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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part VI)

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Turn 41's headed your way.

Treeburst155 and troops,

Ran some additional tests and found that whatever's going on is consistent regardless of phone or fax line and isn't affected by available phone locations downstairs and upstairs. The error message remained the same throughout.

No turns from anyone other than Boris. Guess the Finns (Tero) celebrate Thanksgiving too. I forget where Fate lives.


John Kettler

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All games finito! Congratulations to all the hard-working scenario designers for fashioning such a challenging mix of evil maps to test out our mettle.

Mike, I do believe that all the finalists in my section have now completed the roster. Can we discuss the sheer villainy of these battles amongst ourselves?

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If you're sure your group is finished you may discuss the scenarios WITHIN your group.

I have quite a few game results in now that I need to process. I'll be honoring the requests for scoresheets that I have on file after I record these latest results. This will happen tomorrow evening with any luck.

If you're finished, and you want a scoresheet just email me so I can simply reply with an attachment. Thanks!

Treeburst155 out.

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Yes, all games now complete in out ROW II Section 2 area. Thanks to Treeburst and the scenario designers for a, shall we say, challenging series of scenario's. I guess this means I'll have to do some of those dreaded AAR's now. :(

Also, thanks very much to my opponents in these games, they were always very hard fought and always taxing on the ol' grey matter.


Jim R.

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I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I have Boris's latest turn. The bad news is that I can't open it because the CD drive has again cloaked itself and isn't being read in spite of every trick I can conjure up. Too bad I was brain dead and forgot to make a disk img of the CMBO CD when the drive registered properly! Apparently, too, at least one of the the turns I sent out to my nonBoris foes didn't get through either. Sigh.


John Kettler

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Guess what? Netscape's returned, joined a short time later by the CD drive. This allowed me to watch the newest turn (high pucker factor) from Boris and issue orders. Netscape still won't send E-mail, though, so the outbound turn went by AOL.

Would some kind Mac soul please explain to me again how to make a disk image of the CMBO CD so that any further stealth mode events won't knock out my ability to play?

Oops! Still need to resend turn to Fate. Have n idea as to whether Tero got his.


John Kettler

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Finally finished Epron tonight. This should be the last game in the group. Did better than expected in two games and a bit worse in one, so I'm looking forward to the result file from TB.

Many thanks to TB for hosting, WineCape for sponsoring and all my opponents for good games and always returning files quickly.

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As of now I show 36 of 66 games completed. I have prepared a scoresheet to send out to those who have finished. If you have finished, and you want a scoresheet, email me so I can simply reply and attach.

All of the prize eligible players have finished their games. For this reason, I am going to score the tourney on December 15th or so. By then I will have enough instances of each scenario completed (15 or more)to get a good median.

This does not mean that you HAVE to finish by December 15th. It just means that I would LIKE you to finish by then. smile.gif If you don't make it, your scores will not be used to determine scenario balance. No big deal, as long as I have 15 or so completed scenarios for that purpose. I don't want to keep the prize eligible players waiting any longer than necessary, since they are all done.

Fight On!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Was effectively gone all day and most of the night, but I nevertheless managed to receive turns from and respond to Boris and Fate. I came off a distant second best against Boris in the movie and continue to blunder about in my battle against Fate, to whom thanks for the disk image procedure. Hope it's the same in OS 8.6 as what he outlined for OS 9. Tero, did you get the last turn I sent you?

Treeburst155, I was heartened to see that I wasn't the only one who hadn't finished his games yet. Looks as though I'm far from alone there.


John Kettler

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Received and replied to another round of turns from my foes. KR, the CD problem cleared through no intervention of mine, Netscape reads inbound E-mail only still, and all outbound turns and the like go by AOL when it works. The situation is far from wonderful, but I am rolling turns. Tried and failed to locate the disk image utility; maybe OS 8.6 either lacks it or has it somewhere other than Applications.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Received and replied to another round of turns from my foes. KR, the CD problem cleared through no intervention of mine, Netscape reads inbound E-mail only still, and all outbound turns and the like go by AOL when it works. The situation is far from wonderful, but I am rolling turns. Tried and failed to locate the disk image utility; maybe OS 8.6 either lacks it or has it somewhere other than Applications.


John Kettler

Your move.

Is that all you have is 2 tanks tongue.gif

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Had I more energy I might engage in a semantic debate, KR, but I believe that per American usage, the statement is correct as written. I, though, would dearly love to know why the British insist on using plural verbs with singular nouns, such as squadron, team, troop and the like, not to mention the use of personal pronouns in describing such entities.

Have just replied to Boris with a turn from me.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by mPisi:

It's going pretty well with White4 (I mean the email exchanges, not the battle. Oh yeah, let's run forwards into the BLANK under fire!). But still slow with Tom Norton, approx 1 turn per week :confused:

I have only gotten one file from him since early october.
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Originally posted by White4:

I have only gotten one file from him since early october.

As per John Kettler, and White4, "gotten" is standard American usage. Cf. The American Heritage Dictionary: "gotten v. A past participle of get."

As for the Queen's English, KR, some Aussies seem to have forgotten that Britannia no longer rules the waves--or the style books. H. L. Mencken proclaimed the emergence of The American Language in a book published in 1919, and we Yanks have continued to revel in our linguistic independence.


[ December 03, 2002, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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