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New CMC screenshots


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While the team is busy working internally to finish the preparations for a new closed beta, we have thought it might be good to also publish a few new screenshots for Combat Mission Campaigns as a visual proof that the beast is still alive - despite (understandable) claims to the contrary :)

You will find a brief series of shots in the Screenshot Section for CMC, giving a first sense of how CMC as the "strategic layer" is meant to interact with the "tactical layer" of Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin. As a bonus, a recently added feature is shown as well - bridge weight limits. Playing CMC, you will soon enough learn to respect those :)

Link to the Screenshots CMC section:


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could you clean up the way the images are handled? They show up as 1/1 in separate galleries. Just lump them together in a single gallery or take them out of the galleries completely. The way it is now isn't very user friendly.

And now, to criticisms:

Is "Sturmgeschutze battery" as seen on the briefing screen proper German? Sounds to me like it's saying assaultguns battery, which I don't think is correct even in German.

But that's just a little nitpick. What really raised my eyebrows is that features are being added. Erm... you may not have noticed but this game is way, way, waaaay over due. Drop whatever new thing you guys wanted to add, fix up whatever you've got and get this thing out the door. Having said that, you guys probably shouldn't be listening to me. By the time this reaches market it'll be essentially an expansion for a six year old game. You'd have to pretty much be giving it away for me to even consider buying. And I frigging loved CMBB.

And they think I'm BFC's lackey over at The Annex. Go figure!

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Elmar, unfortunately the captions that are supposed to go with the new screens don't show up (a bug of the greybox gallery script) so it was necessary to show them one by one.

You're right about everything else you said. This feature was in fact added some time ago but only now made public. The team is focussing on "wrapping it up".

Everyone involved is aware that CMC is coming out too late to become the next blockbuster seller. Judging from emails there is still a fan base waiting for it which we do not want to disappoint. We're certainly not pressing to finish this game to make money.


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"Everyone involved is aware that CMC is coming out too late to become the next blockbuster seller. Judging from emails there is still a fan base waiting for it which we do not want to disappoint. We're certainly not pressing to finish this game to make money.--Martin"

That's OK,as long as they make this CD widescreen compatible I'm more than happy to shell out the bucks to get back to CM.

Cool, can't wait to play some of my old PBEM budies again.

Can't wait!

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Wonderful news, and the bridge rating feature is cool! Now, if we can just get this one out, preferably with the AFV and vehicle spillover that wouldn't fit on the CMBB, the requested CMBB weapon performance tweaks, and proper running gear on that stubby StuG III in the game screen, we'd be all set.

Delighted to see that we didn't wait all this time only to encounter a belated cancellation!


John Kettler

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What I would really like to know is whether we get fixes for the CMBB under this?

Fortifications bug?

Resolutions not limited to 1600 and 1200, respectively?

Upgrade bog and turn rates to what CMAK uses?

No command delay in turn 1 so that moving a bunch of T-34s down a road doesn't have 180 seconds delay?

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I think CMBB will always be on my hard drive anyway but this will add even more depth to what is already a recognised classic. It will be great way to wrap up the old engine, so were all rooting for you lot to get it out. Oh and is it wishful thinking that you would hazard a guess as to when it may possibly appear?

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sonar, don't even go there smile.gif

However, we're in a state of "now or never". Meaning: this is the last attempt to complete it for commercial release. If it fails, for whatever reason (and there have been PLENTY in the past years, from disappearing staff to personal setbacks), we will close shop and probably release what we have as open source beta.

So one way or another, it will be soon.


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Originally posted by Moon:

sonar, don't even go there smile.gif

However, we're in a state of "now or never". Meaning: this is the last attempt to complete it for commercial release. If it fails, for whatever reason (and there have been PLENTY in the past years, from disappearing staff to personal setbacks), we will close shop and probably release what we have as open source beta.

So one way or another, it will be soon.


Soon? :cool:
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I would hate to bring up any bad vibes to this wonderful news but is there any way that the initial CMBB engine wil be updated so that it will run under DX8 or DX9 (or we can only hope DX10). From reading the boards, it appears that if I upgrade to a ATI 38xx card, CMBB will no longer function.

I would hate to miss out on this wonderful project for hardware reasons.

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So if it fails this time it will be thrown away? Seems strange to say this after a new raft of screenshots and a website have been opened too it????? Which leads to the inevitable:

How many times has it failed already?

Why has it failed?

Also, not trying to take anything away from the concept, which I find brilliant, but the screenshots look like TOAW 3d screens but without the depth of terrain. This is 2008, not 1998, how can I tell what terrain I will be fighting in from a paltry strategic map that I see in a screenshot?

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Originally posted by Canada Guy:

I would hate to bring up any bad vibes to this wonderful news but is there any way that the initial CMBB engine wil be updated so that it will run under DX8 or DX9 (or we can only hope DX10). From reading the boards, it appears that if I upgrade to a ATI 38xx card, CMBB will no longer function.

I would hate to miss out on this wonderful project for hardware reasons.

CMx1 problems are only with DX10 cards, there's no problem with DX9 or below AFAIK. (or as Moon stated it's the other way round, compatibility was purposedly broken by eeeeeevil M$).
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Originally posted by GSX:

So if it fails this time it will be thrown away? Seems strange to say this after a new raft of screenshots and a website have been opened too it????? Which leads to the inevitable:

How many times has it failed already?

Why has it failed?

Also, not trying to take anything away from the concept, which I find brilliant, but the screenshots look like TOAW 3d screens but without the depth of terrain. This is 2008, not 1998, how can I tell what terrain I will be fighting in from a paltry strategic map that I see in a screenshot?

Not "thrown away". But if we don't manage to pull the team together for a final wrap up phase now, we're going to stop further development and release what we have "as is" to the community. You have been waiting long enough to not be left empty-handed one way or another.

The project has not "failed" in the past, unless you regard the massive delay (it was started in 2001 (!) as a secret project already, back then still targetting CMBO...) as a failure. Which, I guess, it kind of is in a way. However, it has been delayed for so long now that we simply have to draw a line at some point. Sometimes it's better to shoot the horse instead of letting it suffer smile.gif

The delays in the past have been caused by a multitude of things, many of which are private and are therefore not public business. Some include team members dropping out or just real life interfering in general.

We have now sat down with all involved to discuss options, and to finally commit to "sh*t or get off the pot". The recent developments are a result of this commitment to finish this project.

The maps in CMC correspond very well to the actual maps you'd be fighting over in CMBB. You will learn to "read" the CMC map fairly well.

Having said that - CMC is definitely using a pretty old codebase. There is little we can do about it without causing further massive delays to get the game out.


PS. By the way, not sure if it's "public knowledge" but you do not actually need CMBB to play CMC. All battles can be also auto-resolved, and then CMC becomes basically a nice (and pretty detailed) operational game on its own. In fact, during the course of a medium sized campaign you will probably want to auto-resolve some battles. If you'd want to play all of them out to the last bit you'll need a long time to finish even a small campaign.

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