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Thanks PseudoSimonds. Interesting to read and watch smile.gif

Dirtweasle: I feel my Visa card wanting to be put to use.
Hehe same here smile.gif oh but wait I don't have a credit card. But 50 euros are lying next to me. Just reserved for this game.

I hope that I can spend them soon. (I never thought that I could say that ... my poor money) :eek: ;)

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this looks absolutely great....

only minor problem is that their are only VERY LARGE long undulating hills rather than the smaller dead ground and sharper rises you get in real life.

I mean some places will be exactly as described in the screenshots, long perfectly rounded hills stretching for 1km or more. In RL I noticed a lot of rough ground which is not flat or a soft gradient but sharp gadients perhaps within a smaller hill that is perfect for infantry only.

Are their any cliffs, overhangs or terrain that is impassable to tanks but not infantry??

Again, this is just a minor thing i noticed

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gunnersman, the trees do block your view, so you'll need to move your camera up or down sometimes.

Destraex, there are some cliffs, yes, and also some sharper rises and revines on the various maps. Looks like Blog entry two will be needed smile.gif


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While hand-to-hand combat itself is not animated (as in exchanging punches and kicks), the infantry soldier animations are incredble, and very detailed. Soldiers are not simply sitting there like in CM, but crawl, fire, reload, duck, go prone, jump up, get thrown back when hit and so forth. Keep in mind - one guy in TOW represents on guy in real life (not the roughly 1 to 3 or 4 ratio of CM), so the visuals are much less abstracted than in CM.


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Many thanks!


Isn't that a Sturmpanzer IV, rather than a StuH? The pictures are so stunning and detailed I'm having a Pavlovian experience in consequence. Unless the house was also on fire, shouldn't what gets thrown up when it collapses be called dust?

The infantry animations sound great, but I'm a bit concerned that we're going to be subjected to antiNewtonian Hollywood style bullet knockbacks and even flingbacks. Heaven forefend! Please make sure the devs see the recent MythBusters episode in which this very matter was addressed.

Bottom line: no handgun projectile (through .44 magnum) and no rifle projectile (through .30 '06)

even from 20 meters out generated enough impact force to cause a man weight pig carcass, in or out of body armor, to fall off a knife edge balancing point. The only shoulder fired weapon which did this was a 12 gauge firing a deer slug. Muscle contractions when hit? Fine. Men caught on the hop and off balance? Fine again. Please, please, though spare us the Hollywood experience. Instead, use the combat footage that exists of men getting shot and use that for animations. Will greatly add to the immersion factor.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by Moon:

While hand-to-hand combat itself is not animated (as in exchanging punches and kicks), the infantry soldier animations are incredble, and very detailed. Soldiers are not simply sitting there like in CM, but crawl, fire, reload, duck, go prone, jump up, get thrown back when hit and so forth. Keep in mind - one guy in TOW represents on guy in real life (not the roughly 1 to 3 or 4 ratio of CM), so the visuals are much less abstracted than in CM.


I love details so I'll follow up with another question along the same lines:

Do the troops increase their fire output when in close quarters ? Do they fire longer bursts and more frequently ?


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Originally posted by John Kettler:

MythBusters episode in which this very matter was addressed.

MythBusters, eh ?

what a reference.

there goes any creditbility...

men toppling over from small arms fire is a simple function of energy(target) of the projectile, impact location w/r/t weight distribution/Schwerpunkt of the target incl. leverage effects (habitus of the target person), and the ability of the projectile to pass off the momentum it carries onto the target (i.e., a .30-06 will simply make a clean hole so it cannot transfer its momentum onto target; the regular 9mm Parabellum also has a tendency to pass through target and hence transfer only a fraction of the energy it has (roughly 500 Joule IIRC) onto the target in the first place.)

It is OBVIOUS that Hollywood is, well, Hollywood. People are not flipping over like that.

But, PLEASE, ... MythBusters LOL...

And the NO is not an absolute given the right circumstances. You bet that a 4kJ rifle projectile that somehow manages to transfer all of its momentum onto target, at a location far above the Schwerpunkt, *will* knock a standing man-weight man-sized object over.

But in a ToW game scenario the question is a different one.

Knocking people over isn't the issue.

If in a ToW-type melee the opponents empty their automatic weapons and rifles into the other guy's body/head from 5 meters apart the results in RealLife would be, uh, rather spectacular... bloody, gory, Real Read (images of Jordanes' account of the battle of the Catalaunian Fields come to mind).

The question is, do we really want an ultimately realistic portrayal, or a more, well, Hollywood-style representation of effects?

If there isnt going to be the real mess anyhow we can just as well have comical flipovers.

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If piullboxes can be entered and crewed by infantry, why not make all houses a special type of pillbox to allow their entry? I imagine pilboxes have shooting positions and armor values, with a bit of tweaking, couldn't this be done for houses?

I know you were saying it's a complex UI issue, and I believe you. So why not circumvent that by having the house stay opaque and having it's own "crewed" (occupied) icon. There's no real need to see the guys inside.

Just an idea.

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Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by John Kettler:

MythBusters episode in which this very matter was addressed.

MythBusters, eh ?

what a reference.

there goes any creditbility...


It is OBVIOUS that Hollywood is, well, Hollywood. People are not flipping over like that.

But, PLEASE, ... MythBusters LOL...


The question is, do we really want an ultimately realistic portrayal, or a more, well, Hollywood-style representation of effects?

If there isnt going to be the real mess anyhow we can just as well have comical flipovers. </font>

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No Hollywood motion capture that I have seen. I guess you took the "thrown back" comment I made above too literally.

Fire output does seem to increase at close ranges but I haven't specifically tested it.

Other Means, this idea was mentioned by someone else a few days ago. The main problem is that this little abstraction works for fairly small things like a pillbox - which isn't much bigger than a tank the way it's represented int he game - but won't work for some as big as a house. In TOW, houses are HUGE when compared to the scale of the game, which is a single soldier. It simply wouldn't look right and wouldn't play right, because the abstraction does not fit the rest of the game flow.


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