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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Oops - messed up the quote function, should be: Good tip about the soaking, cheers for that. Is it the same with kidneys?
  2. You made me lol Michael you old goat.
  3. Anyone got any good, simple recipes for liver? I just had some in an Arab cafe that was lovely, just diced and fried. I'll try this but does anyone have any must try ones?
  4. And it's lucky for Ledger he was brilliant in this. At least he won't be remembered as "That gay cowboy mountain fella.".
  5. Loved it. Although I don't know why they had a manatee play the romantic interest.
  6. "Hun" was taken from the Germanic tribe and was used because of the connotations of barbarity. Don't forget in WWI there was reports of Belgian villagers being massacred and Canadian soldiers being crucified. Whether these are truth or propaganda I have no idea - anyone know?
  7. We went the way we did because we expected to be operating in the North Atlantic or the Med where we were in range of land based aircraft, hence armoured flight decks etc. I've seen comparisons where it was shown that the US design was better vs the British as it could fit on more aircraft and wield a bigger axe - but really, they both suited their environments. Nice feature to be able to brush a kamikaze off the deck though I imagine in the N Pacific they US would roll the shutters down when they weren't running the engines. Before reading your article I never appreciated why they were there and what a vital part they played.
  8. The article you linked to pointed out a large error in Japanese carrier design; as the hangers were enclosed by workshops etc the engines could not be warmed up unless on the deck, adding 15 minutes to the spot time. Little of A, little of B.
  9. The IJN certainly seemed to make an awful lot of mistakes throughout the campaign - a lot of these are forced by the US SIGINT advantage but a lot of them seem to be a failure of nerve. One egregious instance is the Guadalcanal transports not being destroyed after all the escorts were sunk but really there seems to be, from my untutored perch, a lot of times when the stuffed themselves.
  10. I'm going to see it at the IMAX on Wed. Can't wait.
  11. Nah, really it's just corn starch, water and a sub-woofer.
  12. The All Blacks Jon, not all the blacks. ...I think.
  13. What are grits? Do they taste as good as they sound?
  14. Did someone mention ship names and I get to do the Japanese ones? Oh joy: (from http://www.combinedfleet.com/ijnnames.htm)
  15. This bad boy: Encona West Indian hot pepper sauce: You're right in all you say, but the cheese and bacon put it into a whole other dimension of sandwich. This is quick, dirty and ideal for hangovers.
  16. Pandur, I certainly see where you're coming from and you're absolutely right - if I watched each replay 6 times I'd see what was going on to a perfect standard, because the information is already there in the game - you do that so you get that much out of it. But I don't want to; I want to fight my game without putting so much effort in. I suspect most people are the same. So all the info you get I'd like to see at a glance. CM1 did it for me by having unit + size. CM2, I'm playing pretty much without feedback, so diluting my enjoyment. The real, big shame is - the information is there and if I played like you I'd get it. But I don't find that interesting enough to do. So I miss out on seeing the tactics I'm playing the game for because I don't see their effects directly. I end up with a hazy idea of what's going on and I really shouldn't. It's there - just let me access it straight away. Exactly.
  17. From the top down: Toast, buttered, spread with West Indian hot pepper sauce Sunny side up fried egg (salt & pepper) Toast, buttered, spread with mayo. I'd live on these.
  18. Charged with a "terroristic threat"? FFS. What's wrong with good old fashioned threatening behaviour?
  19. As ridiculous as a team leader not knowing anyone has been hit in his squad? Or that someone inside a tank didn't know the tank is on fire? Because that's some of the roles you're taking and if you don't get the information you need to play then what's the point? There's lots of ways to play the game, some play to see a movie, some play to test their ESP - I play for the tactics. As such any tactically relevant information I can get I want. It's present in the game, it just has no exposure. I'd like that exposure. The ideal way I'd like it is to have large moving 3D icons of soldiers to present squads beyond visual range, as below: I've been told this categorically will not happen So the next best thing is to lever something into the icons, which, lets face it, are the only thing you can see of a squad beyond 100m. So yeah, it's my major bugbear. Cheers.
  20. Damn, I wish something like this was done for 2 player. Those maps look really nice.
  21. We don't know how the Universe works. These people are trying to understand it. If we do know it might do us some good. We've managed to get an understanding of magnetic and electrical fields - the easy, not very strong stuff. That's turned out quite useful. If we got a proper understanding of the stronger fields then that might be quite useful to. Worth finding out.
  22. Even if what you've stated is correct it has nothing to do with the question under consideration, which is what is the best way to proceed with power generation. Besides, given the environmental pressure that the nuclear industry was working under they wouldn't have been a good bet anyway - pretty soon that pressure will be working in the opposite direction. Ironic really. Really, it's either that or go to a very low energy economy, and those aren't fun. John Kettler - I never follow any of the links you give, I just wait for them to be disproved in the following post. If you want to start a thread with these things in please do so, please don't discuss them here.
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