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It's a Man's Life in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by Zemke:

Well Nidan1 I just thought I would post what I thought, as everyone else was posting what they thought, now we see what you think about what I thinking, but that is ok because we all will never agree.

Don't misunderstand me Zinski....I completely dismiss everything you say, not because I don't agree, but just because you are an SSN, and NOTHING you post is of any interest to anyone in here.

Please read the rules or contact Joe Shaw for a personal clarification, if you need one. Otherwise don't let the drawbridge hit you in the ass on the way out.

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Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

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Originally posted by Zemke:


Just for you, I think I may stick around awhile...

Now look you here Skimpy, we can't out and out prohibit the lads from responding to you since you do have an email address and location in your profile. So even though you ARE an Okie we have to give you a pass on that.

But you are most assuredly an SSN and as such should feel nothing but a wave of intense pleasure and gratitude if any one of the lads does so much as spit on the top of your no doubt scabbed over and lice ridden scalp.

This is the Peng Challenge Thread and I am the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and you'll watch your "P's and Q's" or I'll know the reason why ... maybe ... if I happen to be online when you depart from the "P's and Q's" and attempt to move on to the "Q's and R's" for example ... or even the "W's and X's" ... or ... well you get the idea.

As the Peng Challenge Thread only accepts the most qualified of applicants it behooves me (actually today it only behoofs me since one of my feet ... foots ... whatever, is a bit gimpy) to advise you to:

{iiiv] CHALLENGE SOMEONE ... to a game of CM of course, in some flavor. Someone of a like status as yourself ... that is to say NONE ... and then post clever and witty AARs to amuse us. Failure to do so will clearly mark you as yet another interloper without the skills to put two words together without duct tape and ten penny nails.

(ipso defacto] You are judged here by your words ... use them well, use them wisely ... if in doubt just read what Abbott posts and then do the opposite.

I wouldn't have to go into such depth on this if Seanachai had only posted the RULES PROPERLY in the first post.

I blame this infestation of SSNs on him, of course, poor rules lead to poor applicants.


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Fresh meat. This should drive PShaw! farther round the bend.

Bah, Gun control Schmun control. I firmly support amendment 2. I do not own any guns myself, but think the anti-gun tards are every bit as awful as the anti fourth amendment tards like our new pet rimjob... The people who really piss me off are the anti 9th.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

That's the one - the one that ass-bag Scalia calls a 'hiccup' - That is the one that everyone forgets because they don't understand what it means. It means that just because all the rights one has from just being alive aren't written down, spelled out, carved in huge block letters on stone for the unabashedly illiterate or added as an after thought to the constitution by the several states doesn't mean you do not have those rights, whatever they may be. It is the most important to me, not because I don't love the first, second, third and fourth. OK I love the fifth too, something law and order bullet heads hate, of course, because it undermines the authority of the state to screw you.

But that beautiful 9th - it means EVERYTHING. And no one pays it any attention. It is the lonely amendment because no one really thinks about what it means. It is too vague and slippery for the lawyers to pin actual behavior to, and it is too easy to make up a right like the right to display your privates in a window on Maundy Thursday instead of passing out maundy money. Or something.

Everyone should be armed. Heavily. Especially now. we are in a ****e-spiral into barbarism, the signs are all here. Eat or be eaten. When martial law is declared and society breaks down, and it will soon enough after the next big terror attack, there is no stopping it, not by pissing away time and energy making ordinary citizens take their shoes off at the airport - god that is just so idiotic - the next big attack is coming and it will foment the biggest ****estorm we have seen since North v South. Just hope you are on the right side of the barricades when the thing happens.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Stammer4250 and Abbott are perfect poster boys for gun control. Allowing mental defectives to have weapons is certainly not reassuring.

They do play nicely together, maybe each will shoot the other.

I think they should start a thread together ... I never thought I'd miss the Gawdawfuller thread but it did serve the purpose of keeping some of the lesser lights amused and out of our hair.


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Peng you're doing this just to annoy me aren't you? All the political jaunts into the weeds are just a ploy to get people like stammer1984 all worked up and force BFC to come in and shut down the MBT at long last. But why you want it shut down is beyond me, it bears your name after all and where else would you go where people HAD to listen to your rants?

Look ... I'M SORRY I didn't send a turn back in CMBB, I was just joking around and you took it seriously. GAWD ... you'd think I made you take your shoes off or something.

And here's a tip from an experienced traveller ... WEAR SOCKS THAT DON'T HAVE HOLES NEXT TIME.

Now KNOCK IT OFF or face the wrath of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread ... don't MAKE me sic Boo Radley on you.


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Originally posted by Abbott:

I love...the Beach Boys!

Right. That's it. Abbott, I have been tolerant of your many abuses, your blatant disregard for all civilized values, for your many barbarisms, for your lack of personal hygiene even, but this time you have gone too far. This means WAR! Prepare to defend yourself from a horror beyond your wildest nightmares. I am forthwith ordering the Free Mexican Airforce to drop the ABBA bomb on you. And that's just for starters. Then comes the 1,000 hour Annette Funicello Festival. Oh, you'll pay all right! You'll be jamming pencils into your ears to try to make it stop. But we have ways of channelling these sounds directly into your brain...what little there is of it left. Be prepared to suffer. You have been warned.


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Originally posted by Gyrene:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rammer4250:

Not much!!! A couple of S&W .357s and a Glock .45 GAP. All I need is one though. For the bastard coming to take my guns away.

You couldn't keep the Man from taking your pea shooters away from you if you tried.

You're no bin Laden. </font>

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Originally posted by Zemke:

Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

So you agree, let's have no security. You guys are genius'. It's obvious you can't stop everything. Oh wait! That's right they attacked us by airplane again while I was sleeping the last 7 years. That does it let's put away security we certainly don't need it. While we are at it let's cut down all the fences around our military bases and send security home. It doesn't work. Peng and Zemke says so.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rammer4250:

Not much!!! A couple of S&W .357s and a Glock .45 GAP. All I need is one though. For the bastard coming to take my guns away.

You couldn't keep the Man from taking your pea shooters away from you if you tried.

You're no bin Laden. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I say...let's give all illegals drivers licenses, and while we are at it...send them all to pilots school....this way if they can't drive to their landscaping jobs, they can at least fly planes......... to their landscaping jobs.


Brilliant idea by my great governor Spitzer. Now he's a jerkoff.

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