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Disappearing wounded


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This is not a bug, I'm just curious about what is going on in a current PBEM I'm playing.

Here we have a two soldiers giving buddy aid to two wounded soldiers.


Yeah I know one of the aiders is headless, its a bit spooky but in these situations I guess you get help from anyone who'll give it...

Anyway, a few seconds later, one of the wounded soldiers vanishes from view:


Now, the number of soldiers in the room did not change, so he did not get up and walk away. Where did he go?

What's going on? Does the disappearance represent evacuation? Will he be counted as dead, wounded or missing in action in the scoring at the end?

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I'd imagine he's a KIA and once buddy aid is given they disappear. MIA usually happens to me when a sqaud (or individual) are broken by fierce fighting, or their vehicle has just been hit by a ATGM and they panic. I don't suffer many MIA - the quality of blue troops prevents this happening a lot in the stock missions.

Incapacitated also disappear, but the colour of bases is different. What colour base was that? I can't tell. So to reiterate, KIA and WIA disappear once buddy aid is given. Only injuries on the battlefield remain (yellow bases) - do you not use the modded base icons? They really help.

Also, someone else will need to clarify this, but if you do NOT give buddy aid to fallen troops, they are counted as KIA at the end of battle.

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Jeez, how many times have I played? And I never noticed it before...

I suppose its necessary to ease the load on the CPU

Possibly - but to be honest the terrain seems to play a larger factor with cpu load. I think it's more to do with statistics at the end of the battle - does anyone know how replacements are dealt with during a campaign, as a result of buddy aid - or are replacements not modelled in the scope of a campaign. Thinking about this, on occasion if I've had a vehicle knocked out, I might get what I consider a replacement the next mission, but without that specialist knowledge it's hard to know what you have left. We could do with some kind of detailed info on the OOB and equipment levels etc .

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Going back into the theory of buddy aid, it was intended to go some way toward simulating the hindrance that medevac created for a modern force without explicitly simulating the details of medical treatment and ambulance transport that are both very complex to simulate explicitly and slightly out of the scope of a tactical wargame.

You can leave your wounded and dead where they fall if you like, but if you leave your squads in the vicinity of wounded, they will treat and "evacuate" them.

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Going back into the theory of buddy aid, it was intended to go some way toward simulating the hindrance that medevac created for a modern force without explicitly simulating the details of medical treatment and ambulance transport that are both very complex to simulate explicitly and slightly out of the scope of a tactical wargame.

You can leave your wounded and dead where they fall if you like, but if you leave your squads in the vicinity of wounded, they will treat and "evacuate" them.

Not to mention collect ammo and Squad necessary weapons (a Javelin CLU or SAW).

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Anyone know what's the advantage of giving buddy aid? Other than a possability of more KIA in the final tally, does KIA give a score penalty or lesser chance of replacements in campaigns? The good side of me likes to play "recover the wounded" with covering units, etc. The dark side side says screw 'em and don't wast time!

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Anyone know what's the advantage of giving buddy aid? Other than a possability of more KIA in the final tally, does KIA give a score penalty or lesser chance of replacements in campaigns? The good side of me likes to play "recover the wounded" with covering units, etc. The dark side side says screw 'em and don't wast time!

Not sure exactly, but it definitely pays to recover your wounded, plus if you do use buddy aid, you can pick up weapons/ammunition that haven't been damaged. Especially helpful with Javelin teams/LMG and LAWs etc. I'm guessing it must help replacements - but I don't know for sure. It's a tad annoying that some soldiers will go in to automatically assist with buddy aid over a primary target and get themselves shot as a result. The times I've had to reload a battle because of that..

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Well, getting killed helping a buddy is realistic...

Yeah. I actually really like that risk and that adds another of tactical dilema for me.

Risk of another casualty vs risk of WIA going KIA- love it. Sometimes I pull back, work the angles and get supressive fire as quick as I can so I can get buddy aid back in. Quite often I use a different unit, and XO or Plt HQ to give buddy aid.

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Jeez, how many times have I played? And I never noticed it before...

I suppose its necessary to ease the load on the CPU

I'm pretty sure it's so they don't have to graphically model the dragging/carrying of the injured/dead to a safe location and eventually off the battlefield at this point. This would require numerous additional animations and AI logic to determine where and at what time to carry the injured. Either that or a tedious player responsibilty to micromanage the task, among other things. I would chalk up the graphical representation of casualty evacuation as a "possibly someday, but no time soon" feature.

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I don't mind it all that much that you can't drag wounded pixeltruppen to safety before administering buddy aid. What I do mind is when you run into a "house from hell" sort of situation where you enter a structure, suddenly take several casualties, then hotfoot it outta there to not lose any more guys, but you can't then call down arty or a GBU/JDAM on the building because the wounded are still lying where they fell. Then again, in the archetypal "house from hell" situation, they actually had to throw more men into the indoor meatgrinder to get the wounded out, rather than just dragging the wounded to safety and then calling in a D9 bulldozer to collapse the building.

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That's not really what I was getting at - it seems to me that the primary concern changes from enemy target in next building (for example) who is firing countless rounds at you, to buddy aid focussing on just one man. As a result of that, suppression is used less, and more men become KIA/WIA. Is this really what happens?

Ahh, I see your point Phil. I can understand that sometimes the tac AI looks like it gets it wrong and that can be irritating. Personally I'm not seeing it very often now, and when I do sometimes I can put it down to a fraq-up. And yeah, I do think that sqauds under fire sometimes make illogical decisions to buddy aid before winning the fire fight. Probably not as often as CM pixel troops so yes on balance maybe a little tweaking in future wouldn't go a miss. But to be honest as I recall there's normally a pause before they buddy aid and I haven't seen any wildly inappropriate ones for a while. I'll look more closely next time.

Maybe you need to give your guys less buddy aid work :)

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