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Peng Challenges the Oddstralians to Make Good


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Originally Posted by Noba viewpost.gif

Almost got it right there, Pengo, fixed it for you.

In more important news. I am on 3 weeks holiday, starting today. You lot arn't.


It being you, I can see how being in the hoosgow for public intoxication would be considered a holiday.

Hoosgow? Is that some sad, mid-westen-nothern-nowhere-type word in which you penchant for mistaking 'H' for 'M', and 'g' for 'c' shows up your complete lack of education past grade two?


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Hoosgow? Is that some sad, mid-westen-nothern-nowhere-type word in which you penchant for mistaking 'H' for 'M', and 'g' for 'c' shows up your complete lack of education past grade two?


Wow... you really had to reach for that one, didn't you.

Well... it's good exercise anyway.

But I am appalled at your complete lack of Google Fu (among other things)

hoose⋅gow [hoos-gou]

–noun Slang. a jail.

Also, hoosgow.


1860–65, Americanism; < MexSp jusgado jail (Sp: court of justice, orig. ptp. of juzgar to judge) < L jūdicātum, equiv. to jūdic- (s. of jūdex) judge + -ātum -ate 1

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I had a Hitchcockian experience early this morning. I went to work when it was still dark outside. I was walking from the parking garage and I heard this loud sound of lots of flapping wings. I turned around and looked at the park across the street. There was a swarm of crows flying in the sky above the park and they all landed in a tree. That gave me the heebee jeebees. And the crows were still in the tree when I walked back to the garage after work.

No vultures though.

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I had a Hitchcockian experience early this morning. I went to work when it was still dark outside. I was walking from the parking garage and I heard this loud sound of lots of flapping wings. I turned around and looked at the park across the street. There was a swarm of crows flying in the sky above the park and they all landed in a tree. That gave me the heebee jeebees. And the crows were still in the tree when I walked back to the garage after work.

No vultures though.


Nothing to be scared of....really M'Lady. Crows, in their dealings with humans, are rather benign creatures.

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... indeed, I clearly recollect the Justicar bursting through the Paddock shed doors during some very dark, wintry nights and in the door way with arms akimbo and showing off a tight-fitting breastplate, helm and interesting high-platform leg-wear announcing to me "you ain't exactly white, but you'll do". And then manfully striding over the loose chickens to thrust a sweet carrot into my mouth to declare in one ear, "laddie, when we get up a good sweat", I recall that his whispers were electrical in the frost-ripe air with all the gritted determination of someone intent on their pleasure, "I want you to honk "Olde One""

I may, in a long life filled with a great deal of weirdness, and, on top of everything else, being a natural vulgarian who was born weird, have read something as weird as this...

But I can't recall when.

Well done, Yeknodathon.

I choose now to institute a new Tradition of the Peng Challenge Thread. The 'buying' of the Virtual Quaff.

It does not entail anything like money being passed to barkeeps, nor does it involve the actual ingesting of spirits by the recipient, but it does involve the recipient being found worthy of...a singular wish for serious and positive alcohol to come their way. If I could figure out a good way to actually put the glass in your hand, I would. But I can't, so I shan't.

But, Yeknodathon, know you, that for that post - I have, Virtually, placed a two fingers glass of Lagavulin 16 year old before you.

That'll do, donkey. That'll do.

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Yes, but Mensch was banned. Hard to be an Olde Fart when he's persona non gratis.

Thanks for the sig, Donkey

Silly bastard. Miss him, though. Still remember him roundly cursing me when I posted my fake 'Seanachai is dead, killed by a Pronghorn Antelope at the Zoo' post, all those years ago. He actually thought I might be dead, gored by a goofy North American ruminant because I was drunk and stupid. I laughed all the time I was writing my apology for my sense of humour.

Perhaps we could do a whip 'round petition to the Powers that Are, and get him brought back? His banning wasn't because of viciousness. It was just the 'Been Here, Done That, Decided to Curse People Roundly' sort of banning. He wasn't a bastard. He was one of us.

That is, he was one of us being a bastard. It's not like you don't get over it.

Time heals all wounds, as they say, and after you get over the mad, you're still a good fellow.

He's been off now for what, two years? Time enough to have recomposed himself.

There's still those here in contact with him. Would Mensch like to come back? We could try to make it happen...

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...Who, praytell, is Peng?

'pray tell' is two words, lad. And they call him Mister Peng.

I don't, of course. I call him Peng. But then, I've known him since He Created Himself. And then, I created him...again.

You can call him MrPeng. Time will tell if you should talk to anyone, here.

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I live because I'm allowed it. Others live because they can, some live because they think they have the right, yet others live because they feel they should prove the naught-iness of life. I live because I was meant to be. I live becase... ahhh feck-it, I live.

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I choose now to institute a new Tradition of the Peng Challenge Thread. The 'buying' of the Virtual Quaff.

... and as the loose chickens of forboding slowly cluck themselves to unconsciousness in the gathering gloom of eveningtide something grey and heavy is slaking its thirst on two hoofs full of carefully measured, finest matured sprout juice in the company of its favourite toy.

"Well, Mr Gnome, one should take every precaution if we are to be visted again. One can never tell if its surprise Brunhilde night... and that always saps ones clucose levels.

[... and the recently comotosed chicken named ChickenBoo attempts to lift a leg, but fails and becomes rigid again]

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Let's face it Peng, the replies that we posted made it sound like you were ... I dunno ... something special, unique, kind of Wizard of Ozish ...

The YOU came on and posted your usual drivel and it was one of those, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" moments wasn't it.

I can imagine a young, impressionable reader seeing your posts and saying to itself ... "That's IT? THAT'S the great Peng? I want my money back."

I'm just saying ...


There is something in what you say. But not enough. I say it, the One Who Can Say It All. If MrPeng had not previously existed, I would have had to create him. I could put angel's wings on every single one of you monkeys, and made you sing High Opera, and made you dance and sing Gilbert and Sullivan, and made you recite everything from 'Egil's Saga', to the Bhagavad Gita, but it would not have been the same as The Mocking of MrPeng.

What a long, strange trip it's been.

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