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Helmut Bug with USMC XO

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When I was a mech squadleader in the Army we had the CVC helmet when in the APC to have intercom and then had to switch helmet to our standard helmet when dismounting... painful and problematic solution. we tested fighting in the CVC and it worked okey, but our CO didnt approve it so we had to continue swaping helmets all the time... :mad:

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If the guy isn't supposed to dismount then he shouldn't have a CVC, so that's a bug :) It will be corrected for the next patch.


Nice double negative there. :)

I guess what you meant to say was:

"If the guy is supposed to dismount then he shouldn't have a CVC, so that's a bug :) It will be corrected for the next patch."?

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If the guy isn't supposed to dismount then he shouldn't have a CVC, so that's a bug :) I found that I had the "tank" version of the Platoon SGT assigned to that unit instead of the "infantry" version. It will be corrected for the next patch.


Thanks Steve,

No big deal but it is annoying.

As you know, every RL Soldier is issued a helmet, regardless of assignment.

When they are on the ground they wear a helmet. (or Top will chew their ass :D )

How did this get by the...

That was my understanding as well, the helmet is the correct one. The XO and certain other officers spend most of their time in a vehicle communicating with the rest of their unit, so the CVC helmet is more practical than a combat helmet.

...ah, I see. Wrong. and laughable.

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This issue had been raised and discussed in the beta forums while working on the USMC module and one Marine stated it was correct for LAR platoon commanders. All squad/platoon leaders wear the CVC helmet while mounted to stay in communication with the rest of the unit and are supposed to switch to the combat helmet when they dismount. Whether, in practice, they keep the CVC helmet on when dismounting is something only actual servicemen can answer.:)

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If you're a commander on foot and you know there's a possibility of enemy snipers, you probably don't want to wear anything that clearly distinguishes you from your subordinates just as you don't want men to salute you or slap a pink neon sign that says "OFFICER" on your back.

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Well if they are the same as ours, not quite, as they have adjustable covers over the ears that you can open and close to let external sound in or not.

No :o We use an Spanish-made copy of the good old U.S. CVC helmet from Carbondale (PA). Yes, the original ones that saw some action in Vietnam with our M113s :P They are tough ones, but they don't use ballistic kevlar, so we always change to the 'Marte' combat helmet when out of the vehicle. Although the Leopard 2 tankers use the same German helmet model - they don't use to put their feet on the ground, so no combat helmet to worry of.

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....is something only actual servicemen can answer.:)

With luck one might just stop in to let us know...

they don't use to put their feet on the ground, so no combat helmet to worry of.

Death before dismount :D

I wore one to a Halloween costume party and found it very annoying because I could barely hear anything.

:eek: A party? with real people? :D

The current model helmets have a built in external mic that you click on to hear outside conversations (only works when plugged in, I think)

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