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Fight the entire Eastern Front - scenario suggestions please

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I want suggestions for suitable scenarios so that I can fight the entire war on the Eastern Front!

Using Phillipes sorted scenario pack, I want to play one scenario from each quarter for the whole period of the war. That is a total of 16 scenarios and I want to build a list for Russian vs Ai, German vs Ai and H2H. Please post your suggestions here.



1941 Summer, Fall Winter

1942 Spring Summer Fall Winter

1943 Spring Summer Fall Winter

1944 Spring Summer Fall Winter

1945 Spring

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Interesting efforts.

You might want to add a few for two sectors in a certain time frame, The Russian front was so big that there was times when it was two major battlefronts at the same time. action in the north, and action or activity also in the central or southern front. And the fighting was very different in ways by which area it was on.

Some players here might be able to point out the periods and twin major actions that were happening at the same time frame.

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I'm gradually working on linked scenario packs for what I consider the decisive narrative line of the war, but there is a long way to go. I don't think you can get it with one per quarter, however.

Here are the ones I've done so far and what's in the works. There is tons left to do of course, and I'll mention a couple of other efforts from other design teams.

Operation Uranus package

Operation Little Saturn package

1SS First Day (Kursk offensive, south)

Ponyri Campaign (Kursk offensive, north)

Operation Kutuzov package

those are done (though Ponyri might be reworked to a simple scenario pack, instead of a campaign - not many "got" or wanted the campaign aspect it seems).

nearly done -

Kiev Campaign pack (late 1943, through Zhitomir)

underway -

Operation Mars scenario pack

Kirovograd scenario pack (January 1944 far south)

Other operations on the main narrative line of the war that are well served by other scenarios designers and teams - just mentioning ones I know, there are scads of others I am sure -

Case Blue aka Army Group South series for 1942

Winter Storm pack


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Der Alte Fritz,

What an ambitious wargaming plan! Rather reminds me of how giddy I got thinking about what I could do if I could just get my hands on Drang Nach Osten and Unentscheiden, two monster old school map and 1500 counter wargames.

I'd highly recommend both Trappen Jagd and Royal Opponent. Both are emblematic of certain time periods, weapon capabilities and battlefield dynamics. Have played both in PBEM: Russian in the former and as Germans in the latter. Foe was NG cavscout, recently returned from Iraq and a ferocious enemy.

For dying gasp in Berlin, Von Moltke's Bridge was a huge success in ROW. I had to drop out of the tournament because of computer problems, but as the AAR judge, got to read and rate the reports the players filed.

All three of these iconify the Eastern Front meat grinder experience and should meet your selection criteria.


John Kettler

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All this gives me pause for thought. My original idea was to give the feel of the Great Patriotic War/Eastern Front by a simple series of scenarios that showed the progression of armour and unit types as the war progressed. A simple primer if you like and hence the need to look at it from both sides.

JasonC idea goes much further which would be a series of historical scenarios that actually charts the course of the war. Inevitably that would mean a much larger number of scenarios and also the influence of geography to allow different fronts.

But why not let us pursue both ideas and see where they lead?

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DAF - on the army group south series, it was a huge set of scenarios put out quite some time ago with an "SP" header to each. Here are the names of the scenarios themselves -

6th Army probe

A morning commute

Antonescu kaputt

Assault in the snow

Balck and the bridgehead

Der Manstein kommt!

Eye of the storm

Failure on the Aksai

Glimmer of valor

Hell on earth

Hollow legion

Into the void


My city of ruins

One final stab

Our backs to the Volga

The bitter end

The library (H2H and AI)

Tovarishch Mysh

Waltzing Matilda

What might bave been

When worlds collide


Those are listed alphabetically rather than in historical order, but were an attempt to capture the whole experience of AG South from the beginning of the summer offensive to the failure of the relief and destruction of the Stalingrad pocket, including various minors etc.

As for Winter Storm, I am thinking of George Mc's "Bake in the east" series

and especially its Winter Storm I and II (both very large and the latter

an operation to boot). I personally find his recent stuff too big to play, but I know many enjoy them, and the historical detail is always exact.

There is also a "Wintergewitter" scenario, but I haven't played that one.

I hope this helps.

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Hi JasonC

Cheers for the comments re the Bake series. Glad you appreciate the historical side - we've gone to great lengths to get the background facts right. I appreciate the size of the scenarios is not your cup of tea - but if you think you can reduce the actions (think Readers Digest) then I'd be OK with that. I think this period on the Ost Front is frequently overlooked so anything that exposes people to these actions is OK with me.

Cheers fur noo


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One of my favorites is Kalvin Square, Pest (Hungary, january 45) by Bannon DC. Great city battle with some very creative twists. From TSD: "Map, battle lines are historically accurate. OOB is guesswork. Suggest playing H2H if possible, if not, Axis vs AI with modifications as suggested in the brief."


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Hi JasonC

Thanks for the info, I will include it into my list.

Here is what I have so far, I have marked the main battles that make up the narrative and then scenarios to go with them:


Jun-41 Brest Litovsk and Minsk CSDT B-06 - The Officers Club Armoured Clash

Jul-41 Beresina and Smolensk Demidov 1941

Aug-41 Uman CSDT B-12 - Plugging the Gap

Sep-41 Kiev

Oct-41 Orel CSDT B-22 - Mozhaisk

Nov-41 Bryansk Siberian Nite Life

Dec-41 Moscow HSG - Escape from Klin

Jan-42 Moscow Counterstroke


Mar-42 2nd battle of Kharkov Cutting Off the Head

Apr-42 Demyansk Groups Seydlitz

May-42 Trappen Jadg

Jun-42 Operation Case Blue Strachwitz at Dubno SP series

Jul-42 Sevastopol Approach to Sevastopol

Aug-42 To the Volga Vers le Caucase Strachwitz at Kalach

Sep-42 Stalingrad Ferry Ticket of Volga

Oct-42 Pavlov's House

Nov-42 Operation Mars

Dec-42 Operation Uranus Operation Uranus package Der Mensch in the East scenarios

Jan-43 Winter Storm Operation Little Saturn package


Mar-43 3rd battle of Kharkov Blowtorch Scenarios Strachwitz at Kharkov


May-43 Panzerkreil on the Mius


Jul-43 Kursk 1SS First Day (Kursk offensive, south) Ponyri Campaign (Kursk offensive, north) Strachwitz at Kursk

Aug-43 Belgorod counter stroke Operation Kutuzov package

Sep-43 Dneiper battles


Nov-43 Kiev Kiev Campaign pack (late 1943, through Zhitomir) Death on the Dnepr

Dec-43 Zhitomir

Jan-44 Cherkassay Pocket A Marshall Promise End Game for Endemann




May-44 Hubes Pocket: ASL Hubes Pocket

Jun-44 Operation Bagration

Jul-44 Lvov-Sandomierez Operation

Aug-44 Bucharest

Sep-44 Warsaw Uprising

Oct-44 Dukla Pass



Jan-45 Budapest Kalvin Square Budapest

Feb-45 Vistula Oder Operation


Apr-45 Berlin and Konigsberg




Aug-45 August Storm

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Just a couple things. Operation Kutuzov began in July, not August, and was the offensive against Orel. For the August offensive by Voronezh and Steppe fronts against Belgorod, you will want Operation Rumyantsev. And I see you don't have a battle for Operation Bagration. I would suggest 'Cracking the egg' by Rune.

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Hi Cuiassier

Good point about Orel offensive which I have added. Cannot find a scenario for Op Rumyantsev except for HSG KH1 - A Brief Visit to a Church 2. I put both of these in August because July is a bit crowded!

Do you have any further suggestions for late war scenarios rather weak on these at present.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Go to cmmods.com and do a search in the cmbb section under designer name Philippe_in_exile and look for something called sorted scenarios. You'll find over a thousand CMBB scenarios organized by time period. Most of these won't show up in SD II because most SD II scenarios post-date the great crash of the original Scenario Depot. Much of what is in the Sorted Scenarios came from the original Scenario Depot, and can be found nowhere else.

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And to help you further, if you look under Der Alte Fritz at the same place you will find and excel document listing all the scenarios and in which folder to find them. Using the listing, you can sort by the size of battle, type of battle, where it is, when it was and to come up with a list of scenarios that are more or less what you are looking for and in which folder they appear.

Should keep you going for years!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Soviet defenders of the Officers Club at Brest Litovsk did remarkably well, beating off the first attack and then the second but the third mass attack in company strength supported by the pioneers managed to break into the building though not enough to ensure final victory. Likewise the defenders of the State Farm remained hidden until the enemy infantry were within 100m and then shot them down to a man. The German armour was powerless to intervene and the Soviet infantry managed to finish off a StuG and tanks that came up finished off the rest. But it was all in vain, as Guderian's panzers were already far to their rear and within a few days, supplies would cease to arrive and they would be "in the bag".

So now we move onto Fight for Glinki Firestorm at Glinki Survival at Glinki followed by Plugging the Gap asnthe Soviet armies are gradually surrounded and pressed into an encirclement.

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Have you heard of or thought of trying RobO's Quick Campaign system? Might be to your liking. Whilst it does use only the QB system you can use your own maps. To quote the intro...

In ROQC you play the role of a Platoon, Company or Battalion commander who leads his force through the whole or parts of the East Front campaign. You can start from Operation Barbarossa on June 22nd 1941 and will randomly roll up battles interspaced with periods of rest and refit. There should be on average one battle per month, amounting to ca. 50 battles to complete the full campaign. You can also play a shorter campaign by starting later and/or finishing earlier.

During this you will lose men and gain replacements, keep track of the experience of your units and upgrade your equipment. You will also earn or lose Favor as you go along. Favor can be used to upgrade your units and to gain favors from your superior commander, e.g. to make a battle less disadvantageous.

Many of the battles you encounter will not be balanced. The aim is not to provide fair fights, but to give you the challenge of surviving and learning through the war. Keep in mind that your opponent is the feeble AI and be glad if you get an easy battle.

The objective of each battle will depend on the operational situation. This operational situation is determined randomly, based on the historical situation at the time and region of the battle. This ensures a certain amount of historical accuracy and, more importantly, adds an element of strategy to the battle that goes beyond that of “yet another quick battle”.

While this campaign is based on historical facts, it is not historically accurate. A core force of the kind used here did not go through the whole East Front campaign in the fashion portrayed here. The rate of battles used here is obviously not realistic, but it is a design decision to allow you to proceed fairly quickly and try out different campaign forces.

You need Excel to make the book keeping easy and once you get the hang of the rules it's quite a straight forward and interesting system.

Have fun :)


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  • 4 weeks later...


Blitzkrieg CSDT B-16 -

State Farm 41

Fight for Glinki CSDT B-11 -

Hero of the Soviet Union

Kalinin Raid HSG

Siberian Nite Life

Christmas Battle B&T ROWIII


Cutting Off the Head


Knight in Armour

Barrikady HSG ST1

Antonescu Kaputt B&T:SP

Hollow Legion B&T:SP


The Count II CSDT - KH 2

Beginning of the..

Road to Rzhavets

A Visit at Dawn


Hitler's Son B&T

Anniversary HSG AG

Berezina Ballet HSG AG

Flexing their Claws AI HSG AG7

Forward Detachment kutuzov

Road to Staszow V2 CSDT -

Destination, Lodz


Der Fast Kampflose

The Gestapo Building HSG EW

Small Day in Schwedt

Around Lake Balaton

The Awakening of Spring

A Soviet Hero CSDT - SH-12

Berlin Last Act

Breakthrough CSDT - SH-08

Dora II - Porsch's Last Stand

The Beast B&T ROWIII

Viennese Waltz

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