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Theatre of War 2: North Africa 1943 Announced


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Well the first feeling i felt when see ing this announcement located here: was of dismay and horror as ToW 1 still is not a full realease state game and as all 1C attention will be on ToW 2 will the first one actually get any support by either company?

Any comments and discussions welcome.

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I will buy it but first will download the demo just in case, i know there will be fixes in the new game, but also new bugs also. Graphics look very good on the movie, i'm just wondering if they fixed the 8800GT/etc.. problems of the slow frame rate, because that kind of graphics (bumps all around) need that kind of power, i will see if the demo can handle that kind of graphics card, and it should because every one can now own that graphics card (Its cheap ).



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Looks fantastic, but how do we get some of those wonderful color items into CMSF, which could really use them?

Am not at all sure I buy the central premise of TOW 2, knowing what I know about the campaign. Shattered at El Alamein, retreating to the Mareth Line, then being invaded from behind by the Americans hardly sounds like a great operational posture to me, but it'll be a hoot for treadheads who'll get all sorts of new toys and a whole new sandbox (literally) in which to play. Judging from the movie, the Germans have a major IFF issue, given that 88s fire and Panzer III specials die!


John Kettler

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Well the first feeling i felt when see ing this announcement located here: was of dismay and horror as ToW 1 still is not a full realease state game and as all 1C attention will be on ToW 2 will the first one actually get any support by either company?

Any comments and discussions welcome.

"Dismay" and "horror" are pretty strong words. We're talking about a game after all :)

TOW2 will be, as the title implies, a standalone new game, with a lot of changes and additions to the TOW engine. Too many to make them backwards compatible to TOW1 without a HUGE effort.

But TOW1 won't be forgotten, and support will continue. In fact, 1C is planning a completely new campaign and mission pack for it.

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Well my words were perhaps a little strong but as long as ToW 2 is (mostly) bug-free and fun to play then i will be happy. And a new campaign and missions are lovely but bug-fixes and better MP support are higher on most peoples checklists i would think. And what happened to the ToW 1 add-on?

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I will buy it but first will download the demo just in case, i know there will be fixes in the new game, but also new bugs also. Graphics look very good on the movie, i'm just wondering if they fixed the 8800GT/etc.. problems of the slow frame rate, because that kind of graphics (bumps all around) need that kind of power, i will see if the demo can handle that kind of graphics card, and it should because every one can now own that graphics card (Its cheap ).



What problem are you having specifically with your 8800GT card? Thats the same card I have in my primary test system (with XP though) and I don't get any slowdowns. You may want to look over the ToW Troubleshooting Guide under the section for Performance Tweaks as their are some Nvidia specific settings you can adjust that will improve things for your card.



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Well my words were perhaps a little strong but as long as ToW 2 is (mostly) bug-free and fun to play then i will be happy. And a new campaign and missions are lovely but bug-fixes and better MP support are higher on most peoples checklists i would think. And what happened to the ToW 1 add-on?

TOW2 is much more than just a new campaign. It will have much better MP support, for example (built from the ground up for the game, not added as a tack-on to the game).

TOW2 is what the plans for the add-on have evolved to. It simply got too big to make it a mere add-on, with too many changes and additions.

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What problem are you having specifically with your 8800GT card? Thats the same card I have in my primary test system (with XP though) and I don't get any slowdowns. You may want to look over the ToW Troubleshooting Guide under the section for Performance Tweaks as their are some Nvidia specific settings you can adjust that will improve things for your card.



Hi Matt,

maybe my words were a bit strong :) , hehe i meant that when i went from my old graphics card ATI 1600pro to 8800GT i havent had any noticable increase of speed in graphics that is what i wanted to say, being the big diffence in power of GPU between those two cards, and i went trough the troubleshooting guide, disabling the dual monitor support, disabling the multithreaded feature.



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TOW2 is much more than just a new campaign. It will have much better MP support, for example (built from the ground up for the game, not added as a tack-on to the game).

TOW2 is what the plans for the add-on have evolved to. It simply got too big to make it a mere add-on, with too many changes and additions.

Ok thats good. I doubt you know yet but do you know what kind of price this will? Same as ToW 1 is?

It should be cheaper i think as there are less countrys, probably less units and missions/maps.

EDIT: After looking at the units in game there are SO little as pad152 said ONE UK tank when this was primarily a British theatre i think you really need more units and no Italians??

AND where is the Matilda for god sakes!!!! More british please and italians and generally mroe units and more new ones 9/10 of all the units i see are from ToW 1.

Rant over....

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We don't have a firm price yet. As with all games that bear the Battlefront name on them, the final price depends on what's inside in the end, and that is still being developed.

Having said that - our plan at the moment is to offer two prices for the game. Customers who already own TOW1 (purchased from Battlefront) will save a little ($10 or so) on their purchase of TOW2. It is, however, still too early to talk about this.

First, the game. Then, the moh-nee.

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I've been watching TOW since it conception when it had other names etc and have been looking forward to it ever since. Finally I ran across it in Best Buys of all places and I had to pick it up once it was in my hands. Well there are some things that I wish were added or different, but overall I've been having allot of fun playing it. It's been running fairly well on my aging P4 3.2 with a ATI X850 when tweaked ok and only 2 armies.

Tow2 looks awesome. I've always had a fascination with the African theater for some reason. Don't know why because my family fought on both sides in the European theater. Maybe from watching too much Rat Patrol when I was a kid. I also think it's a great theater for games since you don't have to have so much vegetation and still look real. Hopefully improving frame rates and allowing more details without too much slowdown.

I'm hoping Tow2 will allow some sort of skirmish modes where you can select your units yourself and without having a time limits as the current multi player has now. I'm excited about how it looks so far and will be most definitely picking it up when it's released.

Oh, hopefully it will have a game search server that's available.

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Ahem Mr Tartari I beg to differ old bean.

Granted the Sherman was the dominant tank at the 2nd battle of El Alamein (400+ IIRC), but that was Oct 42 & us Brits had been both bashed by & bashing Jerrys & Eyeties for 2 yrs in sh!te cans before that old boy! So on with the crap tanks I say, both British & Italian!

It would be really nice if the game could be expanded in time line '40-'43 & to the entire mediterriean theatre so we can get some Crete, Greece, Italy action in as well.

In Nirvana ToW2 would be a pay for merged install addon to ToW & a stand alone game in its own right as well like IL2 Pacific Fighters was to IL2 Forgotten Battles.

Edit: Ive just realised that the above is a load of old twaddle given the published '43 only dates

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Also can we have a review of aircraft:-


AFAIK the HS129 didnt serve in Africa, I may be wrong. A Me 110 would be far better/usable. As would FW190s.

Also the addition of He 111s would be accurate & would provide a bit more flavour & colour. I cant see these being a massive issue to add as they're already in ToW so shouldn't be prohibitively hard to port over.

Be cool if Stukas & 109s had Italian skins available as well!


Hurricanes! Both IIc & IVd for tank busting missions please!

Other Stuff

Infantry - IMO we really need light man portable mortars of the 2" ilk. These were standard kit for most WWII companys of any side & would be supremely usefull.

Infantry - What about adding flamethrowers? That would be cool!

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My first reactions are:

1. If they overcome the need to micromanage virtually every aspect of the game, this could be fun.

2. The images suggest that this may be more "fun" over authenticity. I think we are getting a very Hollywood version of the Tunisian campaign.


Also can we have a review of aircraft:-


AFAIK the HS129 didnt serve in Africa, I may be wrong.

8.(Pz)/SchlG 2

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Ahem Mr Tartari I beg to differ old bean.

Granted the Sherman was the dominant tank at the 2nd battle of El Alamein (400+ IIRC), but that was Oct 42 & us Brits had been both bashed by & bashing Jerrys & Eyeties for 2 yrs in sh!te cans before that old boy! So on with the crap tanks I say, both British & Italian!

It would be really nice if the game could be expanded in time line '40-'43 & to the entire mediterriean theatre so we can get some Crete, Greece, Italy action in as well.

In Nirvana ToW2 would be a pay for merged install addon to ToW & a stand alone game in its own right as well like IL2 Pacific Fighters was to IL2 Forgotten Battles.

Edit: Ive just realised that the above is a load of old twaddle given the published '43 only dates

You pretty much summed up the point I was going to make regarding content. While it's true that this game will probably cost more than an add-on, it's not the money difference that really bothers me, it's the lack of ability to retro-fit the new AI stuff to the older TOW 1 which had a broader scope. I'd be more than happy to pay $100 for two games which let me use enterable buildings and better AI in all the theaters that TOW 1 and TOW 2 will cover. As it looks now, the most playable arrangement will only be available in the Afrika theater. I probably won't be interested in revisiting the older TOW 1 without the enhancements of the newer game.....a shame.......

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Were those A-20s I saw? Don't see those very often!

Must say I'm very pleased to sea TOW 2 is progressing so nicely. It's looking really, really well. And the NA setting is right up to my alley, though only Tunisia is a bit of a pity.


In the video the 20mm Flak Vierling was noticeably misaligned with it's tracers.

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Also can we have a review of aircraft:-


AFAIK the HS129 didnt serve in Africa, I may be wrong. A Me 110 would be far better/usable. As would FW190s.

Also the addition of He 111s would be accurate & would provide a bit more flavour & colour. I cant see these being a massive issue to add as they're already in ToW so shouldn't be prohibitively hard to port over.

Be cool if Stukas & 109s had Italian skins available as well!


Hurricanes! Both IIc & IVd for tank busting missions please!

Other Stuff

Infantry - IMO we really need light man portable mortars of the 2" ilk. These were standard kit for most WWII companys of any side & would be supremely usefull.

Infantry - What about adding flamethrowers? That would be cool!

I agree Mr Gnasher! ;)

The major miss (except playable mortars) in the unit list is the main and only u.s antitank gun in Tunisian theater, the 37mm! Apart from that, regarding Panzer III, after El Alemein, only PIII L (and PanzerIII N) were available in Afrika. But I think that the given list isn't exhaustive because I don't see many american fighters (even if some u.s squadrons were equiped with Spitfires).

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HORROR! Never going to buy this game!

You guys on battlefront should hire the graphic maker and make a new CMx2 WWII game. C1 can't make good games anymore. ToW isn't working... very nice graphics but thats all.

MAKE A NEW WWII CMx2 with that graphic instead. Almost everyone I know that play CM wants a new better WWII CM.

If you start sell games that are really bad you going to lose your reputation as a good company.

Tell C1 that they should finnish ToW before they give us another crap game.


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