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The Peng Challenge Thread Sets the Olympic Standard... for Drunkeness

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You found a wholesale source for corn plasters?


Hell, I didn't even know what corn plasters were but I do now. Good info, I guess. Here's some more good info for you, I don't need corn plasters, my wife grinds on my feet every couple of weeks with a Dremel tool and a small sanding drum, works like a charm.

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In other news.... Noba is trying to figure out how HIS Commonwealth** units got trapped in the Falaise Pocket, while being pounded by German troops.

History had it the other way, but you know how Noba can change history.

Hah! With my huge amount of re-inforcements, I will take you troops

to MY prison camps, not the other way around.


** They're bloody Canadians... wouldn't happen with Australians.

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Hell, I didn't even know what corn plasters were but I do now. Good info, I guess.

See? Don't say I never did anything for you. Welcome to the electronic age. Now you won't have to depend on the Pony Express or semaphore or whatever it is that you used to use to communicate off your mountain with.


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Stoat and I are busy smiting each other with great big 'splodeys. He may have more of them that I do, but I shall root him out of his hidey holes in the hills, where the light of the day shall mock him justly.

Meanwhile, Mike the Whine-o sends me a turn about once every month. He and Leeeeeeo are obviously of the same mind.

And it's a small, stupid one at that.

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My mind may be small and stupid, but your mind is positively vacuous. Infinite in it's emptiness, embroiled in entropic splutterings, it falls, like detritus, to the subfloor of oceanic conciousness. Or sumfink like that.

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My mind may be small and stupid, Infinite in it's emptiness, embroiled in entropic splutterings, it falls, like detritus, to the subfloor of oceanic conciousness. Or sumfink like that.

For once I agree with you.....I couldn't have put it better myself...in fact why would I want to, when I am dealing with the King of self-deprecation.

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Oops, double-post.

While I'm here, did I tell you how much I hate Graham Bell? Because he is the reason telemarketers hound me to the depths of the morass. He is why I am interrupted from various nefarious things, and why I'm forever barred from phoning home. He is the Deb-il!

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Got me a performance exhaust ordered for the mighty Silverado today. W00T!

Nice! for the numbskull *cough* mike_the_wino *cough* a larger exhaust system = more flow = better performance = better millage.

But actually I don't think fuel millage matters much when gas is about a $1.50 per gallon. A guy at the gas station just says "Fill er up with premium please", I wonder if blue 100/130 avgas is available? These dyas I think they call it 100LL, that stuff will make a motor get up and go! I used to run in in my Street Rod (1937 Ford pickup) and it had some gitty-up with a small block Ford power plant and three deuces. Not as fast as the big blocks out on the highway but much quicker around town.

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You know what Patchy I don’t even know if Seanachai has a nephew. He is so full of it that may have been some crap he made up just so he and seeber could play their drama queen games. If the nephew story of his is real then of course I feel sorry for the kid as I would any kid who would have to go through life that screwed up.

But yet you choose to defile two of my children who you know for a fact are real.


Thieves never trust honest men, and Liars always accuse everyone else of falsehood. Conspirators see conspiracy everywhere, and Hypocrites always climb unto a pedestal and proclaim their virtue before they denounce someone else as vile.

Abbott, if you're going to bully people, make sure you aim it at someone like me, who knows how soft, and sensitive, and aimless you are, rather than lashing out at people who don't understand that you're as clueless as a roll of toilet paper, and far less useful, although in general, you should be put to the same use.

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I don't think fuel millage matters much when gas is about a $1.50 per gallon.

To set the record straight gas here works out at 84 cents per gallon so yeah, mileage doesn't really matter. The instruction I've given to the company thats programming the new PCU for the truck is to give it max performance and don't worry about the mileage.

In order to compensate for my increased carbon footprint I intend to remove a disgusting, outdated, inefficient source of pollutants from the ecosysytem by brutally slaughtering Emrys with a 6lb lump hammer.

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