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It's a very complex game for a niche crowd.

Only a few sites (three moves ahead etc.) probably have the right people to properly review a game like this.


Plenty of mainstream sites and magazines praised the CMx1 games and gave them awards and very high (9/10) ratings. CMSF received harsh reviews from all of these places, but it deserved it at release. CMBN is a high quality game and right now it is getting zero press.

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I notified two sites and neither has responded, although one did mention the demo. It seems that the game and its makers are probably not "mainstream enough" (read greedy bribe-paying marketing weenies) for most game sites to want to review it. Screw 'em. We know what we got here.

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You could go to metacritic and post a review yourself. I am know I am planning but it but I wanted to let the game soak in some more. The game has its faults but it also has its prasises. I would probably rate it 7 or 8 in its release state. Of course that is subject to change by the time I wirte something. :)

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I notified two sites and neither has responded, although one did mention the demo. It seems that the game and its makers are probably not "mainstream enough" (read greedy bribe-paying marketing weenies) for most game sites to want to review it. Screw 'em. We know what we got here.

That's what I was afraid of. If we're lucky it'll get a good review from the hardcore sites out there and that will draw the attention of some of the more mainstream sites (PC Gamer is probably our best bet again.) .

I can't say I totally blame them. Comming almost straight from the old CM I find the new UI a little daunting to get into.


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Big difference between 2000 and 2011 in terms of what media is out there. Back in 2000 there were three print magazines dedicated to games like CMBO in the US. Today? Zero. Back in 2000 the mainstream print magazines had staff that were war/strategy gamers, therefore they had sections devoted to those types of games. Today? Not really much of anything I can think of. And these print magazines put their comments on the Web. Today? Most are out of business or have long since moved away from games like CM.

Aside from that, we haven't actively courted the media. In 1999 and 2000 I had one big reviewer up to my house, in another instance I traveled to another's office to give an interview there. Now? Well, we JUST sent out press releases and the game itself, so they haven't had much notice about our release. We should start to see full reviews come in soon.


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Google search: "Combat Mission Battle for Normandy review" ( http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=Combat+Mission+Battle+for+Normandy+review&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=880bd2161016ed04 )

Results: Armchair General (2nd from top of search list)


Note: This is not an "official review", but it's what people are seeing (read the responses) when they do a search for CMBN reviews.


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The UK still has dedicated PC game magazines (e.g. PCGamer as Salkin suggests), although frankly for how much longer I don't know. Online mainstream game review sites (e.g. IGN) I don't think will give the game due coverage, either because they won't give it a full review or else users filter reviews to only look at the type of games they are interested in (well, I do, so I am illogically extrapolating to encompass everybody... internet SOP). Hardcopy magazines still have a place in today's world, specifically a place where you can't take a laptop. *cough*

Incidently, it was a review in either PCGamer or PCZone (actually both I think) which alerted me to CMBO all those years ago.

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Poor Old Spike reviewed it at Few Good Men.

Wow, never heard that name for a while. He was banned frm here for being a naughty boy, then banned from every other gaming site I know of. Still, good to see the mad old bloke is still alive!

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What about the Spanish site that generated a bunch of pictures, etc. just before it was released?

I thought the whole reason why they received a copy prior to release was so they’d generate a review.

You mean www.puntadelanza.net ?

I am active in that group. Let us check with Santiago (admin), but as far as I am aware that is not the case. Either that or the admin team is working on it confidentially. :confused:

At any rate puntadelanza may be one of the biggest CM (among other games) fan sites in Spain but its audience when compared to a mainstream pc game site or print magazine is probably smaller, and what´s more, you got us sold already!

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Well you may well be right, but I and other Beta Testers, were certainly surprised when pictures, etc. appeared “out here” when Beta Testers weren’t able to post stuff due to the NDA.

IIRC Steve said that it was a group of Spanish Journalists and I just assumed that the only reason why journalists would get it early would be to write a review (unless it was just a means by which BFC could “leak” screenshots before release with some sort of deniability)? :)

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Ten years ago, I remember discovering the demo for CMBO in 'Mac Format' magazine (UK). After playing for a day I was totally hooked and subsequently bought every Combat Mission game for the Mac (yes, it's been a long wait for CMBN - but worthwhile).

I wasn't even big on wargaming and had limited knowledge of WWII materiel and tactics - but I loved it from the start. If I hadn't found that demo all those years ago I would probably still be in the dark about Combat Mission today.

It does make me wonder how, in today's gaming environment, BF is going to find a new audience for its excellent games?

Could it ever find its way onto the xbox? (shocked silence)

In the meantime I'm on a mission to spread the word: I'm in the process of convincing my brother in law and my nephew of CMBN's merits - latest report is that they love the demo.

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Our free demos are still frequently covermounted, and a couple of deals have been signed already. On the Mac side, we'll release an updated demo soon that will no doubt find its way on Mac covermounts soon enough.

Thats good to know... but I fear that those magazines don't have the readership that they had 10 years ago. I certainly don't buy a computer magazine anymore.

Online reviews are everything.

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