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Isn't it cute how we used to have to end Peng Challenge threads before the 300th post

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Is 8 litres of Sangria enough for a party of 25? Seeing as the guests will bring enough of their own booze to kill a small village I figure it is.......and is vodka or gin better to add for 'kick'....or both?

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Oh Gnome, thou knowest for certain that my ability lacks, yet only in stifling the menstrual flow of woman, the only proof of God's exercise in art, his every attempt at the creation of beauty. For if that be my failing, then I must be the most virile example of a man to walk this circling rock; and if it be my only failing thus described, why then, should I do other than return praise to him owning to such perspicacity and wisdom, such elegant turn of inadequate phrase?

You are the Prune, oh Gnome: it is thanks to you and your like that we eat of the leafy green vegetables grown in the veriest muck, barren soils given richness through your existence and, thus, the need to defecate. Indeed, were you to die, your remains would be properly encased in gold and shot into outer space, lest the earth be forever poisoned with your presence. As it is, we give thanks to the good Lord that Death stalks this world, it will release us, eventually.

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I was subjected, repeatedly, to the 'pocket hang'. This is where a laughing child grabs on to a pocket and takes her feet off the floor, dangling, and laughs like a merry sprite while you grab at your pants to keep: a) your pants from descending to your knees, and B) the pocket from ripping off. When the 5 year old joins with the 3 year old, it's like being pantsed by extremely evil pixies.

You forgot....

c) and if you are wondering how a 5 year old and a 3 year old are able to hang onto the pocket of a Gnome and be able to keep their feet off the floor.......platform shoes of course.

That was a great story.

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That was a great story.

Somehow the word 'great' is hard to associate with the Gnome. Of course, such constructions as "great ass" or "great numbskull" are permissible. But that is a rather narrow range of allowable usages and they do not rest congenially on either the tongue or the mind.

That said, the aforementioned story was rather less offensive than his usual run of mawkish slatherings. Let us hope that he has the wit to quit while he is ahead.


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Oh Gnome, thou knowest for certain that my ability lacks, yet only in stifling the menstrual flow of woman, the only proof of God's exercise in art, his every attempt at the creation of beauty. For if that be my failing, then I must be the most virile example of a man to walk this circling rock; and if it be my only failing thus described, why then, should I do other than return praise to him owning to such perspicacity and wisdom, such elegant turn of inadequate phrase?

You are the Prune, oh Gnome: it is thanks to you and your like that we eat of the leafy green vegetables grown in the veriest muck, barren soils given richness through your existence and, thus, the need to defecate. Indeed, were you to die, your remains would be properly encased in gold and shot into outer space, lest the earth be forever poisoned with your presence. As it is, we give thanks to the good Lord that Death stalks this world, it will release us, eventually.

erm...uh... huh?

You sure you haven't been smoking the leafy green vegetable?

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Boo Radley, I bask in your praise. Such a compliment you pay to class me with such wit as your own, and other contributors to this here Peng Challenge. Else none of you have any excuse whatsoever for the tripe that gets posted here. 'cept for lobotomies - now there I might cross the bounds of good taste: I apologise to those of you suffering from having had most of your grey matter removed (Michael, Stuka et al.) Look on the bright side, you can't suffer any more for having read this.

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[... meanwhile something grey and heavy is galloping towards the most perfectly formed tiny sprout collapsed Emrys singularity placed at the other end of the Paddock and as a ton of prime donkey applies full frontal hoof stopping power as the event horizon of a crushing Emrys experience looms close the tiny sprout is snapped up and swallowed whole in the best anthropological way...]

Take a trip round me digestive tract yer little begger...

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(Michael, Stuka et al.)

How DARE you scribe my good self in the same parenteses as the Emrys entity!

I'll have you know there is a caste system here and Emrys is firmly and irrevocably an 'untouchable'. I, on the other hand am more of a demi-god although it is rude to boast.

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Boo Radley, I bask in your praise. Such a compliment you pay to class me with such wit as your own, and other contributors to this here Peng Challenge. Else none of you have any excuse whatsoever for the tripe that gets posted here. 'cept for lobotomies - now there I might cross the bounds of good taste: I apologise to those of you suffering from having had most of your grey matter removed (Michael, Stuka et al.) Look on the bright side, you can't suffer any more for having read this.

I was wondering why I was having trouble parsing your sentences and then I saw you're an Aussie.

It explains so much.

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I was wondering why I was having trouble parsing your sentences and then I saw you're an Aussie.

It explains so much.

You pullin' my prawn, mate? Stone the flamin' crows, they call him Lightning Boo, famed for the alacrity of his wit.

Maybe he needs to be well oiled to rise to his past best - drier than a dead dingo's Derrick, are ya?

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Lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread must apologize ... Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa ... well, that's done then. Wasn't as painful as I thought it might be.

I have been absent for some time now and I attibute it all to consorting with low characters ... after all this time here I felt I needed to raise the level of my associates.

So I've been playing a lot of Rise of Flight, an excellent WWI flight sim about which I can't say more here since Steve would bound in (he bounds a lot, you may not have know that) and berate me about violating board rules ... and you lot know that I follow rules, by GAWD I follow rules and expect others to do the same.

I would like to apologize to my PBEM opponents who have lacked a turn from me for ... oh ... quite some time now. I'd LIKE to but considering that we're talking about Nidan1, Wolfp Mk II and Leeo I don't think I will since the best of them, and it's a tough call, is hardly worthy of the back of my hand.

So I believe I'll send a turn to each of them just for old times sake and then climb back into my Albatross DVa and battle the SPAD menace over the trenches. If you've a mind to see what it's all about I'll simply refer you to this tangential site which has nothing to do with the actual game but is a group I'm flying with. http://war-hawks.net/simplemachinesforum/index.php

They're not CessPoolers of course but they're not a bad lot for all of that.

But fear not lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread will always be here for you ... except when I'm not.


p.s. I see that jdmorse is back ... try to imagine my excitement.

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I have been absent for some time now and I attibute it all to consorting with low characters ...

Of course. No one else would welcome your company. We certainly do not.

But fear not lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread will always be here for you ...

And I keep hoping that medical science will come up with a cure for that.


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