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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I had a platoon sergeant who was an ex-Marine. He use to use 100mph tape to put his bayonet on his Mk19. The CO would walk by and just shake his head.
  2. Ok, I think the problems I had were related to the size of the map. I started over with a 2x2 map and it is going well. No CTDs and slow but normal load times. I am also experimenting with using the gravel ground tile for gravel roads. For my Hohenfels map it works because all the hardball roads in the training area were packed gravel. Once I get the map done I will post it as a QB map as well as a scenario. I am thinking of making a Campaign based on a typical Hohenfels rotation. Should be interesting to try an put an entire MRR on the map. Not really sure it will actually work.
  3. Little hint: Don't make a map larger than 2X2km. I don't know about the eventual patch but right now it will cause your system to crash. At least it did mine.
  4. It's not gamey. All U.S. tracers are red. Most WP tracers are green. It just depends on where the guys who are shooting at you got their rounds from.
  5. In layman's terms, what is being proposed here? To me modding is just changing the way things look. I don't think any current game allows you to actually mess with source code. Maybe some old stuff that is now freeware.
  6. That's how we used to load. Sometimes team and squad leaders would load tracer heavy to help directing fire but normally we never had much. the prepackaged stuff for the SAW and 240 of course had a 1 to 4 mix. Going to the range for night fires we used to put lots of tracer in the mix just because it looked cool and they didn't want them back.
  7. Aren't they already planning to release modding tools in the future? I don't mod so I don't know what is required but I though I had heard something about this before. Or am I completely confused here?
  8. Traditionally U.S. tracers are red. We were always told that WP tracers were green but there seems to be a mix. Where is the bayonet lug for that new toy? The Marines won't keep it if you can't fix a blade to it.
  9. Let me be the first to complain about the 1.06 patch. It is obvious that all BFC cares about is money. This is a sad day for the wargaming industry.
  10. Let me be the first to officially complain about the 1.05 patch. It is obvious that BFC have disregarded the concerns of the fanbase.
  11. I have seen tips scattered about and thought we should have a place to consolidate them. Obviously the game needs arty or engineer smoke but until that deficiency is corrected lets see what we can do with what we have. Vehicle Smoke: You can aim the smoke by either facing the vehicle or turning the turret with a covered arc. The best is the Stryker Smoke. Large cloud, quick to deploy and billow. M1 Smoke smaller and slower to deploy but good once billowed. In reality the M1 smoke screen is almost instant. The grenades litterally explode a cloud out. Bradley Smoke, worse U.S. vehicle smoke. Slow to billow and too far from the vehicle. Hard to tell exactly where the screen will end up. (All the smoke should be like the Stryker smoke. It is designed to break LOS with ATGMs and tanks firing at the vehicle this means it has to deploy fast.) Vehicles can put out large amounts of smoke and can cover a wide area if the wind is right. It is almost always a good idea to pop smoke before you dismount troops unless you are absolutely sure that you are covered or at least concealed. Be aware though that putting smoke directly on an enemy position seems to give the advantage to the defender. They can see you moving better than you can see them sitting still. Hand Held Smoke: Too small compared to real thing. It can be useful if used correctly. It is absolutely vital to pay attention to unit facing or you will waste your smoke. It works best if you can have several units throw into the same area. Obviously that area must be smaller than where you would use vehicle smoke. General Tips: The most obvious use is to screen movement. This means you can use it to move to different floors as well. Good for moving to the roof and not getting blasted before you can get setup. You can also use it if recieving heavy fire to give yourself a bit of a breather although this doesn't always work. One technique that I have found for moving if the wind is in your favor is to pop smoke and then move in the cloud as it moves. You can stay in even a hand held smoke cloud for a couple hundred meters. I have noticed that even thin looking smoke can be effective if there is a lot of it. If you have any tips or observations please share.
  12. One further note. The Army guidlines for use of the low crawl is low cover or concealment NOT wide open terrain. If you ever find yourself having to cross a wide open area you pray that no one shoots at you, you don't crawl. If you do get shot at you use the 3 to 5 second rush to move from cover to cover if you move at all. Usually you hide until something can be done to make the bad men go away.
  13. I don't think so. I think it has to have some sort of blast effect. Blast doesn't seem to care.
  14. Small arms accuracy is completely over modeled. Look at the casualty figures for any operation of comparable size to a CMSF scenario. We regularly get casualty rates in an hour that entire divisions would get during a day of hard fighting. Look at the recent operations in Iraq where a month's urban fighting ends in a couple hundred casualties combined. What is different in the game from real life is that every shot in the game is aimed. In actual combat 99 of 100 are of the spray and pray variety. That's why you can't do a "Blackhawk Down" scenario in CMSF, your Hummers will get eaten alive before they move 100 meters. Targeting priority is: 1. Known enemy troops: Unfortunately the enemy rarely pops up like they do on the range. 2. Known enemy locations: You saw the guy there a minute ago so you are hosing the area. 3. Suspected enemy locations: You think you saw something in that window or in those bushes. 4. Likely or possible enemy locations: That's where I would be if I was trying to defend this area so lets hose that area. The vast majority of fire falls into the last three categories and is designed to keep the enemy's head down. Even fire in the first category is against a target that is usually visible for only a second or two and is moving and most likely 100 to 200 meters away.
  15. File size is 106kb. Doesn't seem like it should be a problem. Maybe the size is just too big.
  16. It is consistently shown in the game that if they crawl they die if nothing stops the enemy from shooting at them. I really don't know how they would do if they unassed the AO because I have never seen them do it. I actually agree with you that weapons accuracy is entirely too great in the game which is one of the reasons I do think running to cover gives them a better chance. Since they die while crawling, hitting the dirt doesn't seem to really give them any advantage but it forces them to remain in the kill zone for much longer. Six of one, half a dozen of the other I suppose.
  17. That would be a valid question if crawling actually improved their chance for survival. All it does is place them in the kill zone for a tremendously long time without giving any survival bonus. Once the squad begins crawling they all eventually die except any that are already behind cover.
  18. Mine shouldn't be struggling with just a map. I can run everything in RT smoothly, including the new ones by rune. Dual Core 3.0, 2gigs ram, 7620 512m nvidia card. This is the only thing it struggles on.
  19. Thanks Mark. That may explain the CTDs as they only really started when I put in the trees. I noticed long load times though even when all I had were elevations.
  20. I have played early versions of both of these, they are fantastic.
  21. Has anyone else had problems with CTD's when making big maps? I made a big Hohenfels map, 3x3km, and besides taking forever to load the scenario into the editor, it often crashes when I try to bring up the 3D preview. It is typical European terrain so there is are lots of trees and elevation changes but I have seen other large maps with lots of buildings and such and they run fine. I was just wondering if maybe the game doesn't like Europe.
  22. Can we please stop the crawl of death? When you are in the open and you get shot at you don't crawl to cover you haul ass to get out of the kill zone. Crawling in the open only gets you killed.
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