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Everything posted by ptwobjb

  1. I really like CMSF. Thought I'd throw that out there. I just bought the game after waiting for the 1.03 patch. I've played several battles and have really enjoyed the game. Not that I really know what to do with Strykers yet. :confused: Anyways, well done Battlefront.
  2. I waited until 1.03 to buy the game. I am very impressed! It really seems to be coming together. One suggestion for graphics: update the background graphic that seems to be the same background from CMAK. Would really add to the ambiance. jb
  3. Not a chance. I've flown in some exercises that model an attack on "random" Middle Eastern countries. US B-2s would make short work of the Iranian IADS. After that, it would be lights out for the Iranian AF, especially with the F-22 now operational. They barely have the spare parts to keep their jets flying, and the ones they have are not intimidating. There are some Air Forces that could challenge the US, but the Iranian AF is not one of them.
  4. Really? How about this article from the Economist, titled "To Israel with hateā€”and guilt: Why Europe, unlike America, finds it so hard to love Israel". I'll quote you a passage about half way through the article: "Such reactions reflect a wider European view of Israel that contrasts sharply with America's. In a Pew Global Attitudes survey earlier this year, far more Europeans sympathised with the Palestinians than with Israel (see chart). These findings come on top of a European Union poll in 2003 that had 59% of Europeans considering Israel as a greater menace to world peace than Iran, North Korea and Pakistan." The article goes on and on. So what exactly is "total bull****"?
  5. Folks, I think the underlying reason Battlefront will not do an IDF module has more to do with the general opinions in Europe about Israel, and very little to do with the interesting military scenarios/kit. It seems that Battlefront has many European customers, and Europeans right now are fairly anti-Israeli. So they might be alienating a large customer base. If you need any evidence of this, check back for previous threads about the IDF - it's only a matter of time before someone drops a post burning with anti-Israeli rage and borderline anti-Semite hostility. So I doubt the module will ever happen, no matter how interesting the idea.
  6. Problem is fixed (sort of). I renamed the title.avi file, and the program started fine with no mouse offset. I run ToW at 1600x1000, and it works well. My computer's native resolution is 1920x1200, but if I select that option I get the mouse offset problem issue again. So I will stick with 1600x1000.
  7. No matter what resolution I started ToW in, the mouse pointer wasn't working. To click on a button, I had to offset the pointer about 3 inches below and to the right of the button I was trying to push. I fixed the problem using the same solution the folks with upside down screens used, that is, I edited the ww.ini file. But now, ToW opens in a window, which is not resizable. Hopefully a solution is coming for this.
  8. 29 years old (just about to hit 30). I'm a pilot in the Air Force and am just about to deploy for 4 months. Hopefully, I'll have a new game to bring with me for a little entertainment! CM really changed how I look at games...I can't seem to go back to RTS games any more. I've had a similar experience that other folks are talking about - trying to play the younger kids online and getting my butt handed to me. Usually because they discovered some exploit that I hadn't figured out yet. Where's the fun in that?
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