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H2H Helper 1.4.0 Available - please upgrade

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Hi All,

We're pleased to announce the release of H2H Helper version 1.4.0.

This is available in the H2HH Dropbox Share and on CMMODS.

As always, please drop me a note with your email address if you'd like

access to the Dropbox Share.

The list of enhancements made since the last "stable" release (1.1.3) is appended.

In summary: it's come quite a long way, with many small-but-nice things :)

We'd like everyone to move to this version, unless there's some strong reason for you not to.

If there is a reason for you not to upgrade, please tell us, so we can fix it. The first response to a bug report on a version that is not 1.4.0 (or later) will be "can you please try this on 1.4.0". If there's a problem with 1.4.0, we'll do our darndest to fix it quick.

Meanwhile ... what's next: gmail support. Hopefully we'll have an alpha of that for the more adventurous of you to try real soon now.


for the H2HH Team.


- Enhancement: Added the "Mark played turns with ~" feature

- Enhancement: Tidy up drop box option

- Enhancement: End Game function

- Enhancement: Launch App

- Enhancement: Open Game File Folder

- Enhancement: Icon display

- Enhancement: Updated translations

- Enhancement: Protected against strange file extensions in dropbox

- Enhancement: Protected against zero length files in dropbox

- Enhancement: Added option to turn off taskbar flash for Windows

- Enhancement: (minor) Say the name of the app that will be launched

- Enhancement: (Windows) Make the taskbar icon flash when there's something interesting...

- Enhancement: dont raise log window if the error is not so important

- Enhancement: Help and Bug Report on Help Menu

- Enhancement: reset functions available

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I could be persuaded :)

One consideration is "where does the game expect to find PBEM files?"

If there is a game that has a directory where it looks for "incoming files" in one directory, and puts its "outgoing files" into a different directory, then supporting it with H2HH could possibly be quite a small job... how is Strategic Command in this respect?



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I have a question about how to set this up for non-dropbox games.... I'm playing with more people than not who simply email me their turns.

My default download directory is not the 'incoming turn' folder. So I am forced to move them there each time. Is there some functionality to assist in this in HTHhelper? Or should I campaign each opponent for dropbox? Or is there some way to set up by email downloads that are CM turn files to be put at a different location that the default download directory.

I presently use yahoo or gmail for my games.


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One thing to realise is that the "Game File Folder" for each game doesn't have to be a "Dropbox Share". From H2HH's point of view it is just a folder where your game files arrive.

So - for email games where the files are downloaded to some place that is not CMBN Incoming Email, you want to use Edit Game to point to where they do arrive:

for each email game where the files are arriving some place other than CMBN Incoming Email, use Game->Edit game and set the "Game File Folder" to tell H2HH where they are arriving.

There is only one limitation: these "Game File Folders" have to share a common root.

You set this using the "Dropbox Location" in the Installs->Edit Install menu.

(I wish I didn't called it "Dropbox Location" ... really it's "Game File Folder Root" - it just happens to be convenient that it is the Dropbox location if you are using Dropbox!)

So if you are using only email, and you have all PBEM turns arriving some place like:


Then do

Installs->Edit Install set Dropbox Location to C:\Javaslinger

and for each game

Game->Edit Game set Game File Folder to C:\Javaslinger\Downloads

Then H2HH will know that all your games have their incoming turns arriving in this place.

But what if you are using email _and _ Dropbox? Well, at the moment, you will have to set

Dropbox Location to C:\Users\Javaslinger\Dropbox,

and you will have put the default email download location under there, like


I know this isn't ideal, but there is a good reason why it is the case (*).

Maybe we will improve this situation in H2HH 2.x

In fact, at least for gmail, the situation will be dramatically improved, because H2HH 2.x knows how to download PBEM turns from gmail for you :)



*: the reason that there has to be this single folder under which all the incoming files are organised is because H2HH monitors this folder tree for updates - that is how the "auto update" works. At some point, we may specifically monitor each individual incoming directory individually, instead of monitoring the whole tree. That will free up this limitation. It's all just coding work ;)

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I did find a reasonable workaround... I set my downloads to 'always ask for destination' which still opens to the default download folder. Then in the default folder I put a shortcut to the Incoming files folder in the CMBN folder... This means it's a simple click to put it there rather than many clicks and drags...

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I could be persuaded :)

One consideration is "where does the game expect to find PBEM files?"

If there is a game that has a directory where it looks for "incoming files" in one directory, and puts its "outgoing files" into a different directory, then supporting it with H2HH could possibly be quite a small job... how is Strategic Command in this respect?




Unfortunately, SC has both its incoming and outgoing pbem files in the one directory :-(

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I was using 1.4.0 Beta when it started having problems. First it would not copy a file into the dropbox. I shut down and restarted and H2HH came up blank. Deleted the old installation and installed 1.4.0 release. Still comes up blank. When I try to add an install, I get the following in the log:

File "game.py", line 181, in ProcessDropbox

File "game.py", line 369, in _DoMessageBoxChecks

File "mbox.py", line 112, in CheckMessageBox

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 38, in sendMessage

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 339, in _publish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 49, in _mix_prePublish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 34, in checkMsgArgs

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/topicargspecimpl.py", line 118, in check

SenderMissingReqdArgs: Some required args missing in call to sendMessage('('WARNING MESSAGE',)', msf): msg


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When I start H2HH, the following pops up in the log window:

Logging started...

(this log also stored at: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\GreenAsJade\H2HHelper\h2hh_log.txt )

(FYI: your ID is 165408152384)

(FYI, your locale appears to be en_CA)

This is 1.4.0

Checking things out...

Looking for CMBN installation: CMBN

Checking install at C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy

... with drop box at C:\Users\User\Dropbox

Checking folders for Tom vs Allen QB

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Tom vs Allen QB


... ok, is there's a game file folder pair?


Checking folders for Géfosse-Fontenay

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Géfosse-Fontenay


Checking folders for Bois de Baugin

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Bois de Baugin


Checking folders for Deville

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Deville


Checking folders for Bloody St. Omer Capelle#2

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Bloody St. Omer Capelle#2


Checking folders for Bloody St. Omer Capelle#1

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Bloody St. Omer Capelle#1


Checking folders for Flooded Fields Forever

(no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Flooded Fields Forever


Looking for CMBN installation: CMBN Demo

You don't seem to have CMBN Demo

--- Checking game status for Tom vs Allen QB

most recent incoming: 17, most recent outgoing: 18

Tidying up CMBN email folders...


--- Checking game status for Géfosse-Fontenay

most recent incoming: 5, most recent outgoing: 6

Checking game file folder for Géfosse-Fontenay...

checking for messages...

I couldn't open the message info file (C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Géfosse-Fontenay\chat_165408152384.h2hh)!

(I got need 'c' or 'n' flag to open new db)

Will attempt to initialise...

Ooops, I couldn't open the message info file (C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Géfosse-Fontenay\chat_165408152384.h2hh)!

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "wx/_core.py", line 14660, in <lambda>

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 38, in sendMessage

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 340, in _publish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 359, in __sendMessage

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 64, in _mix_callListener

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/listenerimpl.py", line 27, in __call__

File "controller.py", line 260, in OnAppEvent

File "controller.py", line 142, in _Go

File "view.py", line 276, in AddInstallation

File "view.py", line 546, in __init__

File "view.py", line 555, in RefreshGames

File "installations.py", line 96, in GetGames

File "game.py", line 113, in Process

File "game.py", line 181, in ProcessDropbox

File "game.py", line 369, in _DoMessageBoxChecks

File "mbox.py", line 112, in CheckMessageBox

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 38, in sendMessage

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 339, in _publish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 49, in _mix_prePublish

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 34, in checkMsgArgs

File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/topicargspecimpl.py", line 118, in check

SenderMissingReqdArgs: Some required args missing in call to sendMessage('('WARNING MESSAGE',)', msf): msg

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  • 3 weeks later...
Many thanks GaJ, just downloaded it the other day.

Just wondering if there are plans for it to support CM:SF and CM:A?

It would be great to have the whole CMx2 family it one neat app and leave more time for playing!

It already works for CMSF and CMA. Just use the "Add Install" command under the installs tab in the toolbar. It works like a charm!

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Just wondering if there are plans for it to support CM:SF and CM:A?

I would love to set it up to do CMSF etc by default. I don't have those games.

Do you know that time and again I have asked, in various forums, "what is the default install path name for these games", and not one single time has anyone answered. I reckon I've asked four times. I totally utterly don't get that. Not one single person has been able to be arsed answering my question. What is is it with that?

Anyhow, togi, 1.4.4 is supposed to be working fine. It's working fine for me. There was an update from 1.4.0 to deal with Russian characters in the install path name, and another update to cope with folk who delete files manually from the dropbox while H2HH is running... that tripped H2HH up.

If something seems wrong, send me a log file, describe what the problem is. Not just "it doesn't work". I mean "Here is a log file where I played 'Huzzar' turn 10, and after that my turn file didn't appear in the dropbox"



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It already works for CMSF and CMA. Just use the "Add Install" command under the installs tab in the toolbar. It works like a charm!

Eureka! Now it is working with CM:SF as well. I forget my CMSF game files were stored in the Vista 'Virtual Store' folders while my CM:BN game files are not for some reason.

Thanks again GaJ and Allan

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I helped my opponent set up his H2HH dropbox for CMBN.

The strange thing is that every time I start H2HH it drops connection to our shared dropbox folder and I have to re-point H2HH to the correct folder. My opponent has just got in touch to say that his new opponent is also experiencing this problem when playing CMBN against him.

Any Ideas?

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Hi GaJ,

First of all, thanks for this great tool (to you and all other developers involved in creating it).

I was trying to get the following to work:

- Received the following first file: "LH(USA)-MadMike(Ger) 001.ema"

- Put the file into Incoming Email, H2HH would recognise the game name

- After generating the return file, H2HH wouldn't recognise this return file

and wouldn't copy it to the specified dropbox folder

Checking the log window, H2HH doesn't recognise both ema-files as valid turns, always claiming that the most recent incoming and outgoing are 0.

Renaming the files (getting rid of the "-" and "(", ")" )solved this problem.

Is this something which will get changed or should we just pay attention to how we name our games?


Mad Mike

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