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Everything posted by JohnO

  1. I HATE the 2nd ID patch. I havnt even sewn it on my class As. It looks like some kind of indian reservation deputy badge, the coloring is also ugly </font>
  2. Love the Second ID patch, not all that thrilled about the MP patch though So where is it to download them?
  3. Steve, I could of sworn that I posted a screenshot of that type of situation in the Skunkworks. Edit: Yep I just checked and it is posted in the version 1.05 Final Candidate #7 thread. [ December 15, 2007, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: JohnO ]
  4. Well I guess I could but you will probably not be satisfied with anything playable.
  5. I guess you may need to go on to something else that is playable to you then. You could try CCM.
  6. Whats that Spock saying "The needs of the many out weighs the needs of the few" well something like that.
  7. I would think otherwise on the main objective. When your troops get cutoff, the mission changes to the objective that will count and that is to save the lives of the soldiers in the ambush site. After that then I would finish the main objective. JohnO
  8. Another book that may help is On Point - OIF You can read it here On Point JohnO
  9. yep, I agree, after talking to some of the officers here at CGSC, I stand corrected, if the Plt Ldr knows that the situation is that the enemy has allot of firepower and IEDs out there he would be cautious enough not to get his people killed. Also after talking to them, I have come up with a good scenario
  10. I'm not disagreeing and I'm not advocating to "Charge of the Light Brigade into the guns of the enemy" I'm just saying how can you design a scenario for what it is suppose to do when the player doesn't react as train military officers would, thats all. I know what the primary purpose of a QRF is and that is to undertake counter-attack and counter-penetration tasks, in addition to cordons and searches, sweeps and clearances, vehicle and personnel checks, and convoy protection. Maybe I'm putting more into this when I should be building a scenario
  11. I disagree, the Bn Cdr should have arty support and the way you explain on how you just fought the battle goes against what a QRF is suppose to do. You sacrifice the live of those in the ambush site by being to cautious in your tactics. Granted it just a game but if the scenario is about a QRF trying to get to the ambush site and the followed up forces ten minutes later. Then why build a scenario when the player will not fight the battle the way it is meant to be. Again, I know its just a game
  12. Pony people!!!! I'm waiting for the camels and donkeys to be place as objects when building scenarios
  13. Thats arty, what about mortars there shouldn't be any problems calling an emergency fire mission from mortars landing on the target or even close to the targert compare to if its arty rounds. Now I could be wrong on this.
  14. MarkEzra, where did you live in KC? I'm at Leavenworth and no not the prison I work at the Command and General Staff College. Have you took the offer to help Webwing with building a campaign? I'm going to help.
  15. George Mc will back from vacation on Dec 9th so we can make our recomandations on changes to the scenario. JohnO
  16. yep Kansas City, I work at CGSC. Nope I don't make enough money to pay someone to make a campaign but thanks for asking
  17. ok, lets try this again josborne6atkc.rr.com this should work forgot the "6"
  18. Sure, my email is josborneatkc.rr.com make sure you have CM:SF in the subject header.
  19. Just dl Crossroads and will test it out tonight after work. Will post here.
  20. Just asking if there is anyone attempting to make a campaign? I see allot of scenarios being made but not one campaign is being made? Is it because it is harder to do or there isn't a need for a campaign? And yes, I haven't started to make a scenario yet but will down the road soon. JohnO
  21. Actually I liked the pound cake. You had to let it soak in the kool-aid for about thirty minutes to be able to eat it
  22. Interesting DaveDash, if the Bn Co had some arty he could of kept most of the enemy from trying to take the ambush site. Going to try Hammertime and do a write up on it. One thing I notice was that if the ambush site gets overrun then you switch to the other mission which is to keep Hwy 5 open. But I could be wrong on that.
  23. I would like to see an unknown icon for that type of issue of dust trails in the distances.
  24. My understanding was to get the QRF to the entrapped units and get them out, but I could be wrong. Again I like the scenario, but the Bn Cdr who is the entrapped unit doesn't have any arty or at least an airstrike to help fight off the enemy but just only two 120mm mortar tubes, just don't seem right, but thats just me. Also the RPGs seem to take out Stryker awful easy to me, and again thats just me.
  25. Another good point, I played a night battle scenario and come to think of it I didn't hear the enemy tanks moving sound at all. You would think at night, sound waves would carry farther and you would hear something.
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