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I'm thinking of getting CMSF(base) and the Brits module seen as CMN is still a way off. I was hoping to get them as a bundle but i can't seem to find them. I have found CMSF and marines as bundle though. But being a Brit i want to bethe Brits

Anyone able to point to right place in the store please.

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There is no bundle of CMSF + Brits, sorry. There is a CMSF+Marines bundle and a Marines+British bundle, only.

Thats pretty crap what about looking after us Brits with a base n brits bundle?

Ok got the Base game for £6.23p which is nice. Anyway, i want to get the brits module and it looks like the only way to get that is through the BF store. Unless someone knows different?

I have noticed that the prices displayed on the BF website store are in dollars. Is there a UK store with proper money prices eg £'s? ;-P

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Thats pretty crap what about looking after us Brits with a base n brits bundle?

Ok got the Base game for £6.23p which is nice. Anyway, i want to get the brits module and it looks like the only way to get that is through the BF store. Unless someone knows different?

I have noticed that the prices displayed on the BF website store are in dollars. Is there a UK store with proper money prices eg £'s? ;-P

Some people would regard going on to a company's web site and saying you bought their product for far less than the official price as less than tactful. To then suggest that the US dollar is not proper money, especially as the company in question is American, would be regarded by many as impolite. To then ask the same people you have just insulted for help could be regarded as -ing stupid.

The Brits Module is $25, the pound will buy about $1.60. I am sure you can do the sums. You could do yourself a favour and buy the Marines and Brit bundle. Trust me, you won't regret it and at $35 (call it twenty-five quid), you will still be ahead over your initial request.

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Thats pretty crap what about looking after us Brits with a base n brits bundle?

As the number of modules and games increases that we sell, anybody will likely want their own personal bundle, and there is only so much we can (or want to) offer.

Having said that, you can actually pretty much make your own bundle (at least as far as hardgoods go): when you buy more than on product, you pay only $1 S&H for each additional product. If you buy two games, you essentially get a $9 discount.

The patch is not an issue if he buys an addon. Is this a marketing strategy?

No, it isn't, although like someone else pointed out, it seems to have become the norm. Patch support seems to be lacking from many retail partners these days. No idea why that is the case to be honest. Perhaps, in a world of an increasing number of digital delivery platforms, DRMs etc., patching becomes more complex due to the variety of compatibility issues.

Anyway, i want to get the brits module and it looks like the only way to get that is through the BF store.



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The Paradox patch issue isnt the fault of BFC. Knock down Paradox's door and tell them to get cracking. :D The Marines and Brits are both worth the paultry sum you are paying. No need for a marketing strategy, you can take my word for it. But if you want one here goes....

"We know here at Battlefront that if you wanted to own a new Russian T-90 tank it would cost you over $3 million dollars. We charge $2,999,975 less so your wife can go shopping and let you play."

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Some people would regard going on to a company's web site and saying you bought their product for far less than the official price as less than tactful. To then suggest that the US dollar is not proper money, especially as the company in question is American, would be regarded by many as impolite. To then ask the same people you have just insulted for help could be regarded as -ing stupid.

The Brits Module is $25, the pound will buy about $1.60. I am sure you can do the sums. You could do yourself a favour and buy the Marines and Brit bundle. Trust me, you won't regret it and at $35 (call it twenty-five quid), you will still be ahead over your initial request.

Take a chill pill. I wasn't trying to be insulting hence the winky face.If our kissing cousins from across the sea took it that way i apologise.

In case you haven't noticed there is a recession on and if i can purchase the base game for £6 off ebay then that's exactly what im going to do. So don't be laying any guilt trips on me.

I do my bit for the company by purchasing CMBB/CMBO and thanks to some good advice including yours I will be getting the marines/brits bundle now.

For the record, i would not be purchasing CMSF if Normandy was available now though.

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Now that IS part of our marketing strategy :)

Thanks for supporting Battlefront.com!

No problem enjoy the games especially the WWII's

Moon just took a trip to the store and i can purchase the bundle via a paypal account which i no longer have or via mastercard or visa which i do not have. Is there any other way of buying the bundle say using my maestro debit card?

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No, para, we only accept Paypal or Visa/Mastercard. A maestro debit card is a european card and not accepted in the US. Paypal would accept it probably, but obviously you'd have to re-open an account with them.

Ok will have to smooth talk a visa/mastercard carrying mate.


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If you get stuck let me know. I am sure we can work something out between us.


That's a very kind offer Blackcat and i appreciate it. Actually, got a mate to do the right thing today. So i will be downloading (marines/brits) tonight and getting my hardcopy via post sometime next week.

Now where is that Normandy bone Mr Moon?

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lolz the $ is just low and allow us europeans to take a piss with it. The consequences of the $ being low are being felt hardly here, so it is probably the least you could allow us :D

Anyways, Para you will most probably enjoy your recent acquisition!

Having picked up the original CMSF at BF.C more then 2 years ago, i'm not at all dissapointed about my $50 something (thats when the $ actually still was worth something :D), in the initial investment. The extra 2x$25,- were more then worth it if you like the base game. Unfortunately the Pound equivalent of $25,- won't buy you a lot in London, so I guess its quite the deal :)

Obviously I can't blame anyone paying the lowest price possible for the 'same' goods. Heck not doing so can be considered 'stupid' in general ;)

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lolz the $ is just low and allow us europeans to take a piss with it. The consequences of the $ being low are being felt hardly here, so it is probably the least you could allow us :D

Anyways, Para you will most probably enjoy your recent acquisition!

Having picked up the original CMSF at BF.C more then 2 years ago, i'm not at all dissapointed about my $50 something (thats when the $ actually still was worth something :D), in the initial investment. The extra 2x$25,- were more then worth it if you like the base game. Unfortunately the Pound equivalent of $25,- won't buy you a lot in London, so I guess its quite the deal :)

Obviously I can't blame anyone paying the lowest price possible for the 'same' goods. Heck not doing so can be considered 'stupid' in general ;)

Lol our American friends can be touchy. Look i meant not harm with my crack about the $. I have apologised on a previous post can we leave it there or shall we burn down your capital again? :-p

How do you put smileys on the posts?

Looking for mods now which are the best 5mods mods guys ?

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I have apologised on a previous post can we leave it there or shall we burn down your capital again? :-p

You might be surprised at how many touchy yanks are in favor of this idea... figuratively speaking of course. I for one am glad to see you guys holding your government accountable for its actions rather than letting the power elite give each other a free pass.

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You might be surprised at how many touchy yanks are in favor of this idea... figuratively speaking of course. I for one am glad to see you guys holding your government accountable for its actions rather than letting the power elite give each other a free pass.

I wish somebody would burn down our parliament preferably with those scum bag MP's in it...ps im not advocating murder or terroism but those MP's people really get up my nose

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