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Unit types in CM:N?


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I have been reading alot on the Battlefront forum, just as a passtime until the next CM.

If I understand this right, there will be a/multiple WWII basegame(s), and modules.

But, the first in the new series ("CM:N" as it's known for now), will take place in normandy. Blah, blah. You all know it by now.

But, I was wondering, will the germans only have Whermacht and the likes, or will there be FJs and SS?

I do not see me playing it without the diversity of having the FJ, SS & WH.

...that being said, I'll probably buy it and play it anyways, since BFC kicks ass, and it sure won't be disappointing. :D

Looking forward to it all.

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The exact distribution of German forces hasn't been made known.

Though IIRC the SS has been mentioned as not appearing in the base game. This because they made limited contact with the Americans. It's quite likely they'll be added with the Commonwealth module, as those were their main opponents.

FJ is a bit trickier to guess at, as they were involved in some of the more well known early battles in Normandy. This may see them arrive in the base game, though my money is on them arriving with their fellow paratroopers in the Arnhem themed module.

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It would be hard to ignore the FJ, so I hope they are included. They were prominent in the fighting around St.Lô, and the bocage in general. To delay FJ units until the Arnhem module would be... illogical.

The book "Dying for St.Lô" gave me many ideas for scenarios, including FJ-based ones.

But, I assume time will tell wether we get the FJ or not.

I can hardly wait for the next bone! :D

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The fighting around St. Lo will be hard to fully replicate without elements of the 17th SS included.

It's even harder to replicate the fighting around Caen without Brits.

Point being that we are just going to have to get used to not getting everything in one go. Regular US army and Wehrmacht seems like quite the task to do well to start with.

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I actually have to agree with Elmar Bijlsma, against my wishes.

I downloaded the CM:SF demo right after it was released, and hated it.

But now, with the Marines and British modules I love it.

If I tell myself there will be no SS or FJ, I can't be disappointed.

I guess, and hope, CM:N will be the best CM game to date.

(But I wasn't demanding anything, just asking)

Offcourse you can't replicate the battle for Caen without Brits, but in the scope of CM:N there were FJ and SS. Maybe if it's like ToW2:Kursk, with only GD on the German side, it would do.

But, I was just asking.

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I'm pretty sure it was confirmed there will be no Brits/SS/FJ in the CM:N base game. They'll get in there eventually so I don't see what the big deal is, everything is a tradeoff. More detail, better graphics, and so on means it takes longer to make content. The module system seems to work better for delivery of this kind of content than the massive package everyone seems to want. You get base CM:N much quicker, it has more time to be tested and patched.

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From Steve:


"The timeframe for the first Family of WW2 games is June-September 1944, which means it covers pretty much everything up until the Allied "pause" along the German frontier. The second Family of WW2 games picks up from there and goes until the end of the war.

As for sticking to realism, we're definitely going to keep at it for a while. But unlike CMx1, the Module concept allows us the flexibility to break that if we think there's a viable market for the end product. Yes, I'm talking about things like the Maus I've already hinted at this before so this is nothing new.

It is true that the US didn't run up against many of the "fun" things until after the conclusion of the Normandy campaign. However, we will definitely have Tigers and some SS formations in the game. Ahistorical? Technically no because there actually was very limited contact between US and SS formations with Tigers. But the thought of having a WWII game without Tigers in it... I'm pretty sure that's against the Geneva Convention or somefink

The 1st Module, which features Commonwealth forces, will have a ton of new German stuff in it as well as our pale tea drinking friends from the wee little island off the coast of Normandy. As with CM:SF, all Modules will work transparently with each other. Which means you can match up US forces against Porche turreted King Tigers, for example, once you get the Commonwealth Module."


"Well, if we really wanted to be shrewd we would have the FJ and SS units be their own Module, with the Commonwealth Forces be in its own too. Heck, put the Airborne Forces for Normandy in a different one. It's not like we'd be the first to do this But that's not what we're doing.

We basically say any one release will have X amount of units in it with Y diversity. Diversity is what costs us exponentially. Having 20 more variations of Wehrmacht units is a lot easier than having 5 different types of SS or FJ units because variations of Whermacht forces does not require new models, new artwork, new weapons, etc."

"The focus is on the usual combat between US and German forces in a particular slice of Normandy. FJ might be less of a "special case" there than compared to a slice of the Eastern Front, but they are still not the norm and therefore can be put aside for Module 1 without any conceptual problems. Or I guess no more conceptual problems than not having Funnies, 21st Pz craziness, or other things which aren't of a routine nature."


"As for French in Normandy, that should be fairly easy to accomplish at some point. Definitely not in the initial release, definitely not in either the 1st or 2nd Modules. If things go well they will be in the 3rd Module along with a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff that is too big and/or too out of place to go into the other Modules."

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Yes, what right do the French have being in Normandy. Shouldn't that area have been an English province or sumfink?

Well, it would be okay for them to live and farm there as long as they swore allegiance to the king and paid their taxes. Of course it would be necessary to police them very closely. The ones not engaged in smuggling would probably be spies, and some would be both.


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I thought England was a Norman province... :confused:

No, no. After the English invited William Duke of Normandy to be their king, the lands he held title to in France automatically became English as well. Considerable acreage was swapped back and forth between the English and French thrones over the next three centuries until it was decided that for the sake of neatness the English Channel should form the boundary between the two countries. Napoleon then came along and attempted to re-negotiate the arrangement but eventually gave up in frustration over English intransigence and perfidy.

I hope this has clarified matters for you.


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