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What's the average player's profile in here?


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Hi Gface,

I'm 37 and looking forward to this game too. The only games I play now are CMAK & CMBB. I bought Dropteam, but its too reaction based for me - single player AI was bad and in MP I get blasted too easily to have fun. Although TOW is real time only (and not turn-based or We-Go) I put in a pre-order just because the graphics looked so great.

Hope the multiplayer part of it works out, but due to geographical location and other constraints its more likely that this'll be mainly sp for me.

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Hi there,

Im 38 soon to be 39, from Sweden. Been playing computer conflict games since the 80s. Currently i am enjoying silent Hunter 3, Take command 2nd mannassas and WW2online. Older games i remember fondly are, for amiga; Firebrigade and Harpoon, for PC, V for victory series and Avalon Hill WW2 games.

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I seem to be in the minority with not calling myself a hardcore gamer ;)

I came to computer games only through my interest in WW2 and history in general. I started first with an interest in the German Luftwaffe and widened my horizion slowly. As a 39 year old German I had quite some time to do so.

The first contact to computer war games was with SWotL and Gary Grigsbys Second Front in the early 90s. From there on I made my way through most of the good WW2 flight sims (Aces of the Pacific, Aces over Europe, 1942 the Pacific Air War, European Air War, Il2 Sturmovik), some naval trials (Burning Steel) and land combat (History Line 1914-1918, Steel Panthers, Close Combat 1 and 3, Talonsofts Campaign Series, Combat Mission, Panzer Elite, Hearts of Iron).

I was always leaning a bit to the simulation side of computer gaming, but had quite some fun with strategy games too - CM to mention first!

Besides ToW I am anticipating the tank sim T34 vs. Tiger the most right now. And not to forget Battle of Britain: Storm of War.


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30 something - retired Air Force

Played wargames since high school. One of my history teachers was a wargamer and brought some to class. Like Ceasar Alesia when we were studying the Roamans and Wooden Ships & Iron Men during the Revolution. He gave extra credit for actually playing the games so, decided why not? Liked the thinking and strategies. Been playing them on computers since C64 days.

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35 now, 36 is closing fast.

Been playing wargames and sims since the C64. And have been painting and playing with miniatures since I was 13.

I like to play POA2 (beta tester), CMxx, TOAW, SH4, GalCiv2, rFactor, Oblivion, ArmA, IL-2 and Falcon 4AF.



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I'm 29 and academic lawyer. I play wargames since I was 15. These days I play mostly TOAW, Battlefront, Conquest of the Aegean, Hearts of Iron: DD, Birth of America and War in the Pacific (but I'm still in the learning stage).


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The age spread on this game is very interesting so I thought I'd chime in... 39 years old, been playing AH games since I was 10, and still bring out ASL once in a blue moon. Also enjoy a wide range of computer games but always come back to the first love: WWII strategy. I guess this profile makes me 'average' and that doesn't happen often!

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If nothing else, this thread is a great source of information about past and present games for me to Google. smile.gif

I guess I may be the oldest as a young at heart 61, former British Soldier having served in an Infantry Battalion for 14 years, my favourite job in that time was that of a Mortar Fire Controller.

I'm a crazy hardcore gamer, playing just about any game I can get hold of, but mainly leaning towards War games. Played the full series of Combat Mission games and very much looking forward to the 2 new releases.

Currently playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R., a fantastic FPS/RPG game with some very clever AI enemy. It's one that's worth a look, but only if your rig is up to scratch.

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I am 43 and have been playing for quite awhile. Used to play boardgames (Avalon Hills) when I was a kid. Didnt get into pc games till later, when a friend got me into Close Combat and Wolfenstein. I have been waiting for this game since it was Wartime command. I just want to say its pretty cool to have a nice bunch of mature guys in here waiting for this game. Also, awesome to see people your age, athkatla, playing. I too am playing STALKER right now...really good one. Later all.


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Hi, Must say i'm surprised that i'm not among the oldest here (a mere pup at 32).

Started Computer based wargaming about age 10 with operation Vulcan on the old spectrum, I remember buying it cause it had a tank on the front and didn't really understand what sort of game it was.. I'm glad I bought it I can tell you, i've enjoyed games like that ever since, I have particularly fond memories of the close combat series, i'm hoping i get the same feeling of immersion and tactical realism with TOW.

I like the idea of the campaign. hopefully there will be an add on some day which includes a map based campaign element 'similair' to total war series... i love hearts of iron as well, I would kill to have the battles fought in a 3d rts environment!

I usually find the AI in games abit unchallenging after a while so no doubt I will be receiving a sound thrashing off some of you online in the coming months.

ps can I have the game now please!

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29 here, be 30 this summer. Been gaming for about 20 years now, back to the Intellivision and Commodore 64 days! Big fan of WW2 games, own all of the CM games plus the DiF game. Tried a bunch of others but I guess I just like the realism and the fact that smart tactics gets rewards in these games.

Not a big fan of playing with young kids, at least not in any of the games I've tried. CoH, CoD, and all other WW2 games I've tried online have been against 'uber' people, as they call themselves, and I just can't stand it. My hands don't work as fast as they used to, and I can't do well in a clickfest RTS like CoH.

Perhaps playing with some of you old timers will rekindle my faith in playing MP games!

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I can relate to your post, and that is why I asked the question initially...I have played the games you mentioned and playing with "kids" or "uber" players just isn't any fun...there is no thought or immersion in the games...they just want to kill you and get on to the next "victim"...why not just play a shooting gallery game...I like the age mix in here...and I like most of the reasons people play...Hopefully, you're right, and some of us Old Timers will hit it off and we'll have some good MP experiences...

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34 years old and I think my first computer strategy game was uhm Panzerjadg I think it was called, for C64.

I have mainly been playing MTW last 4 years and especially the Samurai Warlords mod. And a bit of Red Orchestra FPS too.

Have played hex games a bit but prefer real time games for MP. The standard RTS style game doesnt interest me so Im looking forward to the new games from Battlefront(LG, ToW and CMSF) as there are not many real RTT's to pick from.

MSN is cbr@webhikerNOSPAM.dk

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Originally posted by Gface:


I can relate to your post, and that is why I asked the question initially...I have played the games you mentioned and playing with "kids" or "uber" players just isn't any fun...there is no thought or immersion in the games...they just want to kill you and get on to the next "victim"...why not just play a shooting gallery game...I like the age mix in here...and I like most of the reasons people play...Hopefully, you're right, and some of us Old Timers will hit it off and we'll have some good MP experiences...

Hear hear! Here's hoping you and I can hook up for a match or 3. Maybe I'll even let you win one, you old coot! ;)
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29 years old (just about to hit 30). I'm a pilot in the Air Force and am just about to deploy for 4 months. Hopefully, I'll have a new game to bring with me for a little entertainment!

CM really changed how I look at games...I can't seem to go back to RTS games any more. I've had a similar experience that other folks are talking about - trying to play the younger kids online and getting my butt handed to me. Usually because they discovered some exploit that I hadn't figured out yet. Where's the fun in that?

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this is Luca form Italy.

Personal info: 45 years old (a little bit over the average, here, it seems). To live I work in the advertisng-marketing field, and for passion I go to the University of physics (astrophysics is my greatest passion).

I like very much the history of IIWW, and in fact History Channell is my preferred one :)

I am involved with the CM serie from the very beginning, when the first game was just released. I had some CM by email tournaments many years ago, but honestly I prefer to play vs AI: I like to build my scenarios (for me it is a must a scenario editor, at least at units choiche level); over all I like tanks battle. I own all the 3 game of the serie, and the preferred one is Barbarossa to Berlin, because of the hig number of mechanised units included in the game. The one that I like less is the last one, probably because there are no King Tiger and other units that I like.

I read the forum very oft, but usually I don't post very oft.

My best regards t alle the people here.


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Well, let me put it this way...I was born just before D-Day WWII. I've been in the Army..."Nam" and was a playtester for the original Squad Leader board game by Avalon Hill. I have taught US.History, World History, Political Science, Geography PE and have been a Baseball/Softball coach on the High School/College level as well as European Club teams. WWII has always been "IT" for me! Favorite games are Close Combat...the whole series (Cross Of Iron Rocks) IL2, Silent Hunter III/IV and a few other odd games here and there. I have used many games and simulations to get my students interested and involved in History. It's one of the best tools you can have if you use them correctly.

I've been following the developement of this game for nearly 6 years now and can't wait till it comes out. To all those who have worked on this project a big "Mahalo".

My website http://www.graymansbanter.com/

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Hi everybody,

Adrien, from France, I am 35 (and still amazed not to be the oldest around!).

Been playing wargames for almost 20 years now. Started with board games (spent endless nights on Avalon Hill's Squad leader) and came to PC wargames asap (late 80's).

I probably played all the WW2 RTS games I came across since then, always looking for realism and immersion "über alles".

Close Combat and CM series are still ranking among my favorites to date.

I have been looking for a "3D" variant of the almost pefect Close Combat for so long ... First I thought CM was it , but I disliked the way infantry squads were displayed (you know...not all soldiers shown...).

I played IL2 and I followed the development of TOW from the very first hours ... Like many of you, I always had the feeling this one was THE one... We will finally find out together in a few days now !! smile.gif ... (I purchased a complete new PC just to welcome it ! :rolleyes: )

While waiting, for those looking for immersion in a realist WW2 environment, I recommend BF42's mod "Forgotten Hope". For me, it is to WW2 FPS what TOW should be to WW2 RTS.

P.S. : I have been following up this Forum in silence for several months now. Thanks to this post it was fun to know more about some of you from whom we've been reading for a while now ... May be we'll make "Camerone" together in a forthcoming TOW MP session? :D

Cordialement votre,

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