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Speedy Steals the Peng Challenge Thread %43

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Buzzsaw [spelled but not bolded], I declare now if you manage to beat the cheating bastidge known as Stuka, I will make you a kaniggit of House Rune. Fail young squire, and thou shall be the piss bucket boy untill Boo Radley finally figures out that he doesn't need stamps to play by email.

So let it be written...


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Buzzsaw [spelled but not bolded], I declare now if you manage to beat the cheating bastidge known as Stuka, I will make you a kaniggit of House Rune. Fail young squire, and thou shall be the piss bucket boy untill Boo Radley finally figures out that he doesn't need stamps to play by email.

So let it be written...


Well so much for the dream young Buzzsaw (sbnb) ... not that beating Stuka would be that difficult, but (d) getting him to actually PLAY might well be and {iiiiiviiiiixli} Getting him to play FAIRLY is virtually impossible. He is, after all, a non double blind playing gamey bastiche, do you think that his so-called string of wins came about as a result of his "skill"? He's also an Australopithecine of course. Now if we somehow had a scenario that he couldn't have played previously and was fairly balanced you might have a shot.

But I don't know WHERE we could go to get such a scenario created ...


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Stuka, I appreciate your offer to pick up the slack created by these lesser Cesspudlians, but I must warn you that you are in for a challenge far greater than anything you have experienced. These tiddlywink games with Nindan1 have not prepared you for the spectacle of Buzzsaw’s tactical genius. Read Oberst’s sig and know the certainty of your defeat.

If my memory serves (which it often does not), you are, indeed, one of the many Australians cursing the MBT. I almost feel as if enough has been writ about your poor, blighted nation in the hallowed pages of the Cesspool, so I will not go there.

Your name offers some chance for ridicule. “Stuck-a bean in his ear where it took root and crowded out his brain?” Or, after I am finished with you, “Stuck-a fork in him and called him done?” Less than inspiring, I must admit.

No, I will allow your sad posts during our battle to serve as your own unwitting lampoon. The whole MBT can watch as your fragile mind crumbles before my intellect. Sad little posts in your Pidgin English will reveal the lows to which you have been pushed, and though the glory in squishing such an infinitesimal bug is but small, said glory will nonetheless be added to the great House Rune. Long live House Rune!

Obviously, you can't spell, and it's possible you can't read either, since my handle is prominently displayed in this thread.

I would certainly be suspect of your so called "tactical genius".

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Obviously, you can't spell, and it's possible you can't read either, since my handle is prominently displayed in this thread.

I would certainly be suspect of your so called "tactical genius".

Serfs ... why back in our day we had Serfs you could hang your hat on, Serfs of some quality, Serfs that you would be ... well you really couldn't be proud of them but at least you didn't hang your hat on them so no one could see that you chose them.


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You're not doing it right ... and by "it" I'm referring to the sound of a WW2 sub diving. There are INNUMERABLE other things you're not doing right but we don't have the time to list them here.

It should be rendered as ... {ahem} ... aaaOOOOgah ... to reflect the rising and falling tone of the alarm. Here's an audio file of the actual sound ...


However in your case we'd be happy to disable the alarm if it would ensure that you'd be caught above deck as the sub was submerging.


I actually prefer the dingalingaling diving alarm.

And as for Stuka, George Mc has a lot to answer for I did everything asked of me. Captured a river crossing sent most of my troops off the map on their glorious breakthrough run thingy and left Stuka's snivelling Germans cowering in the ruins of some French village crying for their mummies.

And what is the result? German Tactical Victory? What?? They failed, they failed miserably if this is what the Germans call victory then they won WW2 in stunning fashion.

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AAAOOGAH! AAAOOGAHH! You like that sound don't you Joe? [Lots of blather about games where he has cheated his way to measly tactical victory...]

Anyone seen that big-talking, greenhorn Schluzjaw? The newbie swanning about town threatening taunts to his betters? I heard he high-tailed it oughtta town on the 5.30 stage coach dressed as a lady of easy virtue to avoid my wrath. It is to be expected.

I’m right here, you southern hemisphere heathen. Your reputation as a gamey, cheat’n bastiche has only emboldened me. If you really have completed twelve games to date, that implies a speedy turn rate, which means an equally speedy victory for me. Perhaps one of these gits can find a scenario appropriate for our tete-a-tete? I am not particular (that should be clear, since I am willing to play you).

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I am not particular (that should be clear, since I am willing to play you).

Pfft! You are desperate and I threw you a bone. I am known for my charitable work with lesser beings which is why I let you speak to me directly without going via your parole officer as per the court order.

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Pfft! I was beaten by better men than YOU in CMx1! Which pretty much opens the field as far as it will go, wouldn't you say?

Hell, even Seanachai beat me once or twice, and if that's the kind of rarefied tactical level you inhabit, your attempt at boasting as as empty as your rather large and balloon-shaped head.

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The trap has been sprung. My former Squire Nidan1 was drawn forward as my Paras fell back, fell back, fell back...

And then my Shermans showed up.

Now they have flanked him on both sides and all that is left to do now is to...


(Bite me, it's fun!)

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The trap has been sprung. My former Squire Nidan1 was drawn forward as my Paras fell back, fell back, fell back...

And then my Shermans showed up.

Now they have flanked him on both sides and all that is left to do now is to...


(Bite me, it's fun!)

Whoa, it's only a game now...lets not put so much emotional capital into it.

When you lose it will only hurt all the more.

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Whoa, it's only a game now...lets not put so much emotional capital into it.

When you lose it will only hurt all the more.

I'm very disappointed that BFC failed to put in a "You Both Lose" result ... that would be the best for all of us here.


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I'll have you know that the whole time that Stuka was at my place this past summer he never spoke with marbles in his mouth.

The clicks and whistles were difficult to understand, but his lovely wife was able to translate most of the time. Not that he had anything really interesting to say anyway.

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