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Where has all the Glory Gone?

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must be something in the air this time of year

this is the second post in a couple days where someone shows up out of the blue and declares a forum dead

do a quick scan over in tips and tricks - you and tigrii need to hook up and talk about what you can do to help since you're both concerned enough to pop in and declare things dead smile.gif

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Yeah it does seem to have slowed down quite a bit but I expected that what with CMBB now out. But I still like the Western Front and just can't seem to get intereted in playing either the Germans or Russians. For that period - and that period only ! I don't care much about either side. So it looks like 3 of us still here anyway. :D

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Originally posted by Måkjager:

and not forgetting some soggy mouldy Modders lurking beneth the well cammoed rock who will continue to support CMBO.



Nor the scenario designers ;)

Which btw, this one has 2 that need to be tested. Anyone interested? My e-mail is in my profile.

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I would have expected this forum to quiet down a bit after the release of CMBB. I still am playing CMBO with some friends as well as against the AI however I personally feel that the game engine in CMBB reacts much more realistically than the one in CMBO. The best thing BTS could do is re-visit CMBO and give it the CMBB engine. I know the chances of this happening are next to none but I would become much more interested in the game if they did. If I had to shell out another $45.00 dollars to get this CMBO version with the CMBB engine I would. Any thoughts on this? God Bless.

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Well, looks like more then just the 3 of us after all. :D And really really glad to hear modders like Makjager is still hanging in here. Love your modds Makjager!!!! And even some great scenario designers. I do agree with Jack Carr and would myself be willing to pay full price for it. Course now if they decide to come out with one on Korea I would be satisfied with that until they see the light and redo CMBO. In the meantime I'll just keep kicking butt with my American and Allied's in this outstanding game.

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Here is a suggestion. Has anyone else read "an Army at Dawn" by Rick Atkinson? A new history monograph on the Tunisia fight, promises to be the first in a series on the US army in the ETO. Pretty good read so far (I am about half way through). What I noticed is, some of the early Tunisia fighting (in particular) might be fun CMBO material. I don't think it has been covered much to date.

Now, we aren't going to get M3 Grants or Pz III Hs in proper desert, I understand. But Stuarts and Shermans are available, and Pz IVs - and the odd Tiger I. The Americans would in many cases green to conscript. Brits and underequipped Frenchies involved too. Conscript German Heer might stand in for Eye-Ties.

A possible project to explore. Might excite some interest...

[ January 08, 2003, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: JasonC ]

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Originally posted by JasonC:

Here is a suggestion. Has anyone else read "an Army at Dawn" by Rick Atkinson? A new history monograph on the Tunisia fight, promises to be the first in a series on the US army in the ETO. Pretty good read so far (I am about half way through). What I noticed is, some of the early Tunisia fighting (in particular) might be fun CMBO material. I don't think it has been covered much to date.

Now, we aren't going to get M3 Grants or Pz III Hs in proper desert, I understand. But Stuarts and Shermans are available, and Pz IVs - and the odd Tiger I. The Americans would in many cases green to conscript. Brits and underequipped Frenchies involved too. Conscript German Heer might stand in for Eye-Ties.

A possible project to explore. Might excite some interest...

Take out a loan and get yerself CMBB already f'r heaven's sake. You won't go back!
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From El Alamein on to the end in NA would be of interest here. Plenty for the Yanks, and the Brits and Commonwealth participants too. A much neglected area which has the advantage of varying terrain, lots of actual encounters, plus you start to get better Allied weapons and so gain some heavy weapon parity with the Germans.

Ambushing Rommel's over confident armour with 17pdrs would be most satisfying.

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I'm also reading a very enjoyable new book on the desert war 1940-43, 'Alamein, War Without Hate' by John Bierman & Colin Smith. It focuses on the fact that the campaigns were conducted 'according to the accepted notions of fair play and the rules of war'.

A paragraph to give you the flavour of the book:

(During the battle of Sidi Rezegh)

By now there seemed so little discernible order on the battlefield that in places Germans and British became inextricably mixed. Bradshaw’s was the only Crusader that was still a runner in his troop of three and he was searching for the rest of his squadron (…) when he saw “a fellow walking along, limping”.

“I drew alongside and called out, ‘Are you Italian?’ He replied, in very good English, ‘No, I’m not a bloody Italian, I’m a German,’ obviously annoyed at the suggestion. He was wounded, so I gave him a lift on the tank. He sat on it under the gun. I gave him a drink of water and he gave me a [british] Capstan cigarette. ‘We got one of your supply columns,’ he said. We saw some German armoured cars some 1,000 yards away and he rolled off the tank, though wounded, and hobbled towards them. My gunner traversed on to him and I shouted on the intercom: ‘Don’t fire – let him go.’ And he turned around and saluted and called out cheekily, ‘I’ll see you in London.’ I called back, ‘Make it Berlin.’”

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

I didn't think the 17 pders were available to the Poms in North Africa. 6 pders yes but not 17 pders from my understanding, they simply hadn't been developed and issued by late 1942/early 1943.


Jim R.

17-pdrs were available available as ATGs in Tunisia.

Check it here.

There is a great IWM picture showing one in action.

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Interesting fact about the 17-pdr, thanks. It does say 1943 deployment, so that is Tunisia rather than the western desert, but still in North Africa of course.

As for the CMBB comment, of course I have it. But as for "never going back", I - and I am sure many others - like fights with Americans in them enough to still play CMBO too.

On the subject of books on the North Africa campaign, by far the best I've ever seen is "the Sidi Rezegh Battles" by Agar-Hamilton. It is from the official South African history, and covers Crusader in 1941 (a SA brigade was badly cut up there, thus the focus), at a level of understanding and of detail I have not seen elsewhere. Not just the SAs, the whole battle. Hard to find, but worth it - try interlibrary loan if you have to.

[ January 08, 2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: JasonC ]

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Originally posted by JasonC:

As for the CMBB comment, of course I have it. But as for "never going back", I - and I am sure many others - like fights with Americans in them enough to still play CMBO too.

After the pages and pages you types about the inaccuracies of the MG modelling in CMBO, you must admit that seems rather odd.... :confused: :confused:
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I don't see why you say that. I think CMBB is an improvement in the game engine. But I don't have a better game engine for fights between Americans and Germans in the ETO than CMBO. If I had a CMBB engine with Americans in it, I'd use it. I don't. If you do, please advise (lol).

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