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1.31 patch?


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Any time frame on this patch?

I have erased my Canadian campaign when I realized the engineers don’t have charges and my Dutch campaign cause the radio issues.

Now for the token grip: I don't get why each module gets the release date pushed back so many times due to "working out bugs". Yet when the game gets released, I and many others within the first five minutes of playing the game find all these nagging little bugs that are game breakers.

Sure the game functions but like I mentioned the maple leaf boys have no charges and the first three of missions of their campaign (which is all I got to before I couldn't deal with the no charges issue anymore) you really need those charges.

Finally BFC if you know these are problems why not release a hot fix to fix these few problems so that I can fully enjoy/play the game which I've spent well over $150 for? I know what everyone is going to say "oh you're over reacting BFC will fix this" and I agree, my grip is the fact that they release a hot fix and the problem will be solved instead of the days keep passing without me getting to use the full product of my purchase.

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You illustrate perfectly the quandary that BFC is in when they have others clamoring for release of CM:N "regardless of liddle cute bugs"...

Depending on the bug it can take many man-days/weeks to fix. No game ever gets released without bugs getting discovered.

There has to be some other older scenario or campaign that you haven't played to take your mind off this till it's fixed.

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I'm with Erwin on this one, you can't hold PC game companies up to an unrealistic standard, esp smaller ones.

BFC does an amazing job, and anyone who spends any time on the forums can see they care a great deal about their product.

I would like to know an eta though on when we can expect a fix. The C2 bug is killing me (and it extends to other modules, not just NATO). I asked in another thread but didn't get a response.

And I don't know why you deleted your campaigns.

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I'm with Erwin on this one, you can't hold PC game companies up to an unrealistic standard, esp smaller ones.

BFC does an amazing job, and anyone who spends any time on the forums can see they care a great deal about their product.

I would like to know an eta though on when we can expect a fix. The C2 bug is killing me (and it extends to other modules, not just NATO). I asked in another thread but didn't get a response.

Did you read my post?

What’s unreasonable about a hot fix to problem they’ve already acknowledged they have a fix too? Usually it takes them a while to release a patch because they want to tweak things that aren’t game breaking issues as well as fix know problems. That’s why they should release a hot fix to take care of the problems immediately. Do you remember the low wall bug?????? This made the game absolutely unplayable. Well that didn’t get fixing immediately either because we had to wait for a full blown patch instead of a hot fix and we had to wait a long time for that patch.

You posted:"And I don't know why you deleted your campaigns."

Again, did you read my post or yours where you posted " The C2 bug is killing me (and it extends to other modules, not just NATO)."

Look it sounds like you are a huge fan of BFC's and I am too it's just frustrating when they release something, it has a problem, they have a fix for the problem but they don't release the fix for six to eight weeks until the more difficult non-game breaking tweaks are completed.

By the way they said they would release 1.31 to everyone instead of 1.30. So hopefully this will be completed soon?????

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Did you read my post?

What’s unreasonable about a hot fix to problem they’ve already acknowledged they have a fix too? Usually it takes them a while to release a patch because they want to tweak things that aren’t game breaking issues as well as fix know problems. That’s why they should release a hot fix to take care of the problems immediately. Do you remember the low wall bug?????? This made the game absolutely unplayable. Well that didn’t get fixing immediately either because we had to wait for a full blown patch instead of a hot fix and we had to wait a long time for that patch.

You posted:"And I don't know why you deleted your campaigns."

Again, did you read my post or yours where you posted " The C2 bug is killing me (and it extends to other modules, not just NATO)."

Look it sounds like you are a huge fan of BFC's and I am too it's just frustrating when they release something, it has a problem, they have a fix for the problem but they don't release the fix for six to eight weeks until the more difficult non-game breaking tweaks are completed.

By the way they said they would release 1.31 to everyone instead of 1.30. So hopefully this will be completed soon?????

Woah there! The 'fix' for that low wall bug was to replace the existing LoS system with the new ELoS system. Patch 1.05 introduced the Low Wall bug, and yes, it was a PITA for those of us who had to wait but the fix was anything but simple. Thus the long wait for v1.06.

Perhaps you just picked a bad example to illustrate your understandable frustration though. I'm not allowed to comment about patches but I don't suppose anyone would mind me saying that it shouldn't be much longer. But please remember that BFC is now supporting two games and is developing a third so it's not quite as clear cut as you might first expect ;)

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Everybody just take a deep breath and count to ten. It's not the end of the world.

However, Moon posted this on 10-28-2010 (two weeks ago) in regards to expecting the 1.30 update for non-NATO customers.

No, we didn't make an announcement on the date. I'm thinking that it will probably be ready for next week or so.

So what's the deal, are they skipping the non-NATO 1.30 update in favor for the 1.31 all-inclusive? Next weekend will mark a month since the NATO release. Even by BF standards this update is a bit overdue for the non-NATO folks.

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So what's the deal, are they skipping the non-NATO 1.30 update in favor for the 1.31 all-inclusive? Next weekend will mark a month since the NATO release. Even by BF standards this update is a bit overdue for the non-NATO folks.

Yes, in another thread Moon or Steve stated they were most likely going to release the 1.31 instead of 1.30 to everyone at the same time.

@ Paper Tiger

First I’d like to say I’m a big fan of yours. The low wall bug is just an example as is path finding etc…….

If I pay for a sandwich at a sandwich shop and the shop messes my order up and their only excuse is “keep in mind we are working on a few other sandwiches at the moment” do you think that will make me feel great? No it won’t because I already paid for my sandwich. The only thing that will keep me coming back to that shop is if the sandwich is overall awesome, which BFC makes an overall great sandwich/game.

I want to state clearly that I really do love BFC and I don’t think these issues are the end of the world but I usually don’t have a ton of free time. When I do, I just want to unwind instead of getting fired up.

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No worries. I remember how frustrated I used to get waiting for patches - fixes - and, worst of all, the occassional bone. I really wish I could say something that would ease your frustration but I can't. If you're like me, you forgive everything when you finally get your hands on the patch/game. But prior to that, well, I'm a different kind of fan :)

I, too am very frustrated with the wait because I put a huge amount of my own time and creative effort into the Canadian campaign and nobody's playing it. Why? Because it's crap? Hopefully not :), rather they're waiting for the little bugs that snuck in at the very end to get fixed before they play it. I'd imagine that Sergei and Normal Dude are similarly keen to see this patch out so that folks get to work on the Dutch campaign too. We're all waiting on BFC to release whatever it is we're waiting for them to release.

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ch at a sandwich shop and the shop messes my order up and their only excuse is “keep in mind we are working on a few other sandwiches at the moment” do you think that will make me feel great? No it won’t because I already paid for my sandwich. The only thing that will keep me coming back to that shop is if the sandwich is overall awesome, which BFC makes an overall great sandwich/game.

"No Soup For You!!"


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Oooops, well, I am playing the Canadian Campaign and while I wondered why the engineers had no satchell charges, I simply assumed it was a fu by HQ quartermaster (ie deliberate design choice, since I know Paper Tiger never makes mistakes).

So, I just try and accomplish the mission with what I got. Not doing too badly with the first mission. Maybe charges are essential in later scenarios, but not for the first one.

It's funny that "realism" is such a big thing for everyone, but as soon as there is one problem that may make life harder, we hear all this screaming. RL is about regular screw-ups, but tough luck... you have to keep fighting anyway. No redo's in RL.

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Oooops, well, I am playing the Canadian Campaign and while I wondered why the engineers had no satchell charges, I simply assumed it was a fu by HQ quartermaster (ie deliberate design choice, since I know Paper Tiger never makes mistakes).

So, I just try and accomplish the mission with what I got. Not doing too badly with the first mission. Maybe charges are essential in later scenarios, but not for the first one.

It's funny that "realism" is such a big thing for everyone, but as soon as there is one problem that may make life harder, we hear all this screaming. RL is about regular screw-ups, but tough luck... you have to keep fighting anyway. No redo's in RL.

no charges or radios isnt a regular screw up :D

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It's funny that "realism" is such a big thing for everyone, but as soon as there is one problem that may make life harder, we hear all this screaming. RL is about regular screw-ups, but tough luck... you have to keep fighting anyway. No redo's in RL.

1. Its not real life.

2. In real life you would check and re-check your equipment. If you forgot your charges that would be a huge mistake, second only to forgetting your main weapon. And if you forgot your radio you’d be fired and sent to the quartermasters shop.

3. All this screaming????????? What are you talking about? I didn’t realize my post were audible. But if they were I can assure you they wouldn’t be screams.

4. Why does the BFC militia come out and start accusing other posters of screaming because they want the game to be fixed. I haven’t bashed BFC, quiet the contrary, I stated several times that I love BFC. I just want a hot fix for a problem that has already been fixed. That’s all.

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1. Its not real life.

2. In real life you would check and re-check your equipment. If you forgot your charges that would be a huge mistake, second only to forgetting your main weapon. And if you forgot your radio you’d be fired and sent to the quartermasters shop.

3. All this screaming????????? What are you talking about? I didn’t realize my post were audible. But if they were I can assure you they wouldn’t be screams.

4. Why does the BFC militia come out and start accusing other posters of screaming because they want the game to be fixed. I haven’t bashed BFC, quiet the contrary, I stated several times that I love BFC. I just want a hot fix for a problem that has already been fixed. That’s all.

Look, it's just one opinion. Don't get worked up about it. Hopefully the bugs will be fixed soon.

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"In real life you would check and re-check your equipment. If you forgot your charges that would be a huge mistake, second only to forgetting your main weapon. And if you forgot your radio you’d be fired and sent to the quartermasters shop."

You obviously know nothing of real life my young fellow.

Just one teeny example: The SAS unit that went out in the 91 war with the wrong batteries. Now this is the elite, and just about everything went wrong for them. **** happens in RL all the time. If you read ANY books on the infantryman's experience written by the grunt himself, the stories are full of unbelievable military snafus. The real mystery is why some wargamers exhibit breakdown when everything doesn't go perfectly in their little pixel worlds.

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Yeah, I stick thru a CM battle despite casualties, SNAFU's, ect because it has an interesting way of telling its own story--Kind of RPGish and Ive even turned some battles around to my advantage even when all looked lost in my little pixil world(some of the greatest RL battles happened because of 9th hour blind luck)...but I use WEGO thats about as RL as I want to get...

Even if I lose a battle (battlefront your CM AI is wicked and cruel) I take something from it that made it worth the struggle....

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You obviously know nothing of real life my young fellow.

Erwin you seem like a nice fellow but I know nothing more about you than what you post. And I don’t think you know me either, surely not enough to insult me with a line like the one I have in the quote there. I don’t feel it’s necessary to list my RL experiences in order for people to believe that I know how things go in RL.

I will break down your comment though and clarify my position as hopefully this will be my last post on the issue; I’m not familiar with the SAS battery problem, though it sounds like a packing issue which happens all the time with items that are of second or third tier importance. The way I read your statement is, they forgot to pack batteries in their shipping containers from London to Kuwait? My statement is in regards to things that you would have on your person as you’re going to a fire fight. That equipment you would check and re-check.

All of this is a different issue than my issue of the hot fix. I know BFC won’t release a hot fix unless it’s an issue of the game wont start. I just don’t think it would be a big deal to release a small hot fix that would include radios and charges (something they have acknowledged they have already fixed) so that certain forces wouldn’t be without standard equipment. Hence for some of us screamers, these forces wouldn’t be unplayable. Lastly I have no hard feeling towards anyone and I hope I didn’t inspire hard feel towards me, this was not my intention. I thought I injected enough comedy in my post to make people realize I wasn’t having a heart attack, I guess I need new comedy writers. BFC you have created a great game that I really enjoy minus these few issues.

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You raise 2 issues. 1) The infallibility of govt/military forces, and 2) One's attitude when playing a game like CMSF.

1) Experience in life (or reading a book or two written by grunts) shows that snafus are the norm. In this case, the RL situation might have been that they brought the charges, but someone forgot the fuses.

2) Yes, this is still annoying in a game. However, in RL you have to go with what you've got. In the above situation, I am sure that the Canadians would not have sat around whinging about it and refused to attack.

Now, stoopid things happen when elite troops are involved (see Bravo Two Zero account below). Just imagine how the amount of stoopid things happening when the troops are of lesser quality.

However, yes, this is a game, and it's nice when everything is perfect. So, it's just an attitude issue. If I had known at the start that the game was flawed I would have waited for the bugfix. However, I found it very enjoyable trying to figure out how to accomplish my objectives even with the less-than-fatal omission of charges. In any case, I can wait for the fix now. Your reaction simply reminded me of certain girlfriends who... well never mind...


Soon after the patrol landed on Iraqi soil, Lane discovered that they had communication problems and could not receive messages on the patrol's radio. McNab later claimed that the patrol had been issued with incorrect radio frequencies,[53] however a 2002 BBC report discovered that there was no error with the frequencies because the patrol's transmissions had been noted in the SAS daily record log.[54] Ratcliffe lays the blame for the faulty radios on McNab as, being the patrol commander, it was his job to make sure the patrol's equipment was working.[55]

[edit] Emergency pickup

The British standard operating procedures (SOP) state that in the case of an emergency or no radio contact the patrol should return to their original infiltration point, where a helicopter would land briefly every 24 hours. This plan was complicated by the incorrect location of the initial landing site, the patrol reached the designated emergency pickup point, but the helicopter never appeared. Ratcliffe later revealed that this was due to an illness suffered by the pilot, while en route, necessitating his abandoning his mission on this occasion.

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Hehe, well I played the first Dutch campaign scenario not even noticing the lack of radios. But in the second I needed c2 to assault a village and I discovered my whole company had forgotten their radios in the chargers. Even the vehicle commanders failed to bring the thing they need to operate it. At that point I felt that the incompetence of my troops was too high for me to continue the mission so they were all relocated to the potato peeling mission.

Things like this make a big difference (or seem to) when you know about it; when you don't know about it you might not even notice.

Funny :)

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