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Exapnded Custom Scenario

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In my overzealousness to install the new patch I went and installed it without first checking on the map size of my custom scenario. I need this before I can have the scenario updated to V1.03. Can someone please open my scenario and report on the map size?

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Errors: it seems to me, that the naval loop from Bangkok to the indian ocean still doesn't work, since nothing happens to my japanese units when I move onto the arrows. At the same time the sea around Bangkok and even the indian ocean is labeled as "Mediterranean Sea" which is obviously wrong. Especially the lacking naval loop is annoying, since there is no use then for the nice japanese fleets near Bangkok. I can't even disband them (no option there), so they look just nice but are of no use, which is especially too bad since I would need them to conquer Rangoon.

Some suggestions to Honch:

1. I realized that you could increase the map size still to quite an amount, so why not include more like a bigger africa, South America or even Japan?

2. I strongly support all requests to keep the Swiss in the game like in the original. I read your comments on that but still propose this...I'm swiss myself and Hubert changed the wrong swiss capital "Zurich" to the correct "Bern" on my request in 1.03...

3. I started a HonchV6 in 1.03 as an allied player and was suprised to see one german unit in the siegfried line to withdraw backwards in the first or second turn (don't remember well) instead of reinforcing the line against the french, which makes really no sense and would allow the french to occupy and destroy the fortification at once.

4. Last and most important comment: keep up your great work! I'm critizising to improve not to disencourage you! I love your work and can imagine how much time you invest in this. Keep at any circumstances up the work!

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OK, I have it converted now and will upload sometime today.

I am not sure what is happening with that Naval loop. I will check the script and if I still can't figure it out I will simply cut a hole in Malaya to allow the units to pass through until I have the time to move the map East.

I played a game versus the Axis last night and everything worked fine, the Germans did not leave the Siegfried line.

Other changes:

1. I reduced all of the corps attack values to one as per what Hubert did in the patch.

2. As the hull of the Graf Spee was laid down in 1939 and just awaiting completion (which Hitler never authorized) I added the Graf Spee at value one and made the cost of carriers expensive for Germany. This will make it expensive for the Germans to outfit the carrier but it gives a great "what-if" possibility.

3. I have adjusted the alternate convoys after the fall of the UK to go to Canada.

4. Germany, USA, France and UK start at level one IW on all units. Italy and Russia start at level one IW tech but need to upgrade their units.

5. The reason the Indian Ocean says Med is that I used that weather zone for the Indian Ocean. Its just a weather zone, not an actual name.

6. I opened up Siberia to have a direct link from Irkutsk to Vladivostok as there were problems when the Far East reserves were activated.

The new version will say Version 7.

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OK, its on cmmods.

The map changes will have to wait until Version 8 but I have removed the Bangkok to Indian Ocean naval loop that was causing problems and extended Malaya south. That will do for now.

I also had a chance to fill out France with some of the major towns.

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Long time no see! smile.gif

Anyway, it took me a while to notice that German cities, especially in Western Germany are far off. Not much can be done because the whole geography is quite contorted in that area. However, here my suggestions to get things a bit more straight:

1) Rename major city "Dusseldorf" to "Essen"

2) Move major city "Frankfurt" to 78,17 where atm a minor city "Essen" is located. Delete that one.

While the Western region of Germany is cramped, the Eastern region is a bit bloated and comparatively empty. I suggest to add the following minor cities:

1) Minor city Stettin 86,14

2) Minor city Frankfurt (Oder) 86,16 (This is because the last major battle at the river Oder happened here)

3) Minor city Breslau 89,17

4) Minor city Danzig (92,13) (maybe)

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I have noticed that Rommel has a command rating of 10 in version. Why is that? It seems a bit overrated to me, otherwise i just whant to point out that you have done an excellent job with your campign. And ohh i almost forgot the last game i played and the only one in version 7 so far, the allies declared war on Italy in late 1939. It didnt seem they had any plan for it besides placing a Fighter close to the Italian frontline :/

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I will fix those German cities, nice to have you back Major. My knowledge of German cities is very limited. I always thought that Dusseldorf was a big one.

I think that Rommel and Manstein are both 10s. Eisenhower and Zhukov are also tens. Patton is a 9.

I also played against the Allied AI and they DOw'd Italy in 1939 but didn't bother attacking into Libya or in force against Italy itself, very unexpected (thats good) but strange.

Remember, I did not touch the AI at all.

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Eisenhower was not a smart general just the diplomatic man able to solve problems between english an yankees. Patton on the otherhand was one of the greatest generals in the war. Zhukovs victory at stalingrad wasn't that great because he lost over a million men! rommel is a 10 definately manstein too but Fedor von Bock wasn't bad. Montgomery definately a ten along with patton. Zhokov a 8 or so and eisenhower a seven.

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Some explanation regarding my suggestion about city placement in Western Germany: Dusseldorf has to go simply because it occupies the spot where Essen has to be. Essen has to represent the Ruhr Area (with the mine next to it). It is most important because the Krupp clan and their factories were there.

Actually I toyed with the idea to suggest renaming Frankfurt to Cologne, but it is probably better to keep Frankfurt and just move it a bit away from the Rhine to the spot where it belongs. I´m currently trying to test Honch7, however the dreaded "thinking bug" affects me as early as October 39!!! :eek:

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@Preusse: I do not have experience with multiplayer. However, against the AI I find it somewhat easier to win with the Allies due to the stuff you can transfer from Asia via the Red Sea to the Med. This allows taking Africa away from the Axis in 41 already. However, maybe a good Axis player can counter that, I don´t know. Playing Axis against the AI is definitely harder (at least it takes longer to win).

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Here is my test report on the HONCHV7-Campaign playing as the allies:

The axis AI is not very bright. I conquered germany by mid '42, then italy. Since there seems to be no victory condition for the allies, I had to fight on a) Sweden (who joined the axis) and B) the japanese forces in SE-Asia. After destroying every japanese unit in SE-Asia, the war went on though. I developed my russian paratroops to the maximum (range 5), but was never able to reach Tokio (what perhaps makes sense, but the russian airplanes could easily reach tokio and bombard it). I'm developing atomic bombs right now, but it gets very annoying just waiting turn to turn for years just to get the A-bomb and then (as I guess) not being able to even attack Tokio.

All in all, playing as the allies isn't that much fun in this campaign, because a) you sure defeat germany within 2-3yrs and B) the whole war develops mostly on the original map, so the nice rest of the world that Honch added is kind of in vain.

So far my report. I feel (like Honch himself) that Japan MUST be integrated in the game as a major nation. The way it is implemented right now, it's just "nice" but not of great importance to the game, certainly as long as you play as an allied.

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There is no way to force a surrender on an active nation so Tokyo will always remain at war even if Siam is conquered. But maybe this is OK as the Japan-US conflict is abstracted "off-map" in this scenario. Japan should not surrender just because Bangkok falls. However, even come September 1945, Japan will announce its surrender but I cannot force it to be so, the only thing that will happen is that all Japanese resources will remain at zero for the remainder of the game via a supply script.

Unfortunately it is true that the Axis AI is weak. I never touched it. We just have to hope for better improvements from Hubert, Normal Dude or Timskorn etc.

I will convert the scenario to V1.04 and have the map changes completed soon.

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