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Everything posted by JohnO

  1. Actual Webwing, I like the idea of a red icon with a question mark moving with the dust cloud. I think I will post this in the Skunkworks and see what Steve will say.
  2. DaveDash, Allot of the problems your seeing has been fixed in v105. And playing it again with v105 will make allot of difference when playing it. It shouldn't be long now for the release of v105.
  3. I would say go ahead and get the gigs and then try the demo which will be updated to the new patch v105 when it comes out. Then make your decision then after trying the demo.
  4. Webwing, I haven't forgotten about your test results, just waiting on BFC to say I can release the spreadsheets on the test results. It may not get release due to the NDA and their trying to get v105 out the door as soon as possible trust me they want it out to the players as fast as they can.
  5. Dam, need to type faster when trying to respond to a thread question thewood, I agree, I don't answer anything unless I know for sure its the right answer, been in the Army to learn that makes since to me Dirtweasle, I would be in the same boat as you guys if I wasn't a tester. But because I know whats being tested and sometimes I will post on a question about a bug saying that its being looked at and or will post it in the skunkworks for other testers and see if we can reproduce it and put it in the projects for Charles to see and I know that other testers are doing the same and I fall beck to the point "Do I post whats being tested in the forums or do I let the BFC guys do that"? I can say for myself that I would rather have the BFC guys post about bugs and issues. I'm just a tester that is doing this because I see great potential with CM:SF but after awhile reading so many negative post that it gets to the point where its not worth it having heartburn trying to explain what and why over and over again. Now back to getting some information for Webwings test on tired soldiers. JohnO [ November 30, 2007, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: JohnO ]
  6. Good points all taken, so my understanding from your post is that you would rather have questions answered by BFC themselves instead of beta testers answering them, is that correct?
  7. Why me, Why, Why, Me....... [ November 30, 2007, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: JohnO ]
  8. So that explains the accent then when you were narrating it
  9. Thats good, now when we can get the engineers to mark the mine field it will be great. Not sure if it will be fix in v105. If not I will try to push that it get fixed in v106. Right now their trying to get v105 out as soon as possible.
  10. Mr Adam1, I care because I did a search and I can't find no list. So again I ask this question, if its ok with you Mr Adam1 "I would like to see this list that MR Abbott so graciously brought to our, excuse me, my attention.
  11. I would like to see this list as well.
  12. I can say that the multi-player aspect of it is being tested as we speak, I know I'm one of the tester testing it and so far its working. It will be in v105 which it will be coming soon. as for the question about will the mines be hazard to both teams, dam good question. I don't think so but can be wrong on it. If the Blue side lay a mine field only the blue team will know where its at and avoid the mine field, I hope, its never been tested would like to know for myself. JohnO
  13. Webwing and thewood, I have spreadsheets on test that was done and see if I can get it posted for you guys to use. If not I can post some information if I can't post the spreadsheets, ok. But the subject that your talking about has been brought up. I will look them over again tomorrow at work. The test was conducted over different terrain as well. Hell, I'm in the Skunkworks and I didn't know that they conducted a test already, it was done before I joined it. So bear with me and I will get the information for you. JohnO
  14. Good point, as soon as I get home from work, will post this topic in the Skunkworks and see what kind of response I will get.
  15. Thanks for the test this will be good information on my attempt on building a scenario with Infantry. One question though, curious about it, is on the test using the "Fast" mode. After they were in the "Move" mode and after a certain time frame did they go back to "Fast" mode or just kept walking? JohnO
  16. No Thanks. Oh, by the way now your telling me that it was you who score a perfect 100 playing Chance Encounter CM. I've already lost even before I started the game with you
  17. DaveDash, Interesting, now that you have tried Hammertime, try out the scenario Rescue v4. Let me know what you did and how you did it. I posted what I did and it didn't work out right in the Tactics thread. JohnO
  18. Either way I figure there would be some players who have played it and want to say how they did it Just curious on how they plan it and if it worked or does most players just jump right in with out a plan and just wing it on the go JohnO
  19. Paper Tiger Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Well put.
  20. Is there nobody out there who has played this scenario? I figured there would be someone who would discuss this scenario on how to win this thing. JohnO
  21. Webwing, remember I didn't play this scenario against the AI scripted plan I played it against a human player so the results will be different. Looking forward to your plan. Going to do another scenario Viper Pass. Stay tune on what I plan and how it worked. JohnO
  22. That is not for me to say MikeyD will have to come on this thread and answer it. Oh and Webwing, I post my plan on how and why I did what I did in the Tactics thread.
  23. yep thats what has happen, it open for me because I have v1.05 for testing.
  24. Ok, as Webwing wouldn’t post what he did until I post what I did. And so begins the story of my attempt to win this scenario Rescue v4. First I want to say that this scenario was great but I think some things need to be added for the Blue player to win. Well at least for me to win. Oh, I also want to say that I’m no Patton and this is my plan. Lets start with the Bn CDR and the ragtag group that survive the ambush and made it to the buildings, which I will call them “Alamo” so when I mention “Alamo” that is what I’m taking about. At the initial setup at the Alamo, I placed the Bn CDR and his RTO on the second story roof facing south, and place the other HQ Plt LDR and his RTO on the one story roof facing southwest toward ambush site 1 (see map). The other US element, remain on the first floor facing towards east towards the group of building at ambush site 3 (see map). The QRF (3 Stryker’s, 2x squads and a Plt Ldr) looking at the map I decide to use Route 1 instead of Route 2 or 3. Route 2 to me was to open but it did have the fastest way to get to the Alamo, Route 3 was somewhat to me better but still was to open of an area for my taste. Well after setting up the formations for the Stryker’s to move out and as soon as I cross the LD/LC I lost one Stryker (see map) and everyone onboard except for one lucky soldier. Let me explain what I did for formation of the Stryker’s. I had the lead Stryker move out which had one of the squads on board follow by the Plt Ldr Stryker and then by the third Stryker carrying the other squad. Well as I explain I lost the lead Stryker from RPG fire. My opponent said that three RPGs fired at that lead Stryker and knocked it out along with the crew and all of the squad except for one soldier who bailed out and run and hit the deck. When the lead Stryker got hit, I moved the other two remaining Stryker’s to protect the remaining soldier hoping that there would be other survivors. But there was none except for that one soldier. After returning fire to the location of that lone RPG and taking it out and knowing how easy it was for an RPG to take out a Stryker it wasn’t going to be easy. Well while this was going on with the QRF, the Bn CDR called for arty fire but was told “Sorry sir, no arty” well what about airstrike, “Um sorry sir again no airstrikes, but we do have just two tubes of mortars for you to play with” what!!!! Where in the hell is my arty and airstrike soldier!!! With just two tubes of 120mm mortars the Bn CDR did managed to call in an emergency fire mission and to be told that it would take six minutes if I’m lucky for the first round to go down range. Well that lasted for about two minutes when there was to much firepower being thrown at the Alamo and the elements there was always pinned down and couldn’t even return fire or try to call for a fire mission with just “TWO TUBES OF MORTAR”. With the QRF (just two Stryker’s remaining) fighting its way through Route 1 and the Alamo was getting reduced down to just the Bn CDR and his RTO remaining alive from all the firepower being thrown at it be the enemy. The next turn was when I realized that it was useless to keep going on. The reinforcements never showed up. The Alamo was getting overrun by the bad guys on the next turn. So I talked to my opponent and select “Ceasefire” which by the way seems to not work. Here are some things that I think needs to be added or revised and that is for a Bn CDR not having arty or air support is crazy. It should be included and the QRF with just three Stryker’s and two squads only is also crazy. A QRF should be a full Plt strength which consist of four (4) Stryker’s – two (2) Stryker AGL and two (2) Stryker HMG, Plt Ldr and four (4) rifle squads. So now lets begin with the Armchair Generals debate on how it should of been fought JohnO
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