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Theatre of War "Uber" Patch Details and Sneak Peak Video!


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Hello everyone! Today we have made available a video that 1C has prepared which showcases some of the new features included in the upcoming Theatre of War 'Uber' Game Patch.

The video focuses on the updated Map Editor which now allows the player unprecedented control to edit and create playable landscapes, including full real time 3D terrain transformation, water flow modeling, surface layering, structure manipulation and object/structure/road placement among many other advanced editor elements such as modifiable terrain highlights, structure damage and variable foliage density.

The upcoming patch includes much more than just a newly re-engineered Map Editor and a brief list of the other new additions featured in the upcoming Theatre of War 'Uber' Patch are included below.

Theatre of War "Uber" Patch Features:

Filesize: Approx. 1.25 GB

Date of Release: SOON!

New components

* Map Editor (Builder) with expanded functionality including landscape editing, roads and terrain type mapping capabilities;

* Mission Editor (updated with multiplayer missions editing capability and new triggers).

New campaigns

* Battle for Moscow (first released with patch, newly updated);

* Battle for Normandy (battles fought by German Panzer Division “Panzer Lehr”).

Multiplayer Enhancements

* 11 new MP missions;

* 11 new MP maps;

* New mission type – Assault/Defend;

* Timed missions;

* Multiplayer game may include AI controlled units;

* Multiplayer game may be played by one player with up to 7 computer opponents;

* In some missions player’s alliance determines their starting positions;

* Player now must choose an army instead of country in multiplayer; each mission may have up to 20 different armies;

* AIs choose offensive or defensive behavior themselves;

* Player spawn indicator added to map in mission setup;

* MP stability improved;

* Load times for MP missions reduced;

* Smooth unit movement on client side;

* Known multiplayer bugs fixed.

General changes

1. Visibility system redone: bushes, tree foliage and tree trunks now fully block line of sight. These obstacles do not count in very close proximity to units (“Forest ignore distance”), making hiding behind them possible;

2. LOS indicator added – color coding of the line which is drawn when player issues one of the attack orders. Solid green part of the line represent “Forest ignore distance” where foliage is ignored, red part represent zone with good visibility (it’s brightness may vary indicating quality of LOS) and black part shows area which selected unit can not see;

3. Difficulty levels changed: enemies suffer from reduced accuracy and penetration values on easy level, are equal to player units on medium difficulty level and have slightly higher accuracy on hard level;

4. Many missions were rebalanced to account for the new visibility system;

5. Reloading bug fixed, now infantry doesn’t kneel for reloading;

6. Coaxial MG fire error fixed (after main gun breakage);

7. Bug causing indestructible coaxial MGs fixed;

8. Aiming at moving target changed;

9. Detonation time calculations for shells with base fuses changed;

10. Secondary damage calculations (internal armor fragmentation, HEAT pressure wave, etc.) are now more accurate;

11. Errors in unit properties fixed;

12. Daimler Mk I size reduced, crew animations redone;

13. IS-2 crew consists of 4 men instead of 5;

14. Damage calculations changed for tank commander cupolas;

15. Ordinary steel instead of armored steel now used for unarmored vehicles like automobiles and for some auxiliary tank parts;

16. Artillery guns damage model corrected;

17. Damage model for additional armor sheets and auxiliary parts changed;

18. Errors in infantry backpacks fixed;

19. DShK machinegun model corrected;

20. Ignited vehicles now burn longer;

21. Aiming accuracy dependence on skills corrected;

22. Bug which could cause disappearing of units during campaign fixed;

23. Infantry behavior in trenches corrected;

24. Air units behavior has been improved;

25. AI units now better at aiming at different spots on vehicles;

26. Error when tanks could possibly crush friendly troops fixed;

27. Wrong behavior of Wz.34 armored car fixed (it no longer can crush trees);

28. More sounds added;

29. Unit behavior in Guard state improved;

30. Weather conditions and trenches affect visibility

In addition to all of the items above, this patch includes all the fixes from the original "Battle for Moscow Patch" which includes the following:

1. Many new hotkeys added for formations, Hold Fire and Hold Position commands;

2. Tank and SPG AI improved;

3. Units no longer stop when they receive a new order;

4. Waypoints added for units (hold 'shift' key when issuing movement orders to place waypoints);

5. Expanded sound system (hear sounds further away and louder in some cases) including Improved sounds;

6. Improvements to the gun towing process implemented;

7. Better handling of the Reverse command for vehicles. Tanks and halftracks now automatically use reverse while moving back for short distances;

8. Game speed acceleration/deceleration feature added (accessed via the "Change time speed" hotkey currently);

9. AI much better at deciding at which unit part of vehicle to aim at;

10. Quick Saves error fixed;

11. Tow setup now automatically detects best settings for user hardware;

12. Minor errors with crew animations fixed;

13. Improved logging functions to help with determining the causes of certain crashes;

14. General performance and stability improved;

15. Numerous other gameplay fixes.

Theatre of War - "Uber" Patch Map Editor Video


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Does the new visibility system include fixes to the tank crews viewable angles?

Currently tank crews have 360 degree view....

Or is this change planned for a later release?

Like to know about that, too. My PC was just a hairs width from getting a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick after a particular gamey situation where a Jagdpanzr IV with Radar and laser sighting eradicated every GI with a Bazooka from every angle, and only them. Sent guys to pick the Bazookas up - got eradicated. Too funny. For a short while.
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Originally posted by benpark:

"Multiplayer game may include AI controlled units"

Can a multiplayer game be turned into a quasi-quick battle for single play if one side can be set for AI?

For ex. Start a MP game, set one side to "human" the opposition for "AI" and have at it.

I guess you didn't see this option?

* Multiplayer game may be played by one player with up to 7 computer opponents;

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Wow - looks like a "dream come true" for all fans of historical accurate scenarios (although those triggers are still sheer rocket science to me, even with webwings great tutorials *lol*).

Hmm - does anyone know a source for contemporary aerial photography or topographical maps ? Google Earth is better than nothing but far away from being the real McCoy, I found out.

Anyway - thx-a-lot from Egon :cool:

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by benpark:

"Multiplayer game may include AI controlled units"

Can a multiplayer game be turned into a quasi-quick battle for single play if one side can be set for AI?

For ex. Start a MP game, set one side to "human" the opposition for "AI" and have at it.

I guess you didn't see this option?

* Multiplayer game may be played by one player with up to 7 computer opponents; </font>

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Originally posted by Egon:

Wow - looks like a "dream come true" for all fans of historical accurate scenarios (although those triggers are still sheer rocket science to me, even with webwings great tutorials *lol*).

Hmm - does anyone know a source for contemporary aerial photography or topographical maps ? Google Earth is better than nothing but far away from being the real McCoy, I found out.

Anyway - thx-a-lot from Egon :cool:


You will love the Builder!!!! :D

Get your maps ready!

From now on a good way to do scenarios would be to join forces with others. One would do the map and the other would do the mission design for instance. That way each one can concentrate on what he does best.


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Originally posted by Egon:

...does anyone know a source for contemporary aerial photography or topographical maps ?...

Egon, I do not have a source for very detailed maps, but here is a link with maps from 1910 covering whole southeastern Europe and northern Italy in 1:200000. I would assume, that industrial centres have developed a lot from 1910 to 1940, but the rural areas stayed similar. <a href="http://lazarus.elte.hu/hun/digkonyv/topo/3felmeres.htm" target="_blank">


Maybe in the combination with google earth you get a decent picture of the possible landscape in these areas of around 1940.

Another link I check regularly for updates (but so far it did not happen) is this one.

The Aerial Reconnaissance Archives (TARA) at Keele University currently hold over five million World War II aerial reconnaissance photographs of Western Europe that have been deposited by The UK Ministry of Defence.
Hopefully they will start posting their material soon.

Hope that helps a bit.


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A quick question for Madmatt,

I completely uninstalled my copy of ToW and unlicensed the game as well. Before the release of the 1.3 patch and add-on owners of the DVD were required to patch the game to the same standard as the original downloaded version.

My question is will this new patch and subsequent updates install over the basic DVD or will I also need to use the same post-download patch?

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Egon, here are some more sources:

"Topographische Meßtischblätter"

Clicking on the three links called "Übersichtskarte Topographische Meßtischblätter...." will bring you to some overviews of the maps and their numbers. The link "Karten anzeigen" brings you to the actual maps through the map numbers. This brings up another overview where you can choose each single map.... "view map" ;)

Or you can even order paper copies (~7,5€ each) from here.

Both links bring you to "Meßtischblätter" as 1:25000 topographical maps are called in German.


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Bon-jour for everybody!

Can we have some pictures of new units available in Uberpatch (tanks, guns, armored car, flame-thrower...)?

PS: Don't forget put some pilots in the ghost air planes!


[ December 06, 2007, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: Pajeu ]

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... many thanks for the info, guys !

to Webwing: good point - working as a team helps a lot when designing scenarios (experienced that with IL-2 missions in the past).

to Reichenberg: some useful links there !

btw: gibt es in Greifswald auch schon Studiengebühren ? In meiner Gegend müsste man pro Semester nämlich ca. 500 € für einen Gasthörerschein berappen (um an die Kartensammlung des Geographischen Instituts heranzukommen). ;)

Greetings - Egon

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Egon, isn't it all the same in Germany now with the Studiengebühren???? I would just ask them in Greifswald how you can access their collection - that should be possible, especially if you are a student somewhere else in Germany and you tell them you would need it for whatever studies.

Unfortunately I do not know anything about the university of Greifswald (bin halt nur Hesse ;) ) - just found it on the net.

Vielleicht kennst Du ja sogar jemanden, der irgendwo Geographie oder Vermessungswesen studiert

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