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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Do you have a save of before the event? Email me at my address in the profile if so.
  2. I believe it's on Steve's list. However by now he needs half of Google's servers to hold it.
  3. Yes, fair point. They do nothing to harm my immersion though. I get that from seeing the tactics not from seeing the troops themselves; immersion means different things to different people. To be honest I just wanted to see what Scipio would do if I managed to answer both items on his list
  4. You know the ? icons denote sound/C2 contacts and are therefore tactically relevant? Like the grey tank/generic infantry/MG in CM1?
  5. You know pressing "delete" cancels the targeting order?
  6. Yeah you want to be able to carry proper stuff. Like pigs and mattresses.
  7. If you don't know where each team is you don't know the path they will have to take to re-group and so when they get killed there'll be complaints. Seems a hiding to nothing really.
  8. I agree. The speedometer is fundamentally flawed. I don't know how BFC are expected to be taken seriously as a war-game company when they try and foist a mostly broken speedometer off on us. They never would have done this 5 years ago. It's just another symptom of them selling out to the twitch crowd. Jeeps in CM1 had fully working internal combustion engines with CADCAM designed chassis and reclining seats. Come on BFC - is this how you treat your loyal customers?! I for one won't be buying another BFC product until this is addressed.
  9. You could try my hotkeys file - some seem to like it. Backup your "hotkeys.txt" file in your data folder and right click this link: http://othermeans.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/hotkeys.txt and save the file to your data folder. Open it in Notepad and have a look at what it does. Quick is "Q", Hunt is "H", Target is "T" etc etc - take a look at the file. It's pretty self explanatory.
  10. You know the Marines module updates CMSF to 1.1? So if you've got Marines you're on 1.1. Sorry if this is stating the obvious.
  11. TBH if the crazy chicks are as hot as them I'd be first on the boat.
  12. Can you email me the game please Cpl? My service provider is blueyonder, a company in the UK. My email is othermeans.
  13. "The bizzies" is what I hear most. Mainly because that's what they are round here.
  14. You can have arse but you can't have *****? I'm fine with that.
  15. Inconstant Moon by Larry Niven.
  16. No - that's exactly what you DO want. Under the rules I stated if you want the advancing unit to area fire at something ~100m (arbitrary figure BTW. Maybe 200m would be better) away you can do so with no delay. However if you want to suppress with a support weapon then there’s a delay. And there should be a delay – after all you have to go up and down the chain of command to talk to the supporting units and get them to area fire. Units 300m away won’t spontaneously shoot up a patch of trees you’re moving towards. At that distance they’re probably unsure if friendlies are in it anyway. If however the support unit is within shouting distance of the unit asking for support then there’s no delay. It makes you plan your advance two minutes into the future – and making plans is what the game is all about. Sorry for picking on this snippet I’m in work. Will do the rest tonight.
  17. I think this is an excellent idea. So much so I made the suggestion myself in January this year: Suggestion: Area fire should have a delay and weight dependent on tactical situation + C&C (up to a maximum value). Issue to be addressed: The players ability to support with fire anywhere, given their “God like” ability to be everywhere on the battlefield. Associated issues: Lack of player feedback causing an involved area fire process stemming from the unit spotting system. Command delays in movement orders.I’d like to discuss these separately to not diffuse this discussion. Improvement in game-play change would bring The C&C framework would assume proper, realistic importance. The level of planning the player would have to make to play the game well would increase. The tactical decisions would mirror those made by a commander in the field in sighting overwatch, ensuring C&C etc. Ambushes, hit and run tactics, fighting withdrawals, etc would all be more useful as less instant firepower could be brought against them. Unrealistic “lone sniper” recce where the sniper is out of C&C would become less useful.I feel all these add to the tactical depth of CM - and that’s what I’m playing the game for. Description I believe we play CM at 3 distinct levels: Squad leader - we tell each squad where to go Company commander – we form the plan that the units conform to God – we can see everywhere and have access to all info our units have and can give instantaneous orders to themThe player sees all and knows all, so can act as God. So I think it might be an idea to start limiting his powers. One of the innovations that CM1 brought us was command delays. I really liked these as I think they illustrated the command net and brought a level of planning to CM. I’d like to see them re-introduced but I won’t argue that here. What I would like through is similar delays when ordering area fire. In the situation above, the unit with the thick red line has LOS to the enemy unit, but the MG on the right has no knowledge of it. How would it know to fire on it? In the game he can fire straight away, so what does this do to our tactics? We can advance a squad anywhere out of C&C and not suffer penalties to the way they integrate with the rest of the company. We can leave support weapons anywhere and rely on them being able to instantaneously support an advance.Our tactics are changed because we suffer no penalties for unrealistic play. Proposed solution Model the command net in the calling of area fire, the main way the player acts as the central nexus of information. Give area fire a delay and weighting attached to it dependant on the firing units perception of the enemy positions, either via the C&C network or self spotting (all figures etc TBD): If the unit can see the enemy - no delay, maximum fire density If the area fire is within ~100m of the unit (dependent on training, suppression etc) - no delay, maximum fire density If the unit has a sound contact - minimal delay, 90% fire density If the unit has a tentative contact - medium delay, 70% fire density If the unit has no sight of the enemy, the shortest communications delay between any unit that can, via CoC, OR some upper limit (more for WWII), to simulate ad-hoc contact, 40% fire density If there is no enemy unit visible to any unit, maximum delay and light “recon by fire” 20% fire density Thoughts? --- It's not something BFC are interested in doing - Steve thinks it'll create it's own problems.
  18. Got to say they're a friendly bunch over there. Someone from the US is posting me a copy of the Phase 2 DVD, which is freeware. Don't even know the guy. Good luck to all of them I say.
  19. Spinal Shock Syndrome - jeez fella just looked that up. Hope it gets better quick.
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