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Everything posted by Gface

  1. Gface

    Demo News

    "There is fire at the travel agency'
  2. Gface

    Demo News

    Crap...don't talk in code....just speak Navajo!....Oops!....wrong "Theatre" of War!!!! (Gettin' my binoculars and lookin' across the Channel).....
  3. If nothing else I can use this thread to see who I might want to game with (and who I might NOT want to game with)...once the game finally does get here..i.e.,you can learn a lot about the way people think and act by the way they form their opinions and express themselves...Just something to think about, eh?
  4. Might as well look at sumpthin' while we're waitin'......
  5. Yeah, and does the time of day change?...
  6. Yep...I started it....but the context of the thread was that I was excited and couldn't wait...like a little kid waitin' for Santa Claus...and then it took on a life of it's own...Let's face it...We got a $10 discount and will get to D/L the game a few days before everyone else... Is it enough?...Hell, I don't know, but it's better than nuthin'...
  7. 74 years old, long since retired. Almost lost all my teeth, and started ******* my pants again....
  8. (chuckling) At least we can read all these neat posts while we wait....it sure makes the time go fatser ...with a little comic relief....
  9. At least if this was around Christmas time we could scold the naughty boys and girls for not being patient for Santa to come and bring their presents...and that the Easter Bunny didn't bring any eggs or a basket should have been a clue too!!!...Chill out!!!...a couple of days won't hurt anybody....
  10. LOL....uh oh....Didn't mean to light a fuse with this thread...just excited to get the game is all...
  11. Ok, I'm officially losin' it! I am obssessed with getting this game. I don't know how you hard core followers have been able to do it. Yeah, I have watched the progression of the game through the years; but I never thought it would happen. (I regularly peruse and surf a lot of online game previews/reviews, subscribe to a couple of PC game magazines, etc. and checked into battlefront occasionally as I have the CM games). I LOVE WWII games and I want to play this one-BAD. Might as well hook an intravenous to me as I can't seem to stay away from the computer screen because I'm checking for the D/L. Soon enough, it will be,"Farewell, wife and kids...Dad is going off to War" ...Again...
  12. In the beginning, I will probably be most interested in single player action...if nothing else to get acclimated to the game and figure out how eveything works...but at some point I will also want to try out MP...Does the game have a chat feature for MP, or, do people prefer to use voice comms, something like teamspeak or ventrilo...in 2 vs. 2 etc, it will obviously be important to talk to your allie..
  13. iplay, I can relate to your post, and that is why I asked the question initially...I have played the games you mentioned and playing with "kids" or "uber" players just isn't any fun...there is no thought or immersion in the games...they just want to kill you and get on to the next "victim"...why not just play a shooting gallery game...I like the age mix in here...and I like most of the reasons people play...Hopefully, you're right, and some of us Old Timers will hit it off and we'll have some good MP experiences...
  14. Outstanding responses people!....I'm glad I asked the question and now I have to make sure I keep this thread as a reference...Looks like a good crowd...
  15. C'mon Troops! Rally! Keep the momemtum going for the anticipation of this game....I've pre-ordered and I can't wait for the e-mail notification to D/L...(I probably sound like one of the developers...LOL)...I need a WWII game fix!
  16. Ahhhhh, I am a happy man...Seems like there is a "mature" following here...Looking forward to the release of the game and playing with some of you!...
  17. Well, I'm finally "in" and pre-ordered....Ok, so let me D/L.....NOW!!!!! (LOL)....
  18. I'm in my late forties and I love all things WWII...I have tried all the WWII games and I enjoy all of the categories from turn-based strategy games to to semi-RTS to FPS...However, I have yet to find the "nirvana" of games, one that has just the right balance to satisfy, at least I haven't found it yet...I'm certainly not a grognard...but I am not a real casual gamer either...I like strategy and I like action/movement as well... This game intrigues me, so far...I like the prospect of a combination/mix of turn-based strategy and RTS and the scale (which appears to be smaller) suits my taste...I am looking for a game that won't overwhelm my senses (as most RTS games do) with too much going on and the requirement to to react without giving enough thought to the action...I need the game to immerse me!...I want to be there and feel like I'm part of the battle...(maybe the first person attributes of this game might help in this respect)...In MP, I want to play with and against like-minded people...I want to PLAY the game and not just go through the motions against some kid (or older person) who's only desire is win at all costs...I want to have FUN and be challenged and be able to interact and bond with the people I am playing with...Does anyone out here share or have a similar view or interest... Here's a little scenario- I picture a squad or platoon moving a long a road, through some woods towards a farm house (their objective)...it looks quiet...suddenly, an MG opens up and the fire fight starts...the farm house is fortified by an enemy platoon which is dug in and have orders to hold! From here its some small arms action, maybe a halftrack and tank or two and, and the thought process and strategy to try and flank the enemy and win the day...Nothing Grand or fancy...just some fun...and ok...maybe a squad or platoon is too small of a scale...but something in the company or so range....something manageable so you can get down into the dirt with your soldiers...is that the kind of game this is?....I sure hope so....Post up...I'm lookin' for some mates....or some adversaries...
  19. I am ready to pull the trigger and pre-order but I want to see more positive posts...I'm trying to get a better feel for the game and this gaming community..
  20. I know i saw this topic a while back, but I'm not sure if the question was ever answered...Can two people play cooperatively vs. AI/?... BTW, 1st time poster (just registered on forums) and I very excited about the game!!!!!
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