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When Will the Peng Challenge Thread Patch Be Released?

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The moldy oldie returns. rune, memory is the second thing to go. Buzzy has not been knighted by you or by anyone else. He is a lowely serf to the House of Ruin, and can therefore be BOOTed by any and all. That is not to say my game play has not been typically brilliant.

And speaking of play, do YOU currently have any games going on, Brave Sir rune? Or is it like the old days where you hid behind the mythical NDA to avoid losing to ... er, excuse me, ... playing jdmorse?

Just like old times.

I would agree Marlow, let's not say that your gameplay has been typically brilliant, let's not say that at all.


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Marlow Marlow Marlow, you festering wound... Buzzy is mine to taunt however I may want. That is the reason he is of House Rune, he is mine to depose of as I see fit.

As for games going on, currently I have two going, but with the other beta testers. I am several builds ahead of you lot, a point to be remembered. 1.00 is SO yesterday. Want to see a screen of a churchill tank? Too bad... *Boot*

Hey Joebob, can we make marlow "the official chew toy of the peng challenge thread" ? Seems fitting that he *Boot* be chewed up and spat out as much as his troopers are under his command.

Dangit Elvis, and your mad Achilles rush..... oh yeah, shhhhhhh those here are not worthy...


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Dangit Elvis, and your mad Achilles rush..... oh yeah, shhhhhhh those here are not worthy...


Oh cool... I always thought they could adopt this engine to a more ancient venue... but how could one Greek hero of the Trojan war wielding a sword do much to your troops.

Oh that's right. You are commanding them... perhaps you should just mail it in and let the Tac AI do all your work for you.

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Hey Joebob, can we make marlow "the official chew toy of the peng challenge thread" ?


The Peng Challenge Thread is neither bolded or even given initial caps in your post, Rune?

No wonder you're merely an "other recognized".

You're fortunate to even have that.

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The Peng Challenge Thread is neither bolded or even given initial caps in your post, Rune?

No wonder you're merely an "other recognized".

You're fortunate to even have that.

Neither is is own handle initially capped, which you all fail miserably to notice when mocking him.

Its obviously some sort of affect.

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originally posted by Magpie Oz

"In the Peng challenge thread I would just say, no just you being here is obnoxious enough but it isn't so I won't "

(look familiar?}

You....Aussie git, must stop discussing the MBT on the Outreboards with other gits deserving of the same disdain as you. You didn't even bold where appropriate, which might have been a mitigating factor, but noooooooo, you completely screwed the pooch this time.

What goes on in the Peng Thread stays in the Peng Thread.

I blame Shaw and Boo for not taking the effort to make sure that all SSNs are properly trained before being allowed to post in here on a regular basis.

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So when I met with King Obama last week he was of course only too keen to cede the USA to Australia (under my leadership of course).

King 'O' (he likes to be called that) was very insistant that the stars and stripes be changed to an image of my goodself with a redstripe beer in hand. I politely refused and have permitted 'old glory' to remain as is, given the fact that the majority of my new subjects are easily confused and would suffer migrains trying to cope with a change of flag.

In a similar vein of keeping the population ignorantly blissful I have also maintained the acronym 'USA' although it now stands for 'Unlimited Stukey Awesomeness'. Given that most 'merkins didn't know what the original USA stood for anyway, I figured the effects of changing the name would be minimal.

I will keep King 'O' as a figurehead of my new administration bust rest assured it is your Old Unca Stukey pulling the strings.

So, a few initial policies:

(e-6#) All prisons will be opened and the criminals relocated to Utah. I figure the punishment ought to fit the crime and also the expected rise in criminal suicide will save cost on executions.

(!!i) All mental asylums will be opened and the patients relocated to Ohio. No-one will notice anything different.

(print screen) Australian english will replace 'merkin english in all schools. (A hot dog is spelled 'H-O-T D-O-G', there are no 'W's or 'R's in dog. Pronouncing 'dorwg' will be punishable by either death or transportation to Utah at the discretion of the accused)

Thats it for now, let me be the first to welcome aboard all 310 million new little Aussies!

I'm sure you'll find me to be a fair but firm leader and your lives will be enrichened by knowing you are more or less safe under my administration. Any complaints will be filed in the appropriate circular filing cabinet.


President Stuka

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(look familiar?}

You....Aussie git, must stop discussing the MBT on the Outreboards with other gits deserving of the same disdain as you. You didn't even bold where appropriate, which might have been a mitigating factor, but noooooooo, you completely screwed the pooch this time.

What goes on in the Peng Thread stays in the Peng Thread.

I blame Shaw and Boo for not taking the effort to make sure that all SSNs are properly trained before being allowed to post in here on a regular basis.

Oh no Nidan1, you shall not hang this fault on my doorknob (I'm sure you have lots of experience with doorknob hangers, being the only form of income for you these days). I have consistently and continually lobbied for more stringent and clear rules ... it is well known.


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I have consistently and continually lobbied for more stringent and clear rules ... it is well known.

But you have not personally ensured that they are enforced. If you were up to your job, you would fly to Australia, track down MUDPIE_OOZE where he dwells and smack him viciously over the head with a large herring. Or even a small herring. The main thing is the "viciously" part. You would continue doing that until he falls weeping to his knees and begs forgiveness. Or in case that he is bigger than you and pummels you into a bloody pulp, you should bravely go to an honorable death. Either way it's a win.


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Neither is is own handle initially capped, which you all fail miserably to notice when mocking him.

Its obviously some sort of affect.

If you check his initial post (Can you do that? It requires linear thinking), you will see that he had an initial cap when he signed his name.

I followed suit (Clubs, but you probably call them "Puppy feet"), but I refused to bold his name.

It's called "Snubbing"; something I feel you have been on the receiving end of your entire life.

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So when I met with King Obama last week he was of course only too keen to cede the USA to Australia (under my leadership of course).


Thank goodness.

Now we know where to mail the bill for the 13 trillion dollar debt.

Thanks ever so much. Please have it paid by the end of the month, or interest will accrue.

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Thank goodness.

Now we know where to mail the bill for the 13 trillion dollar debt.

Thanks ever so much. Please have it paid by the end of the month, or interest will accrue.

I did see that figure advertised on the frontage of the IRS building in Manhattan alongside the figure owing per household in the US, why the IRS want to advertise the level of debt you all owe is amusing, it pleases me so it will remain.

The bill you may send as you wish, it will be filed accordingly.

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Page Two ... and not even at the top of Page Two.

I blame Stuka ... also NG Cavscout but that's because he has my lads pinned down on the wrong side of the stream.


Listen Shaw , for years I have read your posted drivel, put up with your nonsensicle inaneity, and just generally had to deal with the fact that you are breathing air on the same planet as I.

In all those years you and I have started a total of two games TWO GAMES Shaw , and neither one of them finished because you stopped sending turns.

I have in my possesion a fine new scenario, by a noted author (not rune ), I dont want to waste it on you, but if I send it along, will you play it with me?

I await your answer.

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Listen Shaw , for years I have read your posted drivel, put up with your nonsensicle inaneity, and just generally had to deal with the fact that you are breathing air on the same planet as I.

In all those years you and I have started a total of two games TWO GAMES Shaw , and neither one of them finished because you stopped sending turns.

I have in my possesion a fine new scenario, by a noted author (not rune ), I dont want to waste it on you, but if I send it along, will you play it with me?

I await your answer.

You DARE to accuse me of not sending turns? What proof do you have Sirrah? Or is this simply another of your baseless (as in "all you base are belong to us") calumnies?

Send your setup ... you have no chance to survive, make your time.


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Apparently Joe Shaw's troops have "gotten his gumption up something fierce" because he is mortaring the hell out of them.

Stuka has seen the same off map targets my mortarmen saw and is expending high caliber artillery on them, and is still gamily skulking in the woods with his half tracks. I would expect no more from an Oddstraylun.

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