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Everything posted by JohnO

  1. That would be the case if your down in the trenches, but most if not a large majority of players play CM:SF in god mode which is higher levels of view instead of being in ground level and will have a hard time knowing where the fire is coming from. As the old saying, you can't please all the people some of the time but you can please allot of people most of the time. Just my two cents.
  2. I posted the problems I found in the Skunkworks and it is being looked at. Will it be in this 1.06 patch not sure, will it be fixed in the next patch most likely.
  3. Thats true, but why send my troops against a bunker when I can call in arty or airstrike, or hell fire a javelin at it
  4. Well I did the test and there are some issues with them on both sides. The issues was the ranges that the weapons were to engage enemy troops. There wasn't any issues with spotting. More to add once the issues are fixed.
  5. Haven't forgotten about the snipers. I will test a setup tomorrow and post the results. I'm curious as well. Will test with some tall buildings and the distance the snipers can shoot to and to see if the get spotted. So stay tune, plus I'm writing this down and stick the note to the computer so that I wont forget it
  6. Couldn't you changes the sounds of the voices to reflect that?
  7. Where can I get this scenario "Black Bear Down"?
  8. Drooling, Is that the T-90? Never mine that is a T-62 with out its reactive armor. [ January 11, 2008, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: JohnO ]
  9. not much longer I hope for the patch to fix the low wall bug.
  10. Hell of a lot better, now when can we download it
  11. have to agree with stikkypixie, the grass looks like the color from a kids green crayon, if you could tone down the bright green just a tad bit and it would look great. Now to do something about the background mountains and it would look really nice.
  12. I want to see some big tires and have the pickup jacked up looks nice MikeyD
  13. Oh crap, see 1.06 when it comes out, soon, I hope. But still the target system that is displayed in the screenshot is damaged and may be the reason for the main gun not firing.
  14. I'm not trying to be a no it all, but looking at your screenshot, I noticed under Damages, the targeting system is damage. I'm not saying I'm a tanker but that may have something to do with it. They can spot enemy but they may not be able to fire the gun. I'm surprise that the M1 did not do a reverse to get the hell out of there when it knows it can't fire its main gun.
  15. Well from me I would have to say numerous reasons, the first one was the bugs on the first release of CM:SF the second one was that most players don't wont modern battles they wont it to be only WW2, third was the time frame and location of the game it represents. But thats just me.
  16. Let me clarify what I'm agreeing with from thewood does that help you now on what I'm agreeing with.
  17. Hey Webwing, hang in there. Don't get discourage. Its like being a painter, when your done and you think you are done and you look at it again and say just one more touchup are we still going to work on that one campaign you sent to me?
  18. You no what, I agree with thewood and that isn't very often , but everytime someone tries to get something started you get the same jerks who do nothing but bad month the game, BFC, Steve or anybody else who thinks the game has potential. Its starts to get old very quick. So that is why I test and play PBEM, hell even in multiplayer with only the people who I know and who is civilized. And I bet as soon as I post this there will be someone who will come on here and start to bad month either me or the game saying it isn't playable.
  19. Oh thats too bad MajCatastrophe, we want miss you, so good bye.
  20. Throw it in the wash machine on gentle cycle.
  21. Don't get me wrong I still say that there should be an announcement either sound, which I prefer, or large enough words to alert you and the game will automatically take you to the issue with an arrow flashing or not flashing, showing the location, especially when there is smoke and night time battles. Just an idea.
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