So, the Feud remains on. Choose your second, or forfeit, either way I don't care. However, in the spirit of co-operativeness, I will allow Buzzsaw to remain a serf, but I want him listed as MY serf, not the pools. It is the only compromise I will make...choose wisely... As for the others you mention Pshaw , as they are not me, nor I they. I brought forth into the Pool, the first of the lawyers, and promptly ignored them and billed them. What better way to deal with a lawyer? What more proof most I show that the young Buzzshaw will have to EARN this? As for Utah and Happy Valley, the rest of the world cares not. A boil is a boil, no matter what part of the boil you are in. Admitting you are from Utah is like admitting you like the Eagles football team. The Blood Hamster Feud remains, unless you agree to my compromise. Rune
  19. I have no choice but to do the following. Joebob , I hereby envoke a Blood Hamster Feud with you. I select Berli as my second if he will accept. Choice of weapon, CMBB quick battle, parameters of: 1941, Central, July, wind from SSE, random settings on forces, countries, divisions. You will be the conscript Russians, while I'll be the veteran Germans. Variable rarity will be played. Game to commence within 3 days, or you forfeit. What is that you say? You don't have CMBB? No excuses...this is a Blood Hamster Feud . Alternative: You bypass Serf, make him my Squire [The boy shows promise], and MAYBE I'll tell Schrullenhaft to let you in. Rune
  20. Schrullenhaft, If Joebob Shaw shows up, please refrain from showing him anything until he admits Buzzsaw as my Squire in the Peng Challenge Thread. Feel free to use any firearms to keep him away, or, in case you have one, feel free to let the Dogs out on him. [second thought, careful, the dog could get rabies]. If he sees the errors of his way, and admits him as my squire, will let you know so that you only take one or two shots at him. Rune
  21. Will check and or resend when I get home. Did anyone receive my email? There were multiple people it was sent to at the same time. Rune
  22. At what point did you ever think I would answer to the likes of you Joebob ? I almost rather play an Australian then to begin to listen to your Utah ways. For this, I will rename but most conscript of Russian infantry in a scenario, and have him rush a German MG34. I may even take screenshots so that all may enjoy your demise. Since you abandoned us in the IL2 forum, your words are like a sheep seeing Mace approach. Not matter how much you complain, you knwo you are still getting it in the end. Rune
  23. Buzzsaw, After you clean the stables, I want a full run down of your battle with the Canadian one. Also, a picture is to be sent to the fair lady, and NO excuses. once you are done with that, I expect a good taunt to another squire, and this time with a little more bite to it. I also want a 10 page essay on why Joebob the Hutt can't fly an IL2 even if it was sitting on a runway. The and only then, may you have a little rest before boot I decide boot what evilness boot you are to play Harv again. Boot This time you must Boot humilate him. Good squires are just so hard to find these days... Rune
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