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OT (well sort off) Bleak times

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In these bleak times, when fear is perpetuated through the news and our Government has no idea about the real people who they now rule over, in my case being disabled I'm now waiting for the letter through the door telling me I'm a scrounger and to get a Job even though everyone around is losing thiers (because of the fact that there are some tossers who do claim DLA and other sick benefits when they work or aren't ill, which has nothing to do with me but I bet I will end up paying for it as fairness isn't in the Governments language)and sod the fact I have a chronic neurological condition which means I'm in constant pain as well as having to deal with a Pituatary tumour and I also with help have to look after my nine year old girl I honestly feel like starting an overthrow of the government similar to the middle east, we shall see. Facebook could be a powerful tool.

So taking all that into consideration the release of CMBN this year is the shining light of the year and I want to thank Battlefront for giving me something to look forward to.....

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Hang in there, Wodin. You'll be in my prayers.

Yes mate you'll be in mine as well. We may fail to realize it at times but there is a higher power above governments and principalities. The one we should turn to first during times both good and bad is Jesus Christ.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

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Yes mate you'll be in mine as well. We may fail to realize it at times but there is a higher power above governments and principalities. The one we should turn to first during times both good and bad is Jesus Christ.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Nah, I prefer the Flying Spaghetti Monster personally.

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Yes mate you'll be in mine as well. We may fail to realize it at times but there is a higher power above governments and principalities. The one we should turn to first during times both good and bad is Jesus Christ.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Man made fairy tales? No thanks, but good luck Wodin!

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Hey Wodin,

Sending good, positive vibes your way. In other words, just expressing care from one human being to another. Ignore all that nonsense about sky gods, cloud beings, spooks, haints, ghosts, etc... We are on our own. No god or government is gonna help. Just yourself, family, friends, random kindness from other people, and a bit of old fashioned good luck will do the trick.

Maybe our German friends from across the pond will send you a few pints of stout German beer to cheer you up, albeit temporarily. But hey, like you said CM:BN is just around the corner and will be a better distraction than a pint or two.

Looking on the bright side, at least you are not a woman trapped in Emrys body.

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I do not agree with the people in here talking about "Sky Gods"I believe Jesus Chrst is the best place to turn in times of trouble.I will be sending prayers your way and hope you are able to find peace in whatever belief you choose to follow.

I am not going to discuss religion other then what I just said as most religious discussion leads to arguments and flame Wars"Can you say middle east".Religion is a touchy subject and we are all entitled to believe in our "Sky God"or worship a cat turd if you choose.I will not judge others.

I will help a fellow human being out and it sounds to me like you are someone who can use a hand up at this time.Spend the money you were going to spend on this game on your household and your daughter.When the game comes out I will purchase a hard copy and digital download for you if I can get some info from you in a PM.

I am PM ing you my email address.Stay in contact with me as the game gets closer to release and I will get it for you.I am doing pretty well in my bussiness and I am in an industry that so far has not been to hurt by the bad economy so I am glad to do this.God Bless.

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+1 for random kindness from other people

Agreed. People like finalcut are good to go. ;) I think he's just earned a friend.

And wodin, keep a stiff upper lip, bro. Try to focus on the little things like a warm ray of sun or crisp morning air or a hug from a loved one to take your mind off the bigger things. You probably can't do much about the world at the moment, but these things tend to come around in cycles. Soon enough everything will turn around and you'll be riding high again. There's plenty of good out there yet.:)

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My idea behind this post was to give thanks to Battlefront for giving me a highlight of what is a bleak year....I never thought it would get this sort of response which has actually brought a tear to my eye (and I very rarely cry) and a smile to my face.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts\words....certainly cheered me up....it's threads like this that show what forum communities are all about and how supportive online friends can be.

Finalcut I've emailed your good self....thanks for the very kind offer....

Again thankyou everyone all the posts have been to me very sound and supportive advice as it has come from the heart.

Thanks again...now lets get down to the business of waiting for CMBN ;)

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