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North Korea: War With South Korea Possible Soon!!

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N. Korea: War with South possible 'at any time'

Last Updated: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 | 3:53 PM ET

The Associated Press

North Korean military forces will respond if the UN Security Council

questions or condemns the country over the sinking of a South Korean

navy ship, the country's UN ambassador said Tuesday.

It is inevitable that the UN will not back down. This mean N.Korea has painted them self into a corner and the war is on!

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It is inevitable that the UN will not back down.

ROFLMAO. If North Korea ends up doing something then it certainly won't be from any sort of pain inflicted on them by the UN. That sentence of yours is almost comical. I'm sure Kim jong Il is shaking in his boots at the pain and suffering that the "international community" as represented by the UN will rain down upon his head. No doubt Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba will be asked to set up a special task force to investigate North Korea's actions in sinking that South Korean ship. Pakistan will then be appointed to head a commission along with Libya, Brazil, and Turkey to recommend what level of sanctions to impose upon South Korea for illegally sailing their warship into the path of a North Korean torpedo that was fired at a nearby training target just a few yards off the coast of North Korea. No, if North Korea actually starts a war over this then it's because they want to start one, not because of anything the UN will (I mean won't) do.

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ROFLMAO. If North Korea ends up doing something then it certainly won't be from any sort of pain inflicted on them by the UN. That sentence of yours is almost comical. I'm sure Kim jong Il is shaking in his boots at the pain and suffering that the "international community" as represented by the UN will rain down upon his head. No doubt Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba will be asked to set up a special task force to investigate North Korea's actions in sinking that South Korean ship. Pakistan will then be appointed to head a commission along with Libya, Brazil, and Turkey to recommend what level of sanctions to impose upon South Korea for illegally sailing their warship into the path of a North Korean torpedo that was fired at a nearby training target just a few yards off the coast of North Korea. No, if North Korea actually starts a war over this then it's because they want to start one, not because of anything the UN will (I mean won't) do.

Your dismissiveness of the UN is rather naive, this is the sort of situation the UN was designed for (as opposed to rubber stamping the US's colonial adventures).

Remember North Korea's only friend in the world is China, and if the security council does anything, it will be with China's support. China's support means that they will have already had a quiet word with the North about pulling their head in.

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What the hell is your schtick, dude? All you ever seem to care about is a war kicking off with Iran or North Korea.

It's almost Kettlerian. I suppose if he keeps banging the same drum for long enough, eventually he may be proven correct, at which point he can turn around and gloat "See? I told you? WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME"

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Oh goody goody! How cool!

What the hell is your schtick, dude? All you ever seem to care about is a war kicking off with Iran or North Korea.

He leaves me with the impression that he thinks war is cool and a wonderful source of entertainment.

JB, listen a minute: War is ugly. It is nasty. It is seldom fun for those who are caught up in it. People get killed and horribly mutilated. They lose friends, family, homes, livelihood even if they survive. The aftermath is usually a huge mess. Beautiful irreplaceable things get destroyed.

War is not cool. It is probably the most stupid means of settling our affairs we ever came up with. Even without an actual shooting war we waste huge amounts of money and talent producing the weapons we "might" need in order to fight a war. The price tag on your entertainment is astronomical, quite possibly unaffordable.


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Oh goody goody! How cool!

What the hell is your schtick, dude? All you ever seem to care about is a war kicking off with Iran or North Korea.

Perhaps, we should start two General Discussion Forums: one for "Men" and one for "Pussies", which forum will you be posting to Ms. Affentitten?


JB :)

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1/ if you don't know what I'm on about why did you comment?

2/ Let me explain it to you....someone made a reference to the GM Firefly jsut after Serenity's Firefly. The GM Firefly (Pontiac) is a copy of a small Japanese car which I think we know in these parts as a Suzuki Swift. Hence I was surprised that it was teh 2nd connection to Firefly that otehrs made, and not the Sherman Firefly.

Bloody heck I hate it when I have to connect the dots for you!

Meaty - tag......

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