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Blazing 88's

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Blazing 88's last won the day on December 17 2020

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  1. Can I turn off "Recommended" at the top of the page and if so how do I turn it off? Thanks.
  2. Good interview. General Hodges on Retaking Crimea, NATO in Ukraine and Russian Collapse EDIT: Some other news... The U.S Army Just Unveiled The Newest Version Of Its Combat-Tested Bradley IFV with 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/the-u-s-army-just-unveiled-the-newest-version-of-its-combat-tested-bradley-ifv/ar-AA1o8T42?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=076c22a83e4c401ce1a03e613f3add05&ei=45
  3. You could open up the editor, take a screen capture of the map with the elevation numbers that are on each map tile and then print it out or use another monitor to view the image. Ugly, but effective. As mentioned, a grid mod is helpful too.
  4. I'll add my sig to the conversation. It says it all for me!
  5. What part of "ticker" do you not get? Oh, right. You would have to read.
  6. Comrade, catch it on the ticker here if you don't believe other links:
  7. Sounds like they could use a MRBC - Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission! An independent supranational organization that serves as the Sphere-wide official registrar for all legal mercenary units. Google it.
  8. A little more info on that Bradley vs T90 scrum (props to the original poster, 'MarkSheppard' on another forum): ~This Bradley is mounting a drone jammer as shown in this pic he provided.~ https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/...15646653948411 Stepove, Avdiivka, a Bradley IFV of the 47th Brigade is repelling another russian assault. Notice the newly developed anti drone jammer Cupol (Купол - Dome) on the rear top of the turret of this Bradley ifv. ZSU started using this system widle. Average range of jamming from 40-80 meters. Mark's comment. Apparently the average range of this type of jammer that AFU is using widely is 40 to 80 meters. It doesn't stop drones from hovering 200-400 meters away and taking video of you with zoom lens; but it does mitigate a little bit of the suicide FPV drone threat... With one caveat.. ...you've got to be moving. A jamming range of 40-50m means that if you're stationary; even if you jam a suicide FPV drone in it's attack dive, the ballistics of the drone will mean that it has a good chance of hitting you....
  9. This was posted on another forum should be of interest here: https://twitter.com/wartranslated/st...81037821919526 Ukrainian EW and drone specialist Serhii Flash estimates the effectiveness of Ukrainian FPVs to be around 30%, highly dependent on the unit. Дуже багатьох цікавить питання ефективності FPV. До целi долітає та попадае 30% FPV. Це середня цифра по країни. І то її ніхто ніколи не рахував, це просто моє припущення. В одних підрозділів вона може бути часом 70%, а в інших 20%. Залежить це від таких факторів: 1. Якість БПЛА 2. Правильний підбір частот та протоколів для конкретної ділянки фронту 3. Активність російського РЕБ на дільниці фронту 4. Досвід пілотiв 5. Правильність та достовірність розвідки Бувае так шо одним підрозділам постiйно дають «жирні» та точні цілі і вонi мають успішність 60%. Їх ставлять у приклад, всіх тягнуть під їхній показник, натомість замовчуючи, як він досягається Я прошу великих командирів на фронтах «не гнати план». Зростання показників має бути з МІСЯЦЯМИ. Це означає, що підрозділ розвивається. Але успішність на усiх фронтах різна. Якщо цікавить моя особиста думка, то довгостроковий показник 50% - це дуже, дуже хороший результат. Але не завжди його реально досягти. Quote: Many are interested in the question of FPV efficiency. 30% FPV reaches and hits the target. This is the average figure for the country. And no one has ever counted her, this is just my guess. In some divisions, it can sometimes be 70%, and in others 20%. It depends on the following factors: 1. UAV quality 2. Correct selection of frequencies and protocols for a specific section of the front 3. The activity of the Russian EW on the front line 4. Experience of pilots 5. Correctness and reliability of intelligence It happens that some divisions are constantly given "fat" and precise goals and they have a success rate of 60%. They are set as an example, everyone is dragged under their indicator, instead of keeping silent about how it is achieved I ask the great commanders on the fronts "not to pursue the plan." The increase in indicators should be with MONTHS. This means that the unit is developing. But success on all fronts is different. If you're interested in my personal opinion, a long-term figure of 50% is a very, very good result. But it is not always realistic to achieve it.
  10. I had a vision and it just flowed through my fingers.... Does that work for you?
  11. It's because russia is losing and the war may not be over before the end of 2024. It won't look good to release a game about the war in Ukraine as the war will still be going on.... I am pro-Ukrainian just calling it like I see it. I hope I am wrong and this is all over soon and in a positive way for the Ukrainian people
  12. Couldn't agree more. This is a good time for my sig to pop up!!
  13. Yes and I have all of that sitting in my games folder, I jump back to it sometimes, just not lately. I even have the CMETO mod for Europeon Theatre of Operations. I never had an interest in the Sealion stuff however. For me, several years before jumping to CMBB, I was a Steel Panthers junkie, in my view it is a 2D top down version of Combat Mission and then some. With the updated to "modern" cpu standards of Steel Panthers (now winSPWW2), over a year ago I jumped back into again, bypassing CMx1 this time for my NA itch. Why would I do that, 3d to 2d top down? Because I find the long auto generated campaigns fantastic in SP (kill tracking, promotions /experience tracking, vehicle /unit upgrades, expand your core or not, etc..). Any map auto generated makes sense and is very easy to make quick edits to if one wants or just auto gen again. Unlike what CMx1 can spit out for auto generated maps, that usually don't make layout sense which is unfortunate. Yes it is 2D top down at 50m per hex and the icons are oversized compared to hex dimensions. However, the actually unit icon size would be about approx. tenth the actual size it shows and not very good for pixel artwork creation, hence the oversized unit icons. It's just nice to click a few buttons, make your purchases and start a long campaign in a matter of minutes. No franken modding required, just war gaming. Anyway I didn't mean to hi-jack this thread so I will stop. I am looking forward to what Mr. X might be cooking up eventually!!
  14. Yes you are correct and some great stuff has been made by the talents on this forum, however imo the meat and potatoes for the most fun desert battles are in 41 - 42 and all before El Alamein. France '40 stuff too... Alright I am off to my early war long desert campaign using winSPWW2. Happy New Year everyone!! Cheers!
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