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During Action Report - hcrof vs Mike Churchmoor!


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Thanks, I hope that I can get this battle moving again soon by shifting Mike off this hill!

I am using a slightly modified version of the 'Syrope' Mod for the terrain with the pro effects smoke mod and scipios flames for the effects. This IMO gives the most realistic feel to the game (I like the muted base game explosions for example).

Of course in a game like this the 'Faces of Syria' mod is vital! Some of the heads look African though so I got rid of them.

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The enemy in the wheat field must have been shocked at size of the attack because they didn't fire again as the right hand platoon cautiously leapfrogged towards HILLFARM. An MG team are spotted running from the farm which sends a ripple of excitement through the men. Maybe it will be abandoned? The barrage finally stops and they speed up towards their objective.


After they dived into cover the left hand platoon looked forward urgently to try and work out what killed the BMP. Without seeing anything, they will have to advance again. The LT gives the order...

Well without any evidence to the contrary, I will have to assume that the tank in the trees is imaginary. I know where 2 of the others are so I will begin the advance again, cautiously this time.

In the south, I have been trying to clear up casualties – my squads only seem to want to do it one at a time annoyingly. More spotting rounds have started on the south hill however so I will pull everyone off it except my FO.

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Well, the attack continues slowly! Here is the situation as it stands now. As you can see, my mortar strike completely missed the areas where I think the enemy infantry are. You can also see a lot of tanks in them trees!


The Left hand platoon is most vulnerable and are moving very slowly, they have just crested a small ridge for a second time (after running into cover from the 'tank' that destroyed my BMP) and have already taken effective small arms fire. Luckily, a little bit of deduction has given me a fairly good idea as to where the enemy squad is so my overwatching BMP will fire at the likely patch of trees :)

I will keep up my fire on the upper floors of HILLFARM to discourage Mike from setting up an MG nest but I think he has abandoned it. Like I said, when AFVs are around it is undefendable!

On the right, my platoon is leapfrogging slowly towards HILLFARM but I am worried about the recon HQ left in the field. There are only a few of them but I don't want to take unnesesary casualties. I don't actually need to take HILLFARM but they will advance untill contact and hopefully worry Mike enough to withdraw. If not I will try to sneak an RPG team to hit the nearest tank and see if that will do the trick! My third platoon has begun its flanking manouvre. I will keep them in the trees for as long as possible then sprint up onto the hill. They will probably get spotted but any enemy MGs should be <1km away so I should be ok.

My badly aimed artillery has now stopped and I have already begun ordering a new barrage. Not as heavy this time (no shells) but hopefully enough to suppress Mikes infantry.

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The Attack on the north hill slows to a crawl, infantry cautiously running in short dashes while rounds from supporting BMPs arc overhead, crashing around HILLFARM. Men fire into the trees even though incoming has stopped. More enemy vehicles and other movement are spotted in the trees but the men continue to grind forward.


The third platoon rushes through the wheat field, beginning their flanking manoeuvre but the snap of small arms fire begins and a man falls - 2nd squad leader. We have been spotted! Nobody knows where the fire is coming from but the men throw themselves to the ground and begin to leapfrog through the wheat.

In the south, a pair of BMPs spot an enemy T-62 turning on the top of north hill and both fire their Sagger missiles. The tank stops and aims.

The crews have no time to think as the 115mm main gun fires a round which slams into another carrier, feet away. One Missile operator flinches, ditching his Sagger into the river but the second holds his nerve – only a few seconds until impact...


I hope my missile hits - it is agonisingly slow but if it gets the kill it will destroy his company CO! Definitely worth 1 BMP in my opinion!

I think I can guess where that small arms fire is coming from. Earlier an MG team ran out of HILLFARM into the woods and now the right hand platoon has picked up a fresh ? in that area. I have sent a BMP to deal with it :)

Mikes defence is becoming clearer now he has his infantry in the wood line both sides of HILLFARM and his vehicles scattered further in the forest. If I can pin his infantry, my flanking move will be very effective!

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I think the 'imaginary' tank is abandoned by its crew?

I am actually beginning to think that the 'imaginary' tank is in fact a very lucky RPG shot! I now have eyes on the whole treeline and there are no vehicles within LOS of the destroyed carrier. This would mean that the tank was only in my head the whole time :)

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Sat in the cramped fighting compartment of his BMP, the gunner pressed his face into the sights and watched his missile fly towards the enemy tank. Thick smoke from the burning carrier began to obscure his vision but he kept making small adjustments to the joystick.


Silently in the glass, the fat ATGM disappeared in a brief flash on the front glacis of his opponent. Men began to scramble out of the tank, smoke beginning to rise out of a hatch, and they started to run. They didn't get far - a huge secondary explosion blew the turret off and the crew disappeared in the dust and debris.

Target destroyed. Driver - Reverse

As the carrier slid out of sight behind the ridge the gunner looked to the right at his burning companions. Congratulations and cheers erupted on the radio net but he felt nothing, just numbness.


Tank company HQ destroyed :) Damn it feels good to score a solid point for the good guys! All in all it shows why 3 is better than 1 with Saggers (or any AT weapon for that matter), you are far more likely to win a Duel! More eyes mean I shot first and even though it took ages for the missile to arrive, the fact that 1 missed didn't matter. Saggers are cheap, I can afford to 'spam' them at the enemy.

The attack in the north continues, Mike seems content to wait until I get closer before he opens fire. He has positioned 2 tanks and 2 BMPs in positions with LOS 50m out from the treeline. It keeps him safe but I plan to outflank him anyway :)

On the right, there are fewer defenders. It seems though that the 'MG team' is in fact a BMP. My carrier has just emerged into a hull down position ready to fire. Hopefully it can shoot through the trees and score a kill!

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Hcrof, fantastic DAR, thanks for keeping me entertained, and on the edge of my computer chair! I am intrigued though about the role the CMSF engine is playing, in what seems to be a far more 'realistic' encounter than some CM1 games I've played, or read AAR's about. There are definite pulses of action, with more waiting and manoeuvre than CM1, is this because borg spotting has been removed or because the infantry and firepower model has been greatly improved.

I don't play CMSF, the concept does not interest me, but looking at this DAR the advances in the game engine seem to pose pixel commanders with far more of the 'problems' real commanders face. I could be absolutely wrong and the weaponry and technology, of the modern era, could be the real reason for the difference in tempo, but I wonder: If the equivalent forces, Pz IV's for T-62's and AT guns for ATGW's (BMP's would pose a problem) were played on a similar map what would that DAR have been like?

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Hcrof, fantastic DAR, thanks for keeping me entertained, and on the edge of my computer chair! I am intrigued though about the role the CMSF engine is playing, in what seems to be a far more 'realistic' encounter than some CM1 games I've played, or read AAR's about. There are definite pulses of action, with more waiting and manoeuvre than CM1, is this because borg spotting has been removed or because the infantry and firepower model has been greatly improved.

I don't play CMSF, the concept does not interest me, but looking at this DAR the advances in the game engine seem to pose pixel commanders with far more of the 'problems' real commanders face. I could be absolutely wrong and the weaponry and technology, of the modern era, could be the real reason for the difference in tempo, but I wonder: If the equivalent forces, Pz IV's for T-62's and AT guns for ATGW's (BMP's would pose a problem) were played on a similar map what would that DAR have been like?

Very interesting question Vark! I had to think about this for a while.

Yes, this battle does feel more 'real' than many but I am not sure that I can put my finger on why. Certainly, I never played CMx1 against a human so I am not the best judge of things. My opinion however it that it is a mix of factors. Certainly the lack of Borg spotting contributes to a slightly slower game where I frequently have to agonise over the fact that there is something there but I can't get it. I have an opponent who loves to park a tank or 3 in an increadibly incovenient place. My infantry can see it but can't hurt it but if I send in the tanks, it is likely that he will get the first shot off! When playing as blue you call in air support so the tactical problem is much more apparent when playing as red.

I also feel that the 1-1 representation of infantry plays a big part in my use of them. In CMx1, when a squad takes casualties the MG is instantly transferred to another man. Especially in WW2 this meant that you could have a 5 man squad that is still effective because they still have the MG. Combined with the fact that you don't see you men 'dying' it means that I was very inclined to push forward at great cost unnecessarily. In CMx2, when my men take incoming, I do what I can to preserve them, even if I have to slow an attack. If someone important goes down, (Like the RPG guy) then I might have to concentrate on casualties for a while!

Some of the 'realism' may be down to playing style. I like to put myself in the shoes of the commanders on the ground so I tend to give non gamey orders (I.e non suicidal :)) to my men.

This can mean that I spend a whole 5 minutes just waiting for something or I might abandon an attack due to unreasonable casualties even if I could push harder for the gamey flag rush.

So, in conclusion. If you swapped all my units for WW2 equivalents, the feel of this game would be similar. Whether it would for other players is debatable but my opinion is that CMx2 feels less constrained by rules than CMx1 so it feels more real.

Edit: Taki - Right now we are just under 30mins into a 1h30 game. My Objective (BRIDGE) is worth 500 points, Mike has to get HILLFARM (300points) and BIGFARM (300points). We also get points for destroying each others forces, check the OP.

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As the carrier watched the trees the gunner spotted a target! Mostly hidden by vegetation, an enemy BMP was halted on the top of the hill. He fired a missile but lost control and it crashed into the ground in the middle of the wheat field.

In the wheat field a huge explosion flung everyone in the right hand platoon to the ground. Two people didn't get back up. The left hand platoon wasn't faring much better, another enemy squad had opened fire and bullets where cracking over their heads once more...

In the south, the explosions over south hill had changed. The heavy crump of large calibre artillery was now beginning to punctuate the otherwise quiet south and a report came in over the radio that the FO was seriously wounded.

Grr, I love and hate these Saggers. On the one hand, I have loads of them and they form my primary anti tank asset. On the other hand, more of my troops have been injured by my own missiles than enemy small arms fire!

The left hand platoon aren't the only troops under fire. I moved a second BMP to try and cover the right hand platoon and an enemy round promptly shot over the turret! I can't see the shooter so I suppose I will have to put my carrier into hard reverse!


Here is a picture of the battle as it is now. As you can see, not much has changed. I can't get his vehicles in the trees and he cant destroy my infantry platoons. Now that he has artillery, Mike might well try to hit my guys in the open so I have to get a move on otherwise this attack may become a massacre. My new plan is to try and sneak an RPG team in to destroy that carrier in HILLFARM before infiltrating infantry into the complex. This will create a gap in Mikes defenses and then hopefully he will withdraw. If that doesn't work, I may have to retreat, blast the top of north hill with artillery and send in the tanks!

In the south, my reserve platoon has finally made it to its staging area and will now begin to try and infiltrate closer to Mikes lines.

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The right hand platoon pushed forward, overrunning the last 2 enemy soldiers in the wheat field. They had been hiding and where almost close enough to touch when one of them let off a wild burst from his assault rifle.

The response was quick and the man was quickly shot. A few grenades sealed the deal.

The gunfire could not however drown out what was happening to their left. Simultaneously, every vehicle on the hillside opened fire at the left hand platoon and they disappeared into a cloud of flying earth and fire...


Right. Mike can get at my infantry. This changes things, I will have to give up this idea that I can overrun his position with a few infantry and do it properly this time as this is clearly Mikes MLR. I will order another retreat. My men will get in their BMPs, I will get everyone to their staging areas then when my artillery arrives I will flatten this bloody hilltop in a rolling barrage and send in the tanks.

This however will take time, prepare for this thread to slow down a bit!

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Sending the tanks without the infantry will probably kill all of them leaving you with bits and pieces.

Why don't you push all the infantry slowly forward and send in the tanks NOW?


Something like this, forgive me for the poor paint arrows!

Now I can't see all of your forces this is just a 1 minute draw, but I guess that now is the time to take your objective. Retreating will only bring a better prepared enemy.

You can't hope to kill all his infantry with your Artillery so if you come again I bet he can see you coming same like now. If you commit all of your reserve forces I guess you are able to crack him down here and perhaps you can directly overrun other positions in the momentum?

Sunk-costs are not an issue, but taking the farm is and I wouldn't be so sure it will get much better after an artillery barrage. Why not plaster his escapes now and try to push him in your fire? You might even lure reinforcements into your fires.

Hehe, got carried away there because your brilliant story telling really got me into the battle! :)

Anything is a gamble now, I am always in favor of risky maneuvers so i'm not sure my advice is very wise, but that's how I would do it anyhow :)

GL and Happy New Year all!

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Lethaface - What you are proposing is similar to my original plan. The problem is that Mikes tanks and BMPs seem to be able to see and shoot out of the trees whereas I have a very hard time seeing, let alone shooting back at them.

My basic plan at this stage is to use a lot of artillery. This will kill and suppress infantry, destroy armour if Mike keeps them where they are and create a huge amount of dust etc to obscure his vision. I will compound this with smoke from my tanks and send them forward in front of BMPs filled with infantry. Artillery will fall until the very last moment and my tanks will be in the trees, shooting at everything. If Mike retreats, I will then dismount my infantry to flush him out.

Beyond this hill, Mike should have 1 platoon of infantry between me and the bridge and he will then counter attack with his other company. Hopefully my tanks can put an end to that!

My artillery hasn't arrived yet however so before I attack I will have to set up defensive positions while I wait.

souldierz - You are right, my infantry will be vulnerable when they retreat! I will have to think of something to cover them.

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Yeah, you are right. Mike has been airbursting artillery behind my positions for a while now so he might try and catch my infantry as they retreat. However, I still have carriers :).

As soon as they are out of the firing lines, I will load my grunts up and keep them safe in their vehicles.

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Allright! I hope your troops are able to move safely into their carriers! :)

How is the other side of the field? Is it viable for a small group of BMP's and 1/2 tanks to probe into the enemies flank? I mean, Mike must be getting over confident after this recent successes. Commit all your forces and artillery in a sensible way now and you might be able to catch him off guard while he is over-emphasizing his successes. As I understand it he has stronger reserves then you? You'll have to make up for that. Anyway you got me hooked on this almost as much as my own PBEM :)

Perhaps i'll combine my turns into a movie or something, inspired by your splendid DAR. Is this scenario downloadable somewhere? I would like to use it in a future PBEM!


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