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Strategic command Alexander almost finished

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Hi there I can report to you that our team has almost finished modding and that playtesting can commence soon.


Skinning 98 %

Mapping 100%

Scripting 90 %

Data and army's and other stuff: 100 %.

The game will be very challenging and it will probably take you a week before winning. The Persian

AI is very Hard and everythhing depends on timing. Research in infantry or tanks has been disabled and the only way to gain elephants is to conquer india. Carthago is finished as a minor and same goes for Epirus as your Ally and Italy as the enemy of Epirus. Sparta is a minor and can be braught to your side by investing much MPP. Spartan army ain't that large though but you should always leave troops in Greece before attacking. As soon as you conquer Athens and Thebes a event occurs and it will start a war with

Persia and Athens will be a puppit nation under your command and you will receive additional units

after this. Persia will split into two once you have Captured Susa and Babylon. Bactria will emerge and Artaxerxes' Persia will emerge. You can than choose to attack them but then India will be at war with you.

One in all it is a challenging game both playing as Macedon as as Persia.

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Will be posting screenshots of playtesting this week. Encoutered major problem with the surrender script of Macedon for everytime the enemy takes Pella by surprise Macedon just sumply quits fighting even with 10 falanx and 20 pzetaroi and companions. Anyone any suggestions.? Ballance is ok but not good enough for it is still to easy to conquer Persia. If you want to be a ruler of Asia you will need some skills. City sieges are also improved. A supply will run out in days or years depending on the city. Added several historical events including Death of Philip (industry is larged like the transfer siberia effect bassicaly some mines start working), Persia gives aid to Greece (a concoy starts from Milite to Athens, Spartans attack Macedon (Sparta attacks Macedon). Edited the last models for the Indian War Elephants (india always has Heavy tanks level 5, Macedon and Persia can't build this type of unit. Added a new Nation Scythia (Massagetes) Bactria will now declare war on macedon when Persia falls and Scythia will join the war. (scythia has a high mobile army).

I am thinking on scripting a historical event Alexander Dies and you must defend against Diadochs.

Release date probably end June for I will be watching the World Championship Football wich The Netherlands will no doubt win.

Hope to please the mob with this mod. Special thanks to remy for skinning.

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Thanks Hubert I will take a look at the original scripts (USSR). Antother question that is on my mind Is if it is possible to script the possibillity for a later scorched eart. For example I have captured a city and only after that the event will occur. Also something important, is it possible to make a change in the game to make extra kinds of units (light infanty). Also made a Persian mobilisation.(after the fall of the city of Isus the persians will get a army each turn for free. Egypt declaring independence under macedonian command finnaly working. (althoug having problems with the unit supplies for they don't seem to work correct in Egypt.

Tommorow another update with hopefully some screens of the map.

will be posting an AAR on multiplayer in 2 weeks.

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A question to Hubert. Will it be possible to let a certain amount of units die when walking trough desert? Because I have made the Gedrosian dessert and historicaly alexander lost a great amount of men crossing it. It would be like a ship in a storm losing a point. Also confronted a problem with the amphibious assault scripts for if Epirus (the tird Greek Major) want to assault the Italian mainland if playing Persia it just doesn't occur while I can't find any mistakes in scripts. Beta version will be available soon but I have some other concerns on the moment for running the family bussines now my parents are gone. Remy will inform you on further progress. Only one playtester has managed to subdue Persia and has been trying very often so it is almost impossible but not impossible. The key will be to take out Persian coastal city's in Asia minor and Syria.

Still working on the death of Alexander script. It will be like you are Perdicass and Egypt declares independence same as Macedon in 323 BC June 10th. This event doesn't always occurs!

Will post the first Beta tommorow but first I must make a site to link it.

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1. At the moment I don't have anything that could handle strength point losses although a new script could handle that, similar to the supply script, and this has often been suggested even for situations like the War in Russia to better simulate the winter of '41. No promises though if such a script will ever come about but who knows? ;)

2. Best bet is to release the Beta version and perhaps some within the mod community here will find the script error. If not I can certainly look a little further into it code wise and if there is a bug correct it for the next patch.

Either way, looking forward to see what you might come up with wrt this customization smile.gif

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The problem is that the ship effect is a coded effect and not happening via scripts so it would be tricky to have a similarily coded effect for land units as I am sure not everyone would agree with this for all situations... so in this case I think it would be better to have this via a script (with much more control) if it becomes available.

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critical failure of my pc yesterday made me unable to post the link so I must post it today cause after tomorow I will be away to sydney for a month so I pray to god it will work otherwise I will try to burn it to cd and post in sydney.

Pc faillure because it overheated because I put in a dual core intel extreme processor and forgot to buy a good salaman cooler. Mix this with hot weather and destroy your pc. New cooler not yet installed but soon.

Sorry for the people waiting on the mod. I hope I can ad it tomorow.

Only god knows

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  • 4 weeks later...

LOL, I would love to see the War of the Rings, either the first war or the second... but while we are at it, with this editor it would be possible to make anything and thus we could make a star wars mod... with the attacks on other worlds (islands i am guessing or just stick to a main world) we could have the Jedi as HQ uints and the order to kill them off and all that...

Sorry to much detail there but can't wait to play this mod... oh and go Bactria!

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Originally posted by Xanos:

LOL, I would love to see the War of the Rings, either the first war or the second... but while we are at it, with this editor it would be possible to make anything and thus we could make a star wars mod... with the attacks on other worlds (islands i am guessing or just stick to a main world) we could have the Jedi as HQ uints and the order to kill them off and all that...

Sorry to much detail there but can't wait to play this mod... oh and go Bactria!

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